Moving into the same dorm.

Affection that Grows

It wasn't long after their first meeting that both Jackson and Mark moved into the same dorm— for some reason to them it was only natural that they shared a room. They were going to be working together from now on and being one of the new English speakers amongst the trainees it would be good for the both of them— studying Korean together would be a nice way of boosting up their team work. Sure they would practice it on their own— but sometimes they learned together.

Today however was an important day— because they were actually moving into the same dorm, a place they would share with others but they would be living in the same dorm; getting to know eachother better than anyone else knew them and Mark knew that Jackson had already moved into the dorm but he'd never expect that the first thing he'd seewhen he opened the door was Jackson, casually walking around in the livingroom in his boxers only.

    "DUDE—" Mark's voice was loud and it rang through the halls and the living room and Jackson who had reached his hand up to greet his new friend and roomate, found himself frozen. Sure they hadn't known eachother for that long but— he had no idea that the elder male could raise his voice like that.

   "Wh—what?" the light haired male stuttered, still frozen with his hand up in the air and a silly grin plastered on his face, feeling quite awkward while he stood there unable to move as Mark took off his shoes and entered the room.

    "Ever thought 'bout dressing?" Mark rolled his eyes and stared at the other with raised brows as he put his bag down by a wall, "Even though we're only guys living here—" with quick hand movements he pointed up and down Jackson's body, making the younger pull back his hands to cover up his chest with a shocked expression priding his facial features, "—That is not the first thing a guy'd like to see walking into a room."

Jackson coudln't help but feel slightly embarassed—after all this wasn't something he'd thought about when he stepped out of the shower and so but after the elder had mentioned it he quickly realized that this was not the smartests idea he'd come up with by far. The younger male threw a quick glance down at his almost body and suddenly felt a cold breeze, "Wait a minute—" his words were spoken in a hurry as he quickly disappeared into one of the rooms. Mark had managed to make himself feel a little more comfortable in the dorm as the male came out—this time wearing a t-shirt and jeans; as well as a silly grin on his face. Jackson moved carefully bowing his head slightly, mouthing the words sorry to the elder before he quickly made himself comfortable in the couch.

    "—So," Jackson voiced moving the tip of his feet quite bashfully, unsure of how to start a conversation with the elder again. He threw a quick glance over at the dark haired induvidual with a wrinkled nose as he tried to speak korean to him—he wanted to make the air lighter to breahte in cause for him right now it was a heavy awkward silence in the room, "Should we watch Music Bank— hyung?"

Mark squinted his eyes as he tried to grab what the male said— at least he was trying but wow, Jackson was almost as bad as him in Korean and that itself made the elder smile a little before he seated himself in the couch next to the younger male, nodding his head slowly. 

    "Whatever you said right now— let's do it," he replied in English with his normal, careful and soft voice. A toothy smile grew on Jackson's face as he grabbed the remote control to turn the television on, giving Mark a thumbs up, "Let's watch 2PM hyung's and Miss A sunbae's stages, they are both performing today."

Wah— I will not post this frequently I think... I'll just write when I feel inspired and today I feel inspired so I might even write another chapter who knows. 

I will not be spoiling you all like this on a normal day— just warning you all.

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KimBeLy #1
Chapter 10: ohhh unnie fighting !!! 'll wait forward to the update :D omo I really love this fic ;)
KimBeLy #2
Chapter 1: mmm ... a good start :)
thelillcat #3
Chapter 10: good luck with everything in your life, we will be here waiting for you
Chapter 9: aww take care unnie!! ur health is the no.1 priority!
n i feel like u didnt fail at all! this chapter really shows a lot of improvements in their relatiinship as they r getting less awkward n more romantic KYAAA~!!!

please do update soon, but please dont rush! im worried abt ur health as well >,<
FIGHTING unnie¡ <3 <3
Spaghettisoda #5
Chapter 9: They're so sweet!!!! The story 's so cute and real ....I can imagine them from ur story
And the kiss under the full moon!! How's sweet!!! ❤❤❤can't wait until next chapter
Thanks so much
Chapter 9: Awww ain't that cute?!!! Romantic kiss under full moon and two hot boys making out asdfghjkl update soon ♡♡♡
suzysugus #7
Chapter 8: I can totally imagine them like that and it's amazing T__T Please update soon! it's great <3
Chapter 8: Aah soo sweet!!! This chapter made my day better even after studying math all day long haha~
love the fact that Mark is maving the first move n "threatens" Jackson with hus deep voice (*0*)

N i think u did great on writing the kissing scene heheh <3 n i think the length of the chapter is fine ;)

Please do update soon again!! Hwaiting author-unnie! <3