
Stay close ♡




Chapter 14: Encounter


"Where to first?" Taemin  asked her as they finished their breakfast. He brushed a few crumbs of his shirt before finishing his coffee.

"Picasso Museum. We have to go there" Naeun pronounced, whilst browsing through a travel book on Barcelona."Then we can visit the Sagrada Familia and end with a walk through Parc Guell"

"You've planned all this?" he asked , quirking an eyebrow.

"Ofcourse I have ! It's Spain!"

"Okay.Okay Picasso it is"

The Picasso Museum was a short picturesque walk past Park Citeudella and even the Arc de Triomf. Although not the one from Paris, it was more Moor inspired and Spanish. They went through narrow cobbled  streets of the Ribera that were lined with art galleries and museums till the found a small archaic building: the Picasso Museum.

They joined the small que and were pleasantly surprised to find the entrance fee wavered to commemorate Saint Eulalia. Taemin kept his hand intertwined with Naeun's as they drifted from canvas to canvas.

"Do you mind if I sketch for a bit?" she asked him.

"Sure ,I have to go call Myungsoo for a moment" she frowned at the sudden mention of Myungsoo but she brushed it off and took out her sketchpad and pencil.

Halfway through, a tall chic looking man sat down next to her; mirroring her actions. He slyly peeked at her sketchpad through his expensive sunglasses.

"Are you a designer?" he asked suddenly; startling her.

"Ummm... yes"

"That's a nice dress you're designing" he complimented her.

"Thank you. That's a very nice....rhinoceros" she said quickly glancing at his sketchbook.

"It's a wolf" he raised his eyebrow. Naeun bit her lip guiltily.

But before she could respond, a voice interrupted them.

"Kris hyung! Let's go! I'm bored of looking at all these shapes" a guy with panda eyes groaned approaching them.

"It's called cubism Tao" Kris replied sharply.

"You promised to buy me Gucci!" Tao pouted whilst Kris just sighed ,shaking his head.

"Tao I said in Milan not Barcelona"

"But hyung, you promised! My Gucci is waiting for me !" Tao whined. Naeun let out giggle and Kris stood up.

"Excuse me, it was nice talking to you" Kris apologized and bowed to her.

She ducked back to her drawing but she heard the two whisper before they left. 

"Hyung, were you flirting with that lady?" Tao asked in chinese.

"She's pretty...but she's not my style" Kris answered coldly 

"I've always wondered what the hell your style was..." Tao guffawed.

"It's not Gucci I'll tell you that" Kris replied snarkly, earning a huff of annoyance from the younger guy.

"Palliwa !" he shouted dragging the older out by the elbow.

Naeun merely chuckled at the strange encounter.




When they emerged from the metro, they could already see the intimidating shadow of the Sagrada Familia. Looking up, the towering above them was Gaudi's brainchild. A basilica of regal and imposing beauty.

It was a fine example of Modernism architecture, dominating curves instead of the more traditional straight lines, dramatic asymetrical shapes, organic motifs and detailed sculpting all embroiled into this one masterpeice.

And what a masterpeice it was.

"The basilica is expected to be complete by the year 2026, just in time to celebrate the centenary of Gaudi's passing.." Naeun read aloud from the guide book in perfect accented english.

"Gosh your english is cute" Taein said pinching her cheek.

"Ewww oppa get away from me" she said pushing him away.

"2026 huh?"

"Can we comeback when it's finished?" she asked him, hoping to see the completed basilica. 

If this was unfinished... I'm sure it'll be a splendour when its finished. The thought made her squeal in delight.

"Ofcoursed we're coming back when it's finished" 

"Jeongmallyo?" she quirked her head in doubt.

"Ofcourse we will. I've said so" he said stubbornly whilst pinching her other cheek.

"Aisshhh" she groaned whilst rubbing her cheek that was still in pain, meanwhile Taemin just stared at her, amused by her softness.


After taking a few silly selca's and few serious potrait ones, they kept doing silly poses till they became bored. They caught a bus to the entrance of Parc Guell.

Being a tourist attraction the place was littered with school children and elderly couples snapping away on their cameras. It was another of Gaudi's legacy, and Naeun had to hand it in to the guy; Barcelona would'nt be as vibrant as it was if it wasn't for him.

The entrance was an ornate gate, of twisted iron and curves, bordered by two small houses both reminiscent of Hansel and Gretel. The storybook buildings were covered in mosaics making it look suger-dipped. It opened up to a courtyard where there was a fountain and behind it ; Spain's iconic dragon.Though Naeun honestly thought it look more like a monitor lizard than a dragon.

They walked up a short flight of stair to the 'Marketplace' which was a hall with 86 columns which supported the square aboved it. It's inspiration drawn from the temples of ancient greece, hence the columnades and trecandis rosettes on the ceilings.

"Boo" Taemin sneaked up from behind his wife after hiding behind a column; and wraping his hands around her petite waist. she shrugged him off and pinched his arm.

"You're soo cruel to your husband!" he complained chasing her around the maze of columns.

When they were done with their game of hide and seek they moved on up to the large square, where visitors posed on the endless sepertine bench decorated heavily, again with Trecandis. The view of Barcelona was breathtaking; you could see the Torre Agbar and the Sagarda Famiglia and it streched all the way to the deep blue sea.

The sound of a sweet violin radiated throughout the square as a busker performed, lending the place a romantic ambience.

The sun was setting.

Letting a soft glow hover over the park and the palm trees shadow even more elongated.

Naeun and Taemin sat on the bench, looking out at the crazily beautiful scene.

"This was fun" Naeun let out a small smile whilst scrolling through the photo's on her phone, secretly happy at all the memories they shared and all the cute selcas they took.

"This was fun" he repeated after her and stealing a peck on her cheek.




Im sooo sorry i suddenly dissapeared like that. 

truth be told, im kinda going through a lot of stress and am dealing with a slight, slight, slight eating disorder. Its hard to be asian... and meet everyones expectations. why does everyone have to be sooo skinny ???? huh???? damn u perfect asian genes....


i actually have planned a lot on the story so i dont want it to go to waste. and im getting better... sort of(?) well ive stop starving myself...thats a start...

anyway , i just wanna thank all of u guys that support this fic even though i think im a lousy writer that write her authors notes tooo long.... i will update when i can kureu?

u guys are awesome~








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Ydvvfjkch #1
Chapter 30: I still wait for your update..
Chapter 30: Its 2019 and and still waiting for a new chapter and the ending. I hope you dont forget us.
Ydvvfjkch #3
Chapter 30: Author-nim please update it
....we are waiting.....
Anu_Taeun #4
Chapter 30: By any chance can we get an update for this ?
peanutbutter24 #5
Chapter 30: OMG plz update. I’m dying to know what happens next!!!
Icha_Deswita #6
Chapter 30: can you update again please :(
hanjunghye #7
Chapter 30: I read this story again and i still love this story.. Although it's already 2017 but I really hope if you're not busy, you can continue and finish this story.. I will patiently waiting for the final chapter.
kocie923 #8
Chapter 30: Author-nim... I have been really enjoying the chapters and hope you can update the final ending chapter.
Chapter 30: Hi author-nim, i don't think you would read this but..i hope you will update the last chapter......
myria71 #10
Chapter 30: Just hoping that at least u wl update the final closure...