A Girl Named Yuri

A Picture of You

Taeyeon was in a daze sitting on the floor just looking at the notebook in front of her. Her body wouldn’t move and her heart felt empty. She wanted to get married…Taeyeon couldn’t control the tears and she put her face into her knees and let them flow. After all the tears fell, she started thinking about the journal entry again. I wonder if Seohyun knows about this. 2012…her and Sunny were in a relationship at that point. Why didn’t I know about this? How could I not know about this? With so many questions that still needed to be answered, she called the one person that could help her sort out everything in the entry.




Taeyeon looked up to see Seohyun entering through the door, “Here!”

Seohyun saw Taeyeon and sat down, “Hey what is the emergency? Also why did we meet at a café if this was urgent?” Seohyun examined the girl and saw her eyes were red and puffy, “Oh my, did something happen with Jessica already? I thought everything was good when you called me earlier today.”

Taeyeon’s voice was low and shaky, “Did you know?”

Seohyun looked at the girl who was about to break to pieces, “Know what?”

“Marriage…Jessica’s marriage…”

“Oh so you know…how did you find out? Did Jessica tell you?”


“Then how? Not many people know about it.”

Taeyeon’s sadness turned into a blind anger, “If you knew why didn’t you tell me?! I would have…I would have…”
“What would you have done?! You two were not together. She moved on at that point. It was better that Sunny and I kept it from you.”


“Tae calm down! There is no use arguing over the past. I am sure Jessica was scared of telling you for fear of you getting angry like this. I mean they are not together obviously.” Seohyun saw that the smaller girl was starting to calm down. “Can’t you tell that she chose you in the end?”

“If she chose me, then why did she go to someone else? I never stopped loving her and she chose to forget me the day I was out of her life.”

“Tae don’t think of it that way. Sunny told me how hard the breakup was on Jess. She was suffering the same as you. I think she just chose a different way to relieve the pain than you did.” Taeyeon was silent trying to take in all the information that was hitting her at once. “Tae, you were not together for 3 years. Did you think she would wait like you?”

“I don’t know…” The conversation ended and the two sat there in silence. Taeyeon was broken and her mind was filled with thoughts of another person touching Jessica, something she thought she only had the right to do. “Can you tell me what happened?” She hoped that hearing the whole story would help her forget someone else’s lips on Jessica’s.

“I don’t want to. You need to talk to Jessica about this or wait till she is ready…”

Taeyeon looked up with sharp and threatening eyes, “No! I need to hear it now. I can’t even face her after thinking about her with someone else.”

Seohyun sighed and thought about it, “Fine, but I don’t know the whole story either. I can tell you what I know and that is it. You have to promise me that you will hide the fact that you know all this until Jessica tells you herself. Sunny would absolutely kill me for telling you this.”

Taeyeon looked up eagerly, “I promise. I will keep it a secret.”


~ January 21, 2011~

Jessica put her journal back into her bag and looked out the window as the plane started its decent; she made it to America…alone. Prior to coming to America she spent her free time locked in her room only being dragged outdoors by Sunny every so often. She liked having her as a friend, but after the breakup, she wanted more than anything to be alone or consumed with work. Going out made her see things that always brought her mind back to Taeyeon. Everything reminded her of something they did together. Coming to America would be a good change and help her get away from the small things that reminded her of the girl.

Jessica saw the people on the plane standing up so she broke from spacing out and proceeded to get off the plane. She looked around to see a sign in the crowd that said her name. The sign lowered to reveal a beautiful girl behind it who was holding it up waiting for Jessica’s arrival. The girl seemed very optimistic and full of energy waving once she spotted the blond, “Sooyeon! Hey I am from your agency here to pick you up!” Jessica stood there for a few seconds to observe the girl. The girl was obviously very beautiful and she looked Korean like her.

Jessica smiled and stuck out her hand, “You can call me Jessica.”

The girl responded to the handshake, “I am Yuri. The car is close by.” Jessica followed the girl after she took her luggage. The new country was fascinating to Jessica but she was overwhelmed by the new culture and she hadn’t even left the airport yet.

They arrived at the car and the driver helped the two with Jessica’s luggage before the two girls entered the car. “I am sorry for the short introduction, but I am an actress like you at the agency.” Jessica knew the girl was way too pretty to be anything short of a model or actress at the agency. “My name is Kwon Yuri and I will help you get settled. I will also be your partner for your first photo shoot. I hope we can get along.” The girl smiled at Jessica.

“It is nice to meet you too,” Jessica was surprisingly really comfortable around the girl she even gave a genuine smile back, something she hadn’t done since she and Taeyeon broke up. Even Sunny couldn’t get her to smile or feel any happiness.

Jessica looked out the window to see the driver pulling up to an apartment complex, “Where are we?”

“The agency owns two floors in this building. The top floor is for girls and the bottom for the guys that work at our agency. It is more like a starter apartment for new people who come and need help settling in America. Even though I have been here for 2 years now, I still live here since we recruit heavily from Korea and I am basically the greeter for the new girls.” Jessica nodded and tried to understand her new situation.

“When do people usually move out?”

“Maybe after a year. Whenever they feel comfortable or make enough money to move somewhere else I guess.” Yuri guided Jessica to her room on the 12 floor of the building. Jessica was amazed how big of a place she had. It was bigger than the home that she had in Korea with modern furnishing.

