
A Picture of You

After a few days with Jessica, Taeyeon decided to move into her apartment both feeling that the time lost can never be gained again but for the time to come, they never wanted a second apart.

Jessica was sitting on the couch before Taeyeon came to join her. They went into one another’s arms, “This feels normal again.” Jessica buried her head into the crook of Taeyeon’s neck trying to breath in the scent that makes her heart flutter.

Taeyeon missed everything about Jessica and even the smallest things like the warmth of Jessica’s breath on her neck made chills go up her spine. “Can we stay like this forever?”

Jessica grinned knowing that they both desired the same thing, “I would like that.” The worries and concerns they had about their future disappeared during moments like these. They only wanted to cherish their time together, both feeling that this is the right time for them to finally be together.

“What should we do for the rest of my day off?” Jessica finally broke the silence.

“Humm I don’t know. Haven’t thought about anything but having a whole day with you.” Taeyeon turned to look at Jessica giving her a tender kiss.

“I don’t mind just staying home and doing that all day.” Jessica returned the kiss lingering on Taeyeon’s top lip before parting.

“I like that idea but we should go out. We can do that without your free day.” Jessica started pouting that Taeyeon didn’t want y time, but she had a point.

“Fine. Should we just wander the city?”

“I like doing random things, but let’s get lunch first.” Taeyeon got up from the couch with Jessica following.

“Any food in particular?”

“You said we are drifters for the day. No plans.” Jessica loved the adventurous side of Taeyeon which reminded her of how they did random and stupid things in college together.

Taeyeon had her coat on already, “Are you coming?” Jessica grabbed her coat and took Taeyeon’s hand as they left for their adventure filled day.


Day after day, month after month Taeyeon and Jessica spent their time together going on small adventures and making new memories. Building back the relationship that they thought was lost.



Jessica was growing impatient with Taeyeon. She kept looking at her watch wondering where the small girl went. Jessica was about to call her again but she saw a familiar girl rushing through the crowd towards her. “Why are you so late?”

“I know I am sorry. I didn’t want our first anniversary to go this way either.”

“You are here….better than what I did on our actual first anniversary.” Jessica started to feel guilty about the first time they had an anniversary and she forgot about it. The anger she had for Taeyeon being late disappeared in an instant with past regrets.

Taeyeon saw the sudden change in Jessica’s mood and pulled her into a hug, “Don’t think about the past. This is our new beginning. This is our first real anniversary.” Jessica smiled and returned the hug tightening the space between them.


Taeyeon looked at her girlfriend and gave her a peck which she wanted to do since she saw Jessica’s face from afar, “Happy Anniversary love.”

Jessica grinned and gave Taeyeon a deeper kiss, “I love you.”

Taeyeon snuggled back into Jessica’s embrace, “I love you too.”

Jessica was lost in the moment of comfort with Taeyeon that she almost forgot they had dinner reservations they needed to get to. The hug was broken suddenly and Jessica looked at Taeyeon in a panic, “Tae we need to go. I made reservations for 30 minutes ago.”

Taeyeon laughed at the girl who runs on a strict time schedule, “I don’t think they will give it away.”

“You never know…” Taeyeon laughed at Jessica’s sense of paranoia over a trivial thing like a reservation but she just followed Jessica never letting their hands separate.

After being seated at their table, Jessica was able to relax knowing that she didn’t completely ruin the first part of their anniversary together.

“I told you they wouldn’t give it away,” Taeyeon stated with a smug look on her face.

“I am just saying you never know. This is a pretty popular place.”

The dinner was spent like any other normal meal they would spend together. They talked about the past, present, friends, and joked around. Their joking stopped when the dessert finally arrived. They normally don’t order things like a dessert but they do this one extra thing for their special day.

Jessica took a bite of the cheesecake, “Tae I think this is the best part of the meal.”

“Only because you have a sweet tooth.” Taeyeon took a piece and tried it.

