She Has Gone (MaYuki)

Stories of You and Me

*First of all, I'm sorry for the grammatical errors and misspellings





She has the most beautiful smile that always make me smile.

She has the most beautiful eyes that make me want to stare at everytime.

She has the most beautiful voice that make me want to listen.

She is the most beautiful girl that make me fall in love.

but one day, she lost her girlfriend. The one that can make her smile.The one that… she fall in love with and that’s all because of me.


“Yuki, it’s been like.. 3 years you’re avoiding her. And that’s not really her fault,” Rena said to a silent Yuki

“No! This is totally her fault. If only she didn’t threaten him, all of this wouldn’t ever happen,” Yuki  replied with her tears threaten to fall

“But Yu..,’

“Rena, I thought we’d end with this topic,” Yuki said, start to boil

“BUT SHE’S DEAD FOR GOD SHAKE!” Rena shouted, angry all over her

With that Rena storm out Yuki’s room angrily.

It’s been 3 years Yuki avoiding Mayu, her stepsister. And that’s all because of her girlfriend, Miyazawa Sae. She lost her girlfriend 3 years ago, because she “thought” Mayu was the one who do that.

She remember that perfectly. Mayu had a conversation in front of their house’s gate, and that was end with Mayu shouted at Sae. After that, Sae went to their house and she saw in the corner of her eyes that Mayu approached Sae’s car. 4 hours later, she got a called that Sae had an accident and dead on the spot and immedietly she remembered what she saw 4 hours ago.

“How could I forgive you Mayu? but WHAT?! MAYU’S DEAD?!!”

She didn’t really pay attention to what Rena said. Then she ran her life out to find Rena.

After a few meter of her house she couldn’t find Rena, she grabbed her phone and dialed Rena’s number.

“The number you’re ca….,”

“!” she cursed then try again still the same responed from the operator

“Rena, why didn’t you pick up my call?”


“Oh My God Jurina, I’m so sorry,” Rena said , panting when she arrived at Jurina’s house

“What happened?” Jurina asked curiously

“I told Yuki that Mayu’s dead. I’m sorry. Really sorry,” Rena answered and apologize

“It’s okay Rena-chan. I think it’s time for her to know the truth. Because I also didn’t want to keep live in this guilty forever,”


Yuki slammed open the door when she arrived.

“We’ve been waiting for you,” Jurina said calmly

“Why you didn’t pick up my call!!” Yuki barking to Rena, made her tremble

“Yuki, please calm down and sit,” Jurina said

“No need. All I need is the explanation about what Rena said before,”

Jurina sighed. “Fine,” And she sat beside Rena.

“I don’t know where to start,” Jurina said

“From what did you mean about Mayu’s DEAD?” she emphasis the “dead” word

“I’m sorry for hiding all of this from you. But all we do is fulfill her demand,” Jurina replied

“I don’t care about demand. I’m her sister but why I didn’t know about it!” Yuki replied angrily

“Because you never acted like her sister,” Rena whispered but loud enough to be heard by Yuki and make her quite

She sighed. “Okay, I know I never acted as a good sister to her, but that’s all because she always threaten Sae and never want to accept us. What’s wrong with that? Why she never could accept us?” Yuki asked more like to herself

“Because she fall in love with you,” Rena answered bluntly, make Jurina glared at her

“Why you have to said that?” Jurina hissed

“What? But, how? I mean we’re sister. And we both girls,” Yuki replied confusedly

“You’re her stepsister. And what’s wrong to be gay? I love Rena and I proud of that because she’s a good person not like that “thing” you called Sae,” Jurina replied pissed and suddenly she realize about what has she said

“What’s wrong with her?! Why all of you couldn’t accept her?”

“Because she’s JERK! Oh no, jerk is too good for her,” Rena replied, she also start to pissed with Yuki blindness


“So! What makes her become a “jerk”?”

Then Jurina started to tell Yuki about everything that Mayu told her.

“Remember the time when there’s a homecoming party?” Jurina asked

Yuki nodded.

“She almost rapped you,”



Yuki was chatting with Sae while Mayu watched them from a far. Then she saw Yuki excused to somewhere that she assume that must be toilet. And she turned her gaze back to Sae when she saw her putted something on Yuki’s drink. And after awhile Yuki back and drank that.

A few minutes later she saw Yuki fainted and Sae brought her to somewhere. Because she smell something weird, that made her decided to follow them.

And she was right. They stopped in an unknown hotel in unknown place. She saw Sae brought Yuki in and followed them to near the room that Sae booked.

After almost 1 hour, Mayu decided to strom inside and right, Yuki was lying topless on the bed. When she saw that, she reached a flowerpot near a table and smashed that to Sae’s head and hurrily took Yuki and dressed her and ran outside. On the way to her car she keep on cursed Sae.

