[ update ]

Affection that Grows




This is simply going to be an update on me cause the next chapter might come sometime this week .

I am having some problems in my personal life with family so I am not sure when, this will be deleted when I post up the chapter.

Thank you all for the patience and love you are giving me and this story.

- Hanne

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KimBeLy #1
Chapter 10: ohhh unnie fighting !!! 'll wait forward to the update :D omo I really love this fic ;)
KimBeLy #2
Chapter 1: mmm ... a good start :)
thelillcat #3
Chapter 10: good luck with everything in your life, we will be here waiting for you
Chapter 9: aww take care unnie!! ur health is the no.1 priority!
n i feel like u didnt fail at all! this chapter really shows a lot of improvements in their relatiinship as they r getting less awkward n more romantic KYAAA~!!!

please do update soon, but please dont rush! im worried abt ur health as well >,<
FIGHTING unnie¡ <3 <3
Spaghettisoda #5
Chapter 9: They're so sweet!!!! The story 's so cute and real ....I can imagine them from ur story
And the kiss under the full moon!! How's sweet!!! ❤❤❤can't wait until next chapter
Thanks so much
Chapter 9: Awww ain't that cute?!!! Romantic kiss under full moon and two hot boys making out asdfghjkl update soon ♡♡♡
suzysugus #7
Chapter 8: I can totally imagine them like that and it's amazing T__T Please update soon! it's great <3
Chapter 8: Aah soo sweet!!! This chapter made my day better even after studying math all day long haha~
love the fact that Mark is maving the first move n "threatens" Jackson with hus deep voice (*0*)

N i think u did great on writing the kissing scene heheh <3 n i think the length of the chapter is fine ;)

Please do update soon again!! Hwaiting author-unnie! <3