Jessica looked back up at Taeyeon and placed a box on the table which caught Taeyeon’s attention as she was chewing. “Tae I wanted to give you something special for our anniversary, but you know how bad I am at giving gifts. I hope you like it.”

Taeyeon reached across the table to see what was in the box. She opened the box to see it filled with some high quality paint brushes. “I actually really like it.”

Jessica’s eyes lit up, “Really? It isn’t too plain?”

“I must say this is much better than what you gave me on my birthday.”

Jessica felt embarrassed remembering how stupid she was in college, “Well I thought about this one. These are not just any paint brushes.”

Taeyeon examined her gift again, “Oh yea? I know these are a good brand, but they look normal to me.”

Jessica looked at Taeyeon seductively, “You said I was your muse, so if you ever have that urge to paint me again, I hope you will use these.”

Taeyeon let out a hardy laugh, “I think I will use these often then.”

The meal was coming to an end and Jessica was growing in anticipation to what Taeyeon would give as a gift but she just paid the bill and was getting ready to go. Jessica was never a patient person so she just asked the obvious question, “Didn’t you get me a gift?”

Taeyeon knew the question would come sooner or later, “patience my love.” Jessica started to pout, “don’t worry I got you something.” Taeyeon gave Jessica a peck before intertwining her fingers in Jessica’s hand so they could leave.

The two rode in the taxi to a location that Taeyeon gave the address to. “Tae where are we going?”

“Somewhere special.”

“I gave you the restaurant name, at least you could tell me where we are going.”

“Let me do the second part of our anniversary my way.” Jessica just sat back in the car knowing that Taeyeon was stubborn and wouldn’t tell her.

When the car was coming to a stop, Jessica looked out the window in anticipation only to see that they came to Taeyeon’s university where she teaches. “Did you forget something at work?”

“Something like that. Come on.”

Jessica’s excitement died down as this location didn’t look like anything special. Taeyeon guided her into the art department into a large storage room.

“We are here.”

Jessica didn’t understand what she was supposed to see in this place, “What is here?”

Taeyeon went to a painting and took the cover off, “Do you remember this?”

Jessica looked at the very familiar painting that makes her heart beat fast remembering every moment that inspired the painting. “Of course. It was your senior piece.”

Taeyeon walked closer to Jessica stopping close enough to lock one of her hands with Jessica’s. “You know why I never sold this painting?”

“You never told me. I always wondered since you could have gotten a lot for it.”

Taeyeon looked deeply into Jessica’s eyes, “This painting never had a price because it would be like me putting a price on my heart. Just like the Beatles song says, ‘money can’t buy me love,’ that is how this painting felt to me. If I were to sell this, I would be selling away my love for you. This painting is what reminded me of my love for you day in and day out. This painting shows the one and only girl that I love.” Jessica wanted to say something but her anticipating tears choked her up to the sweet words that her girlfriend was saying. Taeyeon let go of Jessica’s hand to reach down to Jessica’s gift and took out one of the paint brushes, “You said to use this any time I wanted to use you as a muse?” Jessica nodded at the question. Taeyeon smiled and took a box out of her bag, “Your gift.”

Jessica examined the box. It looked like something that could hold a ring so without haste, Jessica opened the box only to see it was filled with four small vials of paint, “What is this?”

Taeyeon took the box and opened each vial and placed it on the chair that was in the room. Taeyeon then took Jessica’s left hand and started to paint on her ring finger, “Jessica you have always been and will continue to be my muse because there is no one in the world that I love more than you. I can never be without you and will make sure to never let you be alone again.” Taeyeon finished painting on Jessica’s finger and looked into Jessica’s eyes, “Will you marry me?”

Jessica’s vision was a little blurry with tears in her eyes but she looked down at her hand to see a beautiful ring painted on her ring finger, “Of course…”

Taeyeon smiled and kissed Jessica passionately, “Thank you.”

Jessica wiped away the tears, “For what?”

“Just being here. Here with me.”



