Love Keeps Us Together

A Picture of You



“….and that is basically what happened.” Seohyun looked at Taeyeon waiting for some kind of emotion but the shorter girl didn’t even move. “Aren’t you relieved? Happy? Anything?”

Taeyeon was brought back to the real world, “I don’t know what to think, but I can’t believe she did that…especially on the day of the wedding, but I think I fell in love with her all over again.”

“Remember you promised not to tell…”

“I know, I know. I will keep this a secret until I die.” Taeyeon was very happy. After hearing what happened with the almost marriage between Jessica and her fiancé, Taeyeon was able to confirm the love Jessica had for her. How am I to keep this from Jessica? I want her to just tell me so I can tell her how much I love her. Taeyeon was released from her thoughts when she glanced at a clock on the wall. “! Seohyun I have to go!”



Jessica returned from her play practice expecting to come home seeing Taeyeon but the house was empty.  Really? A one night stand…Jessica became overwhelmed with insecurity. She confessed her love to Taeyeon but it appeared the older girl already left her. The emptiness in the house reminded her of 3 years ago when Taeyeon just walked out on her.


~3 Years ago~


It had been a busy week for Jessica. She had a small role in a drama on top of her usual activities, not to mention that her previous production that went abroad finished only weeks ago. Jessica wanted more than anything to just go home but she was stuck on set.

A man walked up to Jessica, “I don’t think we will do your scene till tomorrow. You can just head out for tonight.” Jessica was over joyed with the news because it was only midnight which means Taeyeon will be awake.”



Although she was exhausted, Jessica was excited to be able to see Taeyeon while she was awake. It was hard on their relationship for her being gone all the time and when she was around, Jessica came home to a sleeping Taeyeon. She couldn’t remember the last time they really had a conversation. Distance was becoming hard on them, but Jessica was sure that she still loved the girl more than anything.

After unlocking the door, Jessica set her stuff by the door and went to the living room. Taeyeon must have heard her come in because she was already facing Jessica as she entered the room. Jessica was about to pounce on Taeyeon but the further she walked into the living room, she noticed a suitcase on the other side of the couch. “Tae…are you going somewhere?” Jessica said hesitantly.

“Jess…we need to talk. Why don’t you take a seat.”

Jessica knew something was wrong, but she needed to hear Taeyeon out before jumping to conclusions. She sat down, “Okay, I am listening. What is it?”

“I don’t think this is working out for either of us.”

Jessica knew what she was talking about already, but she decided to play dumb, “What isn’t working out?”

Taeyeon appeared calm but her heart was aching with every word that came out of , “Us…”

“What about us?” Jessica could no longer hold in the tears, “We love each other. That is us.”

“Love….isn’t enough for me.” It was hard for her to say and not entirely true, but Taeyeon knew she couldn’t skip around their issues any longer.

“Love is enough for me...”

“Try to be in my shoes for once! You are never around and I am not as busy as you.”

“I want to be around! I can’t help it if it has been a busy year.”

“I know you can’t…and that is why it is hard for me to say this…”

“Don’t say it!” Jessica was flustered with anger and sadness which was making her a mess. “We can work on it. I mean I can do something about it.”

“Just because you want to fix it, doesn’t mean you have the power to fix it. You are under contract.”

“You know my contract ends in a month. Why not wait till then?”

“Jessica I know you too well, you are super popular now. They will try to keep you and this is your job. I can’t be in the way of furthering your career.” Taeyeon finally brought up the real reason why she decided to leave.

“You won’t I promise!”

“Jess you know this is hard on me too, but I think we need to find our own paths. I am thinking of quitting my job too and maybe going back to school. I will be getting busy too. Our lives just don’t match right now.”

“This doesn’t mean we can just break up!”
“I think we need to. Love doesn’t give us time together. We need to see each other and communicate for a relationship.”

Jessica had no rebuttal. Of course Taeyeon was right. She also wouldn’t bring up all these issues if they weren’t an obvious problem. “I understand…” The words were painful, but how can she argue when it has been a year of distance between them.

“I do love you. I hope we can meet again when our paths have been decided, even if we end up just being friends.” Taeyeon grabbed her suitcase and went out the door.

Jessica laid down on the couch and put her arm over her eyes, I hope we can meet again…but not end as just friends.



Jessica had been in a daze for a while reminiscing about her past that she didn’t even hear the door open. When she looked up she saw Taeyeon almost out of breath ready to say something but Jessica’s body reacted and hugged the girl hard. Taeyeon felt something wet on her neck, “Sica what is wrong? Why are you crying?”

