
Always You



Everything has its meaning

A sudden wave of hand, swinging of arms and a special smile can be certain or not in a way

How about you?

What thing can I associate you with?

Is it a star?

A moon?

Or perhaps the wind that touches my skin...

Or maybe something that signifies the rising sun tomorrow after a puny rain this night...

Something that causes me to wake up when the sun shines


You're my gleaming firefly, who flickers with charm under the moonless dark night

Flying slowly and smoothly inside my mind

But it's sad that every time I reach you

You seemed very far and every time I catch you just to hold you, an inch is miles away


I can't hold you or even touch you because have this shining light...

Shining light that wakes me that there is a thin unbreakable wall between us

But if it’s possible someday I want to catch you and keep you inside the bottle in my heart

And love you endlessly for the rest of my life


But you’re just this firefly, no one owns you except the right person you'll meet at the right time

So the only thing I can do is to stare at you while you shine

Please... continue to firefly... 


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blackjacklex #1
Chapter 4: This is so true its painful Hahah but also beautiful! Ur a good writer :)
Chapter 3: I like this,this is really sad that I feel like crying...
ddilgirl1 #3
Chapter 1: I really liked this! It reflected your emotions quite well, I've been trying to explain something like this but just didn't know how.
Chapter 1: Oh my gosh,this is so know them but they don't know you. Painful.