
Stay close ♡



Chapter 5: Worth  


The couple had walked to the nearby Han river where there was lights and water display.

“Wow it's nice and peaceful here...”Naeun whispered.

“Haven't you been here?” Taemin asked.

“ Yes, once. But I've hardly gotten out a lot since the brand started expanding.” This place reminded her of a painfully bittersweet memory that took place here ,so she shoved it forcefully aside to the back of her mind. She was with Taemin now, not him.

“I wanted to ask you something.” He confessed.

 He breathed in and suddenly kneeled opening a small velvet box which had a very very very expensive looking ring.

"Son Naeun will you marry me?" He was proposing... Naeun's eyes widened and her mind went blank.

"I know we just met and with this whole forced marriage and I know you're not exactly thrilled by the idea but I want to make this work...I-" He stopped cause he was so startled. Did he just have a breakthrough?

She had pulled him up and hugged him tightly.

"Who could say no to that ?" she whispered into the hug.

"Really? You're saying yes?!"

"Yes. Yes I will marry you."

"But I had a whole speech prepared...'' he trailed off.

She smiled at his adorableness.

"Why did you do this? It's an arranged marriage." He shrugged.

"I just thought that every bride deserves a proposal. A real one. Of grand proportioned gestures. Not the signing of stock holders"

"Lee Taemin, you are the sweetest guy."

"You think? I've never really had the chance to date." He admitted shyly.

“Me too. Can we...can we take it slow?”

"Of course, we did just meet. Let’s be friends first. Then I guess we'll be  more comfortable with each other".

She nodded and smiled. Gently he took her hand and slipped the ring through her ring finger. The diamond glittered even against the dim lights, it was a silver band with a diamond in the middle, very simple yet so beautiful.

"It's so pretty." She squealed in utter awe.

"Come on, let's go to dinner!"

"Dinner?" She asked confusedly.

"You didn't think I'd propose then send you home with an empty stomach right?"

"Besides I've been craving for some meat..."

"You like meat too?" She asked him.

"Its my favourite!"

"Mine too !!!" She shouted excitedly.

"Come on, I know a great steakhouse just around the corner"

 And they walked to the restaurant with their fingers tightly interlaced and their laughter bubbling from their lips.




After that, Naeun and Taemin had became closer. They conversed openly and found out they had many similarities; like both being Catholic and wearing rosary bracelets, they both eat meat as if they had bottomless pits in their stomachs’ and they both shared the same passion for dance when they were young. They weren't awkward anymore and day by day, Taemin fell more for her as she slowly opened her heart.





 Taemin and Naeun were on one of their "dates" and they had decided to bring a few of their friends so that they could all share stories and have a laugh.  

Taemin had invited his friend Suho, also Naeun’s sunbae, and his cousin Kai, whilst Naeun brought Eunji and Hayoung, a close friend of Naeun's who was a wedding planner and also happened to be planning their grand wedding.

Kai was telling Naeun about 10-year-old Taemin’s misadventures whilst the man himself was cringing.  

Suho and Eunji were discussing something by themselves...

Arising suspicion when they slyly exchanged phone numbers.  

"Won't it be fun to hook them up?" Naeun whispered to Taemin's ear.  

"Let's! " he whispered back.

"That tickles." She giggled and pulled away.

"Stop whispering you lovebirds. I wanna know too!" Hayoung pouted.

 Naeun tilted her head towards Suho and Eunji and Hayoung nodded understanding.

"Wouldn't it be fun if I planned another wedding? My wallet would grow fat…" Hayoung mused aloud.

“Suho hyung’s rich. I’m sure their wedding would be huge!” Kai said.  

"Eunji unnie's a perfectionist too... She'd be one scary client..." Naeun added.

"I'm not deaf you know!" She shouted at them.

"I'll be in a sec..." Taemin muttered as he touched his ear and winced exaggeratedly . The table burst into laughter and someone ordered a round of soju.  

When the clock struck midnight they all decided to call it a night and head home. Suho had promised Naeun to take a heavily intoxicated Eunji home after she drank a little too much soju. She had made a bet with Taemin that she could stay sober after 3 glasses of soju... Obviously Taemin won that bet.  

Naeun had been slightly tipsy but was now sober.Nonetheless Taemin still accompanied her home. When they arrived infront of her door she turned to say thank you but he gave her a little box instead.  

"What's this?"

"Open it" He smiled. She did and inside was a small pendant engraved with the words: FOREVER.

"What? Don't tell me you're going to give me a piece of jewelry every time we meet?" she joked.

"It's for the wedding, I heard from Eunji you already had your something new and something blue. But you were struggling to find something old...so I did a bit of snooping around in the attic and I found this. It's an heirloom from my grandmother. My grandfather gave it to her on their wedding day but I thought you'd want it earlier." He explained.

"Oh Taemin, this is too precious. I can't accept this"  

"It's already yours...

I'm already your's..."

She looked up to him, touched by his words and tiptoed and slowly pecked him on the lips. Just for a few seconds.It was like electricity coursed through them in those few seconds. Lips meeting in an eloquent kiss. But it left both of them surprised and blushing. He rubbed the back of his neck shyly.  

"Are you still drunk?" he asked in disbelief. She playfully hit him on the arm.

"Aniya...you were just too cheesy, I had to make you stop."

"Ey~" he . She turned a brighter hue of pink, if that was even possible and stuttered a goodnight.

Both smiled as Naeun closed and leaned against the door whilst Taemin whistled a tune as he walked away from her house.

"I lost my mind~" he sang softly against the cold gust of the wind.




Annyeong yorebun!

I was gonna update earlier but I ended up being dragged to go shopping...my feet really hurt now...

My mom is really crazy when she shops... she is also a great lover of Apink's nonono and EXO...

yes... my mom is really weird and awesome...

lol. enough abt that...

I tried to make it longer ...  it's honestly harder than it looks...newfound respect to other authors who write long chapters... Fighting !!!!

p.s I'll try to update 2moro...but my dad wants to drag me shopping 2moro too... gosh my family.

I hope you guys are enjoying your Chinese New Year!!!






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Ydvvfjkch #1
Chapter 30: I still wait for your update..
Chapter 30: Its 2019 and and still waiting for a new chapter and the ending. I hope you dont forget us.
Ydvvfjkch #3
Chapter 30: Author-nim please update it
....we are waiting.....
Anu_Taeun #4
Chapter 30: By any chance can we get an update for this ?
peanutbutter24 #5
Chapter 30: OMG plz update. I’m dying to know what happens next!!!
Icha_Deswita #6
Chapter 30: can you update again please :(
hanjunghye #7
Chapter 30: I read this story again and i still love this story.. Although it's already 2017 but I really hope if you're not busy, you can continue and finish this story.. I will patiently waiting for the final chapter.
kocie923 #8
Chapter 30: Author-nim... I have been really enjoying the chapters and hope you can update the final ending chapter.
Chapter 30: Hi author-nim, i don't think you would read this but..i hope you will update the last chapter......
myria71 #10
Chapter 30: Just hoping that at least u wl update the final closure...