Chapter 12

When We Say

You were about to sit in the seat written on your ticket, the seat Sunggyu had specifically chosen for you to sit in so he could see you when he was on stage, but something had caught your attention.  You looked over to see an elderly woman that reminded you of Dongwoo’s grandmother, seeming to be losing whatever argument she was having with an usher.

“I’m sorry, Ma’am. There are no open seats in the front. Now, if you’ll please return your seat. The show is about to start soon.”
“But you don’t understand, my grandson’s performing and I can’t see him from my seat. I just want to be able to see him.”
Your heart went out to her and you being unaware of the meaning of the seat you were occupying, decided to go offer her your seat. “Excuse me, I couldn’t help but to overhear your conversation with the usher. Would you like to trade seats? Mine’s a little closer to the stage so I’m sure you’d be able to see your grandson from there.”
“Oh dear! Bless your soul! My seat isn’t far either, but for someone my age and my vision it’s not close enough,” she had a light and airy laugh, reminding you even more of Dongwoo’s grandmother. “Here’s my ticket so you know where my seat is. Thank you again, sweetheart! May I ask what your name is?”
You answered her with a smile that reflected how good you felt about what you had done. “And I’m Mrs. Jung. I don’t know how I’m going to thank you, but I will. You really don’t know how much this means to me.”
You smiled even wider as you both bid each other goodbyes.

The show was starting now and you were in your new seat, it wasn’t as close to the stage but it was nothing to complain about especially since your vision was just fine.

Sunggyu was the fourth performer out of the six solo artists. You wondered if Sunggyu had chosen the song he was singing because it just seemed to speak volumes to you.

“In the appearance of some stranger crossing the street
On that leaf dancing solitarily with the wind

Inside the night air that brushes your cheeks
In everything, I see, hear, and feel, you are there
How are you?
How are you?
Are you like me?
How are you?
Even now I feel you

Like now this moment when I'm singing
I see you”


Sunggyu tried to remain calm while singing, making sure his tone matched the mood of the song but his eyes frantically searched the audience. You weren’t in the seat that he planned for you to be in and instead a kind looking eldery woman was there.  He knew you were here, but where? He questioned himself. Sunggyu continued searching, straining his eyes as much as he could past the bright stage lights without it being too noticeable. At this point, he wished he could’ve stopped singing and just run into the audience to find you but he couldn’t. He kept his composure as he sang the song he had personally chosen.


You sat in your seat, staring intently at Sunggyu hoping that he would feel your gaze and find you.

Tomorrow I will see you again
Tomorrow I will hear you again
Tomorrow everything will be the same as today
What should I do now?
What should I do now?
You’ve probably moved on
Us… What can we do now?”

Sunggyu finished his song and the audience gave him a standing ovation. You knew he was talented and you knew he deserved this but now you weren’t sure if you deserved him. You thought seeing him would make everything better, but seeing him from afar seemed to make things worse. You just hoped the show would end already so you could find Sunggyu and talk to him. Maybe his own words would diminish your worries and insecurities.

Much to your dismay, the show continued for a while longer. This time, duets and other special performances were on. You didn’t pay much attention until you saw Sunggyu appear again. You were surprised, his name wasn’t anywhere else in the program. He wasn’t alone on stage and was accompanied by a girl. Together they sang a duet that seemed like it should only be heard by gods. You weren’t going to lie to yourself, the song was beautiful. After their performance, Sunggyu and the girl introduced themselves to the audience and took the time to thank everyone for coming and mentioned how all the performers would be in the foyer to meet with their families after the finale. Butterflies fluttered in your stomach, you felt like you were going to meet one of your idols for the first time.

The finale, where all the performers sang a jolly Christmas song, had finally ended and you practically ran out of your seat to the foyer. You knew there would be loads of people but you had some hope that Sunggyu would see you right away. The rest of the audience stared pouring in and eventually the performers came out from a room as well.
You saw Sunggyu walk out looking lost. You smiled to yourself as you headed towards him. Suddenly, you heard your voice being called faintly. You turned your head to see Mrs. Jung walking towards you while dragging someone you slightly recognized behind her.
“Jinyoung! This is the girl I was telling you about! The one that let me trade seats with her so I could see you! She’s so sweet and isn’t she just beautiful?!”


Sunggyu heard your name being called and looked towards your direction to see your back facing him. He admired your figure in your dress that showed your curves in the right places and was able to catch a glimpse of your face when you slightly turned away to hide your blushing face after hearing Mrs. Jung’s compliment. Sunggyu was unable to hear the conversation but questioned what Jinyoung was doing there and why you were blushing like that. He was about to join you and the conversation when someone stepped in his way.


“I told her I was going to repay her for her very kind gesture. But I was unsure how…until now! Why don’t you take her out?!” Mrs. Jung basically squealed at her idea. You and Jinyoung looked at each other in shock. You started blushing again and had to look away a second time. You couldn’t help it, he was just so cute.
“But Grandma, I don’t even know her name!”
“Oh that’s just the basics!” She finally formally introduced you and Jinyoung and asked you your age and where you from.
“Uhm, I actually flew in from the other side of the country.” You said shyly. 
“Oh my, what brings you here then?”
“One of my friends actually performed tonight.”
“He must be more than a friend. No one flies across the country for someone who's just a friend."
You were speechless now. You wanted to say something else but you weren't sure how to even address what Sunggyu was to you.
“See Grandma! She’s already taken. Jeez, at least check if she’s available before offering her a date with me. This is so embarrassing.” Jinyoung said cutely.
“No, no! Please don’t be embarrassed! It’s okay. If I come back, we should hang out. Maybe you can show me the city sometime!” You tried to assure Jinyoung and it seemed to work.
“Okay! Well you know where to find me! But here’s—“
“Yah, yah! Let her go find who she’s looking for first. Sorry to bother you with this, sweetie. I just want my Jinyoungie to find a nice girl for once.”
“It’s okay. He’s cute, he’ll definitely find one when the time is right,” you said truthfully.
“Well really honey, thank you for everything. Here’s my card. Please contact me when you’re in the city again and we will take you out. Now go find him!” Mrs. Jung said with her light and airy laugh.
“I definitely will. Thank you, Mrs. Jung. Have a good night.”

You turned around, almost expecting to see Sunggyu waiting for you with open arms. But he wasn’t and his arms were a bit preoccupied at this time. He was with the girl he performed the duet with and they were talking to whom you assumed were the girl’s parents. You suddenly wished Sunggyu's parents were here now instead of on the Christmas cruise they decided to take.This wouldn't be happening if they were here, that's for sure.
You were rarely jealous of when Sunggyu was with other girls; you knew they all meant nothing to him. But this time was different. The way his arm wrapped around her waist, the way he looked at her; it was all different. You hadn’t seen him look at any girl like that except for you. You didn’t know how to feel  but you could feel your breathes turning shallow. The fact that the room was packed wall to wall with people wasn’t helping either and you had to leave the building. At this time, Sunggyu looked up and