
A moment apart

Another Monday, another day of lifelessly doing the exact same things as always. In fact, Hoseok could blindfold himself and still successfully complete his day without a problem. “I’m being way too negative recently, haven’t I?”- he sighed while Jiu, his dog’s name today. He couldn’t help thinking about that boy once in a while too and what annoyed him was he didn’t know why he thought of him at all. Also, It’s not like he was a negative person usually, it was quite the reverse. Often it would be Hoseok to brighten up the atmosphere in the office by cracking a joke or just randomly going around saying “Good job today” to his colleagues after a long day. He slapped his cheeks few times to motivate himself and left for work.

It was earlier than the usual time he shows up at work so Hoseok decided to stop by the coffee shop before going, even though it wasn’t his turn today, just because he felt like it. Of course the lady greeted him as usual and he was glad because her energetic nature always seemed to give him energy himself.

“What’s with your face buddy, you look so dead” she grins, ruffling his hair.

“Excuse you, but im feeling amazing, thanks” he huffs for a bit but then grins back at her, she was that contagious. “I just felt like visiting earlier today, if you don’t mind”

“Not at all, in fact I hope seeing your handsome face this early in the morning would bring me more clients you know, you’re my lucky charm”

“Sure, sure as if more than two people would visi-“ and a punch, surprisingly hurtful, made him shut his mouth as fast as he opened it. “I’m kidding, I’m kidding relax I know two are too muc-“

“Get out of here you punk before I drag you out bone by bone myself” she shouted a bit, a scary look in her eyes. Hoseok grinned at her again and turned around ready to leave, but just a moment before he pushed the door open he heard a familiar voice.

"Boss, what are you doing with all those gardening magazines piled up in the storage? The room is about to explode.”

“Will you shut up, a woman can dream, okay? So what if every plant I try to grow dies after a week, that’s not my fault at all.” she spat back, her annoyance having reached its maximum level.

“Oh, aren’t you the one with the Akita Inu from last night? It’s me, Taehyung!” he asked, completely ignoring Misa's angry rants.

Hoseok couldn’t believe he was meeting him again. Was nature making fun of him because he couldn’t stop thinking about him? Probably.

He must’ve had quite a look on his face because Taehyung’s smile fell a bit.

“It’s okay if you don’t remember, it was quite late and dark”

“Would you two stop ignoring me and apologize before I kick your asses” Misa, the owner, threatened, seeing that those two already know each other.

“No, no I do, I do remember you, I’m just surprised seeing anyone here except that crazy lady over here” Hoseok’s answer sure earned him another punch but he didn’t pay much attention to it.

“Oh that. Actually I started working here as of last Thursday. The place is nice and close to my university, so it’s convenient for both me and boss, she practically begged me to start working here because she was lonely.” Taehyung said and took a few steps back to prevent his shoulder getting punched again.

“Please let me remind you that you almost started crying, because I said I didn’t need new staff-“

“Really? Good luck then! My name is Hoseok, I’m practically the only friend Misa has.” Hoseok said and shook his hand, a huge smile having made its way on his way.

“Since when are you my only friend? You're just ridiculous!“ Misa yelled at them in a poor attempt to defend herself, but her argument was left hanging in the air, unnoticed.

“So you come here often?” Taehyung questioned and his face suddenly lit up. His smile was beaming again and it made Hoseok lose his speech for a while. Why had Taehyung suddenly gottten so happy for such a small reason as Hoseok being a regular in her store? Did such an unimportant detail matter to a stranger? He couldn’t understand, but he didn’t want to give out his thoughts, so he nodded and excused himself, saying that he was being late for work. That was a lie though, he had more than half an hour left, but that boy, Taehyung, was making him feel confused.

“See you tomorrow?” the note of expectation in his voice made Hoseok completely lose his ability to speak so he just left without saying a word.

A/N Thank you for reading ;u;

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Chapter 13: Too cute
Jia_Yi #2
Chapter 13: this is so fluffy and cute and asdfghjkl
Chapter 13: dhvisudhvosdu Here I am drolling with all this fluff *-* I think I will read all of your stories.. because this is the second one that I felt in love *-* :$
ellinaannisa #4
Chapter 13: i'm still waiting..
Chapter 13: Ahhh this is so nice. I can totally relate with hoseok bcs I really love tae's smile Ahhh why did I just found this amazingly cute fic now T-T
Chapter 13: i love this story so much its just beyond word ;u;