Feeling special

Affection that Grows

After Jackson and Mark first met there had been many times that Mark had found the younger male endearing and quite adorable, he'd lost count over the times he'd just found himself thinking 'how cute' whenever he looked at Jackson— this wasn't something that he'd admit to the male all that easily. Then there were other moments— when Jackson tried to be cute, after having the Korean culture affect him; the aegyo culture. Mark had caught Jackson a few times when he acted cute on purpose, but to Mark—Jackson was the cutest whenever he was looking at something he liked, be it dancing, listening to music or fencing.

   "Oi— Mark hyung, c'mere and look at this," Jackson mused as he had noticed the male coming into the living room, he smiled widely at the other and pointed at his computer screen, "I'd like for you to see this hyung," he was excited— it had been a while since he'd seen a clip like this and he wanted to share it with someone and Mark would be that someone.

   Mark raised a brow and looked at the male, taking note of his happy smile before moving towards the couch— slumping down next to the younger and throwing a quick glance at the screen his friend was smiling so widely at, "What're you watching Jackson?" he asked, putting an arm around the male's shoulder he leaned forward to get a closer look, "Wait—" he uttered silently as he noticed the familiar surname that was in the video, "Is this you?" Mark threw a quick look over at Jackson and noticed his nostalgic stare.

   Mm, it was him. He'd found an old clip of himself in a fencing duel, "Yea— Don't I look cool?" he asked the elder in a cheeky tone, while staring at the clip he found himself missing the feel of holding a saber in his hands and being in a duel. Before he'd learned to dance that was how he let out his frustrations and anger— training with a saber somehow always had done the trick.

   "Looking at this—" Mark started poking the male's cheek to get his attention back from his thoughts, "Even you have a different side— it's quite cool to look at yes." Mark turned his eyes back to the computer screen to look at the match— yes he found the younger quite endearing whenever he saw sides like these to him. Not on the screen but whenever he'd see sides that no one else had seen— probably.

   Jackson turned his head to stare at the male— somehow this compliment felt different than the others, he found himself enjoying the words the elder had spoken to him and couldn't help up smile; feeling a little bashful as he continued to watch the match, "I'll show you one day hyung—."

It was true though— Mark was one of the few people that had seen this side of Jackson. After all Jackson wanted everyone to see the funny side of him— not the sentimental, nostalgic and serious him but, he let Mark see this before— it had made Mark feel special it was during these moments that Mark felt that he was different from the others and Jackson knew, but it was true. Mark wasn't like everyone else—​ no he was someone that he had to have perfect team work with and so that was the reason Jackson thought it was important to show these sides of himself. 

Because what other reason could it be?

Wha it's already the forth chapter, AM I WRITING TO QUICKLY??? IS IT GOOD? DO YOU ENJOY IT? -has a bunch of worries- 

Anyways I hope you all enjoy this chapter as well.

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Besides people--- I have a question, should this be just a brotp fic? or should there be romance later? click here to vote!

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KimBeLy #1
Chapter 10: ohhh unnie fighting !!! 'll wait forward to the update :D omo I really love this fic ;)
KimBeLy #2
Chapter 1: mmm ... a good start :)
thelillcat #3
Chapter 10: good luck with everything in your life, we will be here waiting for you
Chapter 9: aww take care unnie!! ur health is the no.1 priority!
n i feel like u didnt fail at all! this chapter really shows a lot of improvements in their relatiinship as they r getting less awkward n more romantic KYAAA~!!!

please do update soon, but please dont rush! im worried abt ur health as well >,<
FIGHTING unnie¡ <3 <3
Spaghettisoda #5
Chapter 9: They're so sweet!!!! The story 's so cute and real ....I can imagine them from ur story
And the kiss under the full moon!! How's sweet!!! ❤❤❤can't wait until next chapter
Thanks so much
Chapter 9: Awww ain't that cute?!!! Romantic kiss under full moon and two hot boys making out asdfghjkl update soon ♡♡♡
suzysugus #7
Chapter 8: I can totally imagine them like that and it's amazing T__T Please update soon! it's great <3
Chapter 8: Aah soo sweet!!! This chapter made my day better even after studying math all day long haha~
love the fact that Mark is maving the first move n "threatens" Jackson with hus deep voice (*0*)

N i think u did great on writing the kissing scene heheh <3 n i think the length of the chapter is fine ;)

Please do update soon again!! Hwaiting author-unnie! <3