Eight months passed and the long anticipated day arrived. Jessica and Taeyeon were nervous but Sunny was comforting Jessica in her room and Seohyun was with Taeyeon trying to reason with her there was nothing to be scared of.

Taeyeon was in her room alone now because Seohyun went out to see if Jessica was ready to start the ceremony. A knock came on the door before a tall girl with long black hair walked in, “Taeyeon?”

Taeyeon thought the girl looked familiar but the name slipped her mind, “Who are you again?”

“Yuri…” The girl looked away shyly.

Taeyeon immediately recognized the name as the girl Jessica almost married. She heard so much about her but never made an effort to meet her. A surge of nervousness over came her but not for the wedding, but to the girl that almost stole her love away.

“Don’t worry, I am not here to interrupt your wedding. Jessica invited me.” Taeyeon was a bit mad that she wasn’t told that Jessica’s ex was coming but Jessica always does things like this without mentioning it to Taeyeon. “I just wanted to talk to you.”

“What about?” Taeyeon had no idea what the girl came to her wedding for and she couldn’t hide the jealousy from her voice.

“I want to thank you for giving Jessica your love.” Now Taeyeon was beyond confused. “I am sure she told you how we almost married but this time, I am happy to see Jessica marrying someone she truly loves.”

“You aren’t mad?”

Yuri smiled at the girl, “Not at all. I can tell that Jessica and I never had what you two have.”

“Thank you?”

“I should be thank you. If it wasn’t for you, Jessica and I would have made a big mistake. I am thankful you were in her heart.”

Another knock came on the door and it was another person she didn’t recognize, “Sweetie, the ceremony is going to start soon, we should go back to our seats.”

Yuri replied back to the girl in the doorway, “Don’t worry Fany, I am almost done.” The other girl left and Yuri returned to attention back to Taeyeon. “I hope my love will be as beautiful as yours.” Yuri said the last words before leaving Taeyeon until Seohyun came back to lead the bride out.

Jessica and Taeyeon stood across from each other looking at the love in one another’s eyes. The judge spoke words to set the ceremony, vows were read to confirm their love, and rings (real ones) were exchanged to show the world that they were finally together. Finally one kiss was used to seal their love forever.


Slender arms were around me. Her warmth melted my heart. I could tell she belonged there and only there, in my embrace. Knowing we will never have to part shows the love in my heart. We will never part.





Author's Note:

Thanks for the support from everyone! I really enjoyed writing this story and I want to thank those who have been with me the day I started this story to the ones who just started reading recently.

I hope you look for my name in the future for new stories. If you read my blog, you already know the next big taengsic story I am doing in the future.

Right now I have some short stories going with other pairings. If you missed the Yulsic pairing and wanted to read one, I made one a while ago called Her Body is Perfection (Not related to this story).

Also, Yuri and Tiffany spin-off! I started writing. A New Heart is a continuation from this story, but how Yuri started dating Tiffany.

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Though chapters were short, it didn't make the story less interesting.. so happy that despite everything that happened, it's their love for each other that prevailed..

Looking forward for more taengsic fics authornim! ^^
Chapter 22: The proposal is one of the most romantic I have read, and I never tire of reading it
Kyunggie_MRA #3
Chapter 21: I literally stopped reading the fic half way through a paragraph when it clicked that you just connected this fic to your previous one.
How great that was, honestly. And it still fits perfectly.

Reading it once again :D
Chapter 22: it's beautiful, really beautiful, no doubt one of the best I've read, with YulTi yeah my favourite couples in GG, Taengsic, YoonYul and YulTi.
Thank you sooo much for sharing this storie with us ♥♥♥
Chapter 21: Omg TaengSic is real lol
Chapter 19: ???????? Questions so much question
Chapter 15: they ended :((((
.... Taengoo baby is suffering
But Fate is really amazing
Chapter 11: My Taengsic heart, this story is really great. Taengoo is sooooo sweet and byun lol
Thanks for sharing
Chapter 8: TaengSic erts ;)