-end of flashback-

Still in shocked Yuki replied, “But she told me that Mayu hit her head because she saw her kissed me in the front gate,”

“She never told you the truth. And that’s why Mayu started to always watching over you,” Rena replied

“Do you still remember every flowers on your locker?” Jurina asked

“Of course. That’s the sweetest side of Sae,” Yuki smiled dreamly

Jurina scoffed. “All of the flower are from Mayu. And don’t forget about all of the chocolate on your locker in past 3 years on valentine day,”

“That’s all from Mayu?!” Yuki asked, shocked

“But she..,”

“Like I said, she never told you the truth,”   

“She always saved you. And did you know that… that…”,

“That what Rena?” Yuki asked curiously

“That she ever got rap just to protected you,” Jurina continue mockingly

“What? How come?”

Jurina shook her head. “You’ll never know about that unless she tell that to you. She saw 4 guys following you, and when one of them almost reach you, Mayu stopped them by hit one of those guy’s head. And because she can’t fought over them and she’s pretty, they kidnapped her and rapped her,” Jurina explained and tears started to rolling down her cheeks

Rena hugged her and soothed her.

While Yuki just stay tunned, she still process about what she heard about Mayu and everything.

“Why she keep protecting me after that?” Yuki asked to herself

“Because she loves you more than herself. And you. the stupidest person in this world,” Jurina angrily pointing Yuki

“Do you know what’s her biggest sacrifice? That was when she donated her ears to you. She was so~ what can I sad, stupid, no that’s too nice,”

“WHAT?! When did she do that?” 

“When you had accident BECAUSE OF YOUR SAE,”

“How come?” Yuki asked, more confuse

“She made you blind,” Jurina replied short and once again mocking her

“You had a car accident with that “thing”. And you went deaf because of the horn. And she donate her ears just because she couldn’t she you hurt. She lived in suffer,”

Now, all Yuki could do was crying. Crying her heart out. She never knew that Mayu had done so much to her. So much as this much.

“And we really really happy when Sae’s dead. Because we thought you’ll try to saw Mayu, but we never thought that will turn upside down like that. You made her lived in prison. PRISON FOR GOD’S SHAKE! After all what she had done what she got is dead in the prison because of some crazy girls jealous over her and hit her till she’s dead,” Jurina said angrily

“I.. But.. How come you happy for someone’s dead?”

Now Yuki started to pissed about that.

“I’ll just said it once. That’s all Se’s plan. What did you saw in front of your house is Sae told Mayu that she deflated her car and tried to made that she had a car accident and she’ll tell you that Mayu was the one who done that, but she was never thought that would be her last day. And what Mayu did is checking that because she didn’t want her to be dead because that’s gonna hurt you. Hahaha and I really really happy that she’s dead,”

Yuki’s crying and didn’t know what else to say, like her world crash down. Mayu. She threw her to the prison for what she didn’t done.

“I’m so…,”

“Disgusting! And now all I want is never saw your face again. GET OUT FROM HERE!!”

“But you’re my..,”

“I was never be your friend. I do all of this just for Mayu because she never want you to be alone, but after you knew about all of this, I think.. no, I’m sure I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOUR FACE ANYMORE. NOW! GET!! OUT!!”

Yuki getting scared with Jurina behavior and almost run to the front door, but before she could close the door she heard Jurina said, “I hope that you were dead with that b**tard,”




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Chapter 3: kojiyuu is a rare read! this was sweet, thank you :)
sorry for the comments after so many years xD
Chapter 6: such a sweet sayamilky <333
Chapter 5: been a long while but such a nice read, i always enjoy sayamilky. thank you for the story.
mirronce #4
Chapter 5: It's kinda late but whatever XD I keep searching for sayamilky fanfic after sayanee graduation. I found this and I love it so much <3
To Shinoki, I believe you read that KumiNon on my tumblr and yes, I added a little more on its ending lol
And thanks a lot for the comments, it's really motivate me, really thank you ^^
I'm glad you like my works! ^^
Chapter 6: Aaaaah!! It's such a sweet SayaMilky... plus you didn't kill anyone...
feel free to kill me for making so many comments though.
Sayaka...that was so awesome.
So sweet... I at comments... but I give you love as a fan of your works now!
Chapter 2: But, I shall be a and comment for all the one-shots, feel free to shoot me right after reading le comments *bows*
I remember reading it on tumblr...or something like that I think?
but, I guess I don't remember the last part...
OMG... so sad... only on the 2nd one so far, but you've killed at least 1 important character per one-shot so far... so amazing though...
Chapter 1: I'm gonna feel like a bad person if I comment seperately on every single one-shot...
but this MaYuki... sobs... Punches Sae in the face...
Omg... Mayu... (;A;) Punches Yukirin in the face...
...that WMatsui's role...
Yukirin, you can be a kuso oshiri too...
Chapter 7: relax it's okay
yours story's are good the way they are :)