“I thought you left me again.”

Taeyeon hugged Jessica tighter so the girl could feel the security in her arms, “Once was enough. I would never have the courage to do that again.” Jessica let her body lean in Taeyeon’s embrace until the tears stopped and Taeyeon released her arms to wipe the tears from Jessica’s face, “I promise to stay this time.”

Jessica thought she lost all the trust she had in Taeyeon when she broke her heart, but time did not erase the love and care she felt towards the girl. Like time stood still.

“Are you okay now?”

Jessica looked into Taeyeon’s eyes, “I have something to tell you.”

Taeyeon was confused to what Jessica wanted to talk about but she knew it was something that would be hard for her to say. She gave Jessica a small peck for reassurance, “You can tell me anything.”

Jessica led Taeyeon to the couch where she was sitting before and held Taeyeon’s hand. “I was thinking about the past.” Taeyeon felt a lump in and a small tug at her heart. “About the break up.”

“What about it…you said earlier that the past wasn’t important anymore, just that we were together now.”

“I know, but when you weren’t here when I came home, it reminded me of that day.” Taeyeon was fully aware of what day she was referring to. Neither of them could erase that memory. “I was scared. I think that is why I cried.”

Taeyeon leaned in to hold the blond, “I am sorry I went out for a bit. I should have left a note…”

Jessica left the comfort of Taeyeon, “No it is fine, you shouldn’t have to do things like that. Trust…I don’t know. Maybe it has become an issue.”

“If you lost my trust, can you give me a chance to get it back? I want us have what we used to have.”

“For you to have my trust, I think I need to give you chances to earn it.” Taeyeon was not sure what she meant by that, but she listened intently. “I know I said the past isn’t important, but there were things that happened that could make or break our current relationship. I am afraid of you leaving me after hearing what happened the past 3 years.” Taeyeon tried to put a poker face on and hide her excitement because she knew Jessica was finally going to open up to her about her past relationship while in America. “But I think we shouldn’t start something unless I can be fully honest with you from the beginning.”

“Sica, I know this might be early for me to tell you, but my heart beats so hard when I am in your presence. There is nothing you can say that will ever slow it down. I…I have and always loved you.” Taeyeon leaned in to give Jessica a kiss. It was gentle and oddly similar to their first kiss. “I want you to be open with me. I want to know you.”

“No matter what I tell you, can you just listen? I will understand if you get angry or want to leave me but can you stay and listen to the whole story?”

“I won’t leave. I promise.”

Jessica was still unsure if she should even tell Taeyeon, but she couldn’t keep her past a secret if they wanted to start a relationship, “Well you see I had a relationship here that almost turned into a marriage…” Jessica looked up nervously at Taeyeon expecting to see her furious, sad, or a mix of the two but to her surprise, Taeyeon looked very calm. “Well it started a few months after I arrived in America….”




Author's Note

Next chapter we finally see who the fiance is and what happened at the almost wedding. It will be mostly from Jessica's point of view.

Also, I don't want to force people to make comments but I read them and take them to heart. It also tells me if you like the direction of the story. I do make changes or decide to take the story in a different direction if you tell me specific things.

Anyway, thanks for those who subscribe! Special thanks to those who comment! ^^

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Though chapters were short, it didn't make the story less interesting.. so happy that despite everything that happened, it's their love for each other that prevailed..

Looking forward for more taengsic fics authornim! ^^
Chapter 22: The proposal is one of the most romantic I have read, and I never tire of reading it
Kyunggie_MRA #3
Chapter 21: I literally stopped reading the fic half way through a paragraph when it clicked that you just connected this fic to your previous one.
How great that was, honestly. And it still fits perfectly.

Reading it once again :D
Chapter 22: it's beautiful, really beautiful, no doubt one of the best I've read, with YulTi yeah my favourite couples in GG, Taengsic, YoonYul and YulTi.
Thank you sooo much for sharing this storie with us ♥♥♥
Chapter 21: Omg TaengSic is real lol
Chapter 19: ???????? Questions so much question
Chapter 15: they ended :((((
.... Taengoo baby is suffering
But Fate is really amazing
Chapter 11: My Taengsic heart, this story is really great. Taengoo is sooooo sweet and byun lol
Thanks for sharing
Chapter 8: TaengSic erts ;)