“This is amazing. I didn’t expect much.”

Yuri laughed, “Our agency doesn’t get newbies…you were well known in Korea before coming so your lifestyle should be the same as over there.”
The more time Jessica spent with the mysterious girl, the more she wanted to know about her. “I don’t remember hearing about you in Korea. Where you well known over there?”

“I was a child model in Korea and spent my teenage and early adulthood in Japan doing mostly modeling. When I came to America they wanted me to transition into stage performance and continue to model.”

“Stage performance? You mean we can do theater?”

“Did you think you would get on the big screen first?”

“No, I actually like the stage more. I didn’t like doing all the commercials and small parts in dramas. I miss the stage.”

“Well you will like it here. You will get an opportunity. We are in New York after all.” Jessica was getting more and more excited about her life in America. She had already seemed to make a friend and she was going have chances to get back onto the stage. A place she felt the most alive. “You can unpack later. I need to take you to the main office.”

Jessica just followed Yuri blindly and she spent the rest of the day talking to the agency about her schedule. After meeting with her boss and manager she headed out to the lobby of the building to go back to her apartment. When she entered the lobby area she saw a familiar face, “Jessica! How did it go? Our boss is a bit scary isn’t he?”

“Not really. Were you waiting for me?”

“Of course! I am sure you are hungry after the flight. Let me take you to eat before we go back to the apartment.” Jessica was so busy she didn’t even realize that she was hungry. “Come on, I know a good place to eat and it is family owned.”

“Okay.” Jessica followed the dark haired girl as they went into the car and head out into a small part of the city.

“This is a great Italian restaurant. I hope you like Italian food?”

“Yea I have had it before. I like it.” Jessica entered the small restaurant and was greeted by an Italian-American couple who seemed to own the place. The two sat down and ordered. Jessica didn’t know what to talk about. Everything was happening fast. She just met the woman.

“So what made you want to join our agency?” Yuri was just as clueless to what to talk about also but the silence was killing her.

“I just needed a change and my contract was finishing with my Korean agency.”
“I see. Very simple answer.”

“Why, do you have a more interesting story?”

“Not really. Pretty much the same reason. I was escaping from problems.” Jessica was surprised how open the girl was. “Haha I shouldn’t be telling you that, but I look into your eyes and see the old me when I first came.”

Jessica blushed…she wasn’t sure why she blushed, was she attracted to this girl? “What do you see?”

Yuri looked closer into the brown eyes, “Suffering, but maybe attraction? Haha you are blushing! I am sorry if I made you uncomfortable.”

Jessica turned her face to stop the girl from staring, “It isn’t a problem, just not used to answers like that.”

“I really am sorry if I made you feel weird. Oh here is the food!” The two ate and talked more about the American culture and useful tips for Jessica to get around before going back to the apartment complex.



Jessica started work first thing the next morning. She met Yuri in the hallway, “Ah you are up!”


“How was your first night? Did you sleep okay?”

Jessica smiled, “I can sleep anywhere.”

“You are lucky. Took me a few days to get used to the time change. Oh we are taking the same car to the shoot since we are going to the same place.”

“Makes sense…” The two proceeded to the car and headed out to the location of the photo shoot.

Jessica was comfortable with the clothing product that they were to advertise. The shoot was also pretty much the same from what she experienced in Korea. Surprisingly, knowing Yuri was her partner, made her more relaxed.

The shoot started with individual pictures but then went into the pairs pictures of the two together. The director wanted them to be more ual which required them to have contact. Yuri’s touch sent an exciting sensation through Jessica. What is this? Is my heart beating faster the more she touches me? I only remember this when I was with Taeyeon…how could I fall for another girl so fast? It feels so wrong when at the same time, I am enjoying this.





Author's Note:

You are lucky readers! I had so much unexpected free time at work today that I finished another chapter!

Just wanted to note that Taeyeon isn't hearing all of this from Seohyun, but I want you readers to get the whole story.

Lastly, I want to appologize to taengsic shippers. There will be a few chapters with no taengsic :( I am sad too, but I hope you continue to read until the pairing returns :D



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Though chapters were short, it didn't make the story less interesting.. so happy that despite everything that happened, it's their love for each other that prevailed..

Looking forward for more taengsic fics authornim! ^^
Chapter 22: The proposal is one of the most romantic I have read, and I never tire of reading it
Kyunggie_MRA #3
Chapter 21: I literally stopped reading the fic half way through a paragraph when it clicked that you just connected this fic to your previous one.
How great that was, honestly. And it still fits perfectly.

Reading it once again :D
Chapter 22: it's beautiful, really beautiful, no doubt one of the best I've read, with YulTi yeah my favourite couples in GG, Taengsic, YoonYul and YulTi.
Thank you sooo much for sharing this storie with us ♥♥♥
Chapter 21: Omg TaengSic is real lol
Chapter 19: ???????? Questions so much question
Chapter 15: they ended :((((
.... Taengoo baby is suffering
But Fate is really amazing
Chapter 11: My Taengsic heart, this story is really great. Taengoo is sooooo sweet and byun lol
Thanks for sharing
Chapter 8: TaengSic erts ;)