The Confession

Be My One and Only, Kai. ( EXO Kai Fanfic)

Be Mine For Eternity

*Kai’s P.O.V*

Throughout the whole day we were texting each other. The members were amazed at how attached I was to my phone. I’m usually not this attached.

“Hyung, who are you texting so much?” Kris asked.

“YYAA! He’s probably texting Cathdee.” Stated Luhan.

“Igeo mwoyeyo? [What is this?] Why am I blushing?!” I thought.

“Aniyo. I’m not texting her.”

“Are you sure about that? You didn’t come back to the hotel last night.” D.O Said with a smirk.

“YYAA! Why aren’t you asking hyung Kris questions about Lina?”

Its questions after questions with these guys. Even if I told them the truth there was no way they would believe me. Especially Baekhyun being the most erted in this group. After a while of sitting down I realized I wouldn’t be seeing Cathdee again for a long time. I’ll be leaving back to Seoul in 2 days. There has to be away for me to spend time with her before I go. Woow I must really like this girl. Of Course I do. No one has ever caught my attention since my last girlfriend. I surely won’t be getting into that right now. The past is the past. Whom I’m really focused on is Cathdee.

*Calling Cathdee*

C: Annyeong?

K: Ah Cathdee I was wondering if you wanted to hang out for a bit before I leave? I would love for you to show me around.

{Nervously I waited for her answer.}

C: Nae. I would love too!

K: Great! I’ll be there to pick you up in an hour.

{I said with relief}

C: Nae. I’ll see you then.

*End of Phone Call.

*Cathdee's P.O.V*

I can’t believe he called me to hang out! Out of all people Kai!! Kai is Kai!! Oh my god!! I can’t believe this is happening!

Losing track of time I hurried off to ready. Making sure I looked good. I suddenly noticed there was just no way that I can like him. He’s only here for 2 more days, He’s famous. He’ll soon forget about me in a month or so.

It hurts to think that way but it’s the truth, the truth hurts.

Not long after, I hear a knock on my door.

IT’S KAI! I opened the door to see he’s dressed so nicely….very y indeed.


“Hey. You look beautiful” he said with a smile, “Are you ready?”


I can feel my cheeks getting hotter than it already is. I can’t believe he has this effect on me.


I decided to take him to Rockefeller Center.

It was almost night fall, the lights looked so pretty.

As I walked I felt a warm touch on my hands. I turned around, to see it was Kai who’s holding my hand.

“Is something wrong?” I asked.

“No, I just thought I’d be honest with you.” He said.

My heart began to beat faster.

“Is it getting hot?” Asked myself.

“Tell me” I said nervously.

“Ever since I saw you at the concert. I thought you were the most beautiful Angel I’ve ever seen and I had to talk to you….I had to know you… I think I like you.” He answered.

“I can’t say that I don’t feel the same way. I do, I really do, but it wouldn’t work between us.”

“But why wouldn’t it?” He snapped.

“Because I live here and you live there! And plus you’re famous you’ll forget about me.” I said with tears in my eyes.

Not saying anything he stood there in front of me still holding on to my hands, while he looked at the ground. I can tell he was hurt.

When all of sudden I’m looking in to his beautiful brown eyes as his face inches closer and closer to me.


Thanks again for reading and supporting this fanfic! Subscribe and friend request me :) Please comment down below and tell me what you think so far! What do you think will Happen? Will they kiss? or Will something stop them? More to come soon!

For the Love of Kai <3



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Chapter 1: waititng for more :))
Ulzzangbunny #2
Chapter 1: I think it's a great story so far ,
I wanna see how it continues c: