
Stay close ♡





Chapter 16: Bliss


They last day in Spain began at the Mirador de Colom near the pier.

They explored the Port Vell for awhile admiring the blue sea and watching the seagulls squawk by. Both of them ate soft scoop ice cream and enjoyed the mellow ocean breeze and talked about idle things.

They then turned back to the Columbus statue, at the start of La Rambla; a very very long walkway path with a lot of tourist attractions.

It was a sunny day and the couple held hands as they strolled past the flurry of highstreet shops, street food cars and the occasional human statue or busker. A few flower shops dotted the place and whilst Naeun admired the fresh blooms her husband poked her.

“What?” she asked curious by his sudden uplifted mood.

“We should go there” he gestured his head towards a building like the other shops on La Rambla. 

Only difference was it wasn't a shop, a banner read infront of it: museum.

“Aish...Jinjja...byuntae” Naeun shook her head and walked away blushing. He chuckled and grinned widely simultaneously teasing the innocent-minded girl.

After walking a considerable length down the La Rambla and passing the Grand theater Liceu they stumbled upon La Boqueria market.

“This place dates back to the 13th century” she pointed out as she scanned her guide book.

“Wow. Look at all the meat!” Taemin excitedly shouted.

It was certainly a LOT of meat; cured ham or better known as Jambon Iberica, hung from strings. Strung like Christmas baubles like the other poultry of sausages and meat. Delicacies and expensive cuisine packed a few stalls, even simple ones garnered many tourists. 

Taemin dragged Naeun off from stall to stall and admiring and excitedly gaping at the diverse array of colourful food.

Whilst Naeun was busily buying some nougat and dried fruits, Taemin slyly went off and explored the vast market.

Naeun was trying a sample of dried strawberries when someone clasped their hands over her eyes.

“Guess who?”


“Yah! You're soo mean to me...” Taemin pouted and dropping his hands.

“Who else would it be other than you?”

“What if it was one of your past lovers!” Taemin shrieked hysterically.

“We're married” Naeun pointed out bluntly.

“So does that mean you'll love me forever?”

“Oppa you're acting childish”

“Prove it” he challenged her.

“Prove what?”

“You're love. Kiss me”

“What?!” she shreiked unbelievably.

“Do it. Do it now”

Sighing loudly at her husband's stubborn and childish behaviour but nonetheless gave him a small peck to prove her affections. It was short and sweet, leaving Taemin pleased and smilling like a jester.

“You would tell me of you met your ex right?” he asked; tilting his head to face her as they walked.

“Ofcourse” she said avoiding eye contact. Her mind flitted to Myungsoo, but she knew she couldn't say a word to compromise their work relationship.

“I don't want to lose you” he smiled then linking hands with her again.

She wondered if she had lost herself.


They spent the rest of the day frolicking in Barri Gothic and El born, eating street food and taking pictures of the flamboyant architecture.The sun was already setting when they sat in a church near Barri Gothic.

The Cathedral of Saint Eulalia had many many cloisters, where 13 geese are kept to represent the age of Saint Eulalia when she was martyred. There were high towers and turrets.
They sat on one of the many pews holding each others hands tightly as the golden sunlight streamed down from the many stained glass windows.

They lit a candle each, prayed and left. 

Taemin then took her to a well known restaurant a short walking distance from Diagonal station. It had beautiful antique Spanish decor and massive oil paintings hung on the walls. And they also served the best seafood paella ever!

Once finished eating Taemin sipped the last of his cocktail he spoke up.

“I have one last surprise before we leave tomorrow”

“Surely not another one of your grand romantic gestures?” she asked cheekily.

“Ofcourse it is” he grinned.


He led her to Montjuic.

Up the endless escalator slopes till they reached the Museu Nacional d'art de Catalunya. A grand building which housed some of Barcelona's finest and certainly priceless art.

Since it was on a hill it gave them a majestic view of Place d'Espanya. Where there were two Venetian towers, the bullring-turned-shopping mall; Arenas de Barcelona and at the foothill where there were 4 columns and a very very large fountain.

“Wow...The view is pretty” she smiled as she watched the lights twinkle in the distance.

“Just you wait” he whispered as he smirked knowingly. He glanced at his watch and tapped it impatiently.

“It should start in 1...2...3...”he counted.

And as if on que the fountain lit up in colour and lights, and a concerto started booming through the air.

Naeun gasped as the Magic Fountain of Montjuic came alive.

It lasted for awhile about 15 minutes. The fountain changed and morphed into a misty froth twisting into complicated water bending display. Looming above the captivated audience and pedestrians.

The soft notes of Fur Elise began to dissipate leaving the crowd in awe as the fountain died down into a mere water feature it once had been.

“Did you like it?” he asked gleefully.

She nodded silently still digesting the whole thing.

“I thought we should end our trip with a bang” he said whilst taking out two cans of beer and handing her one.


“Don't worry,it's the good stuff” he assured her.

“Are you trying to get me drunk?” she asked skeptically.

“Aren't I always?” he gave her a smirk and a non-answer. She rolled her eyes at his pompous behaviour and cracked her can open.

“To more excitement in our married lives” Taemin toasted.

“Cheers” they clinked their cans.



this chapter felt kinda meh.

sorry if theres typos or mistakes.

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Ydvvfjkch #1
Chapter 30: I still wait for your update..
Chapter 30: Its 2019 and and still waiting for a new chapter and the ending. I hope you dont forget us.
Ydvvfjkch #3
Chapter 30: Author-nim please update it
....we are waiting.....
Anu_Taeun #4
Chapter 30: By any chance can we get an update for this ?
peanutbutter24 #5
Chapter 30: OMG plz update. I’m dying to know what happens next!!!
Icha_Deswita #6
Chapter 30: can you update again please :(
hanjunghye #7
Chapter 30: I read this story again and i still love this story.. Although it's already 2017 but I really hope if you're not busy, you can continue and finish this story.. I will patiently waiting for the final chapter.
kocie923 #8
Chapter 30: Author-nim... I have been really enjoying the chapters and hope you can update the final ending chapter.
Chapter 30: Hi author-nim, i don't think you would read this but..i hope you will update the last chapter......
myria71 #10
Chapter 30: Just hoping that at least u wl update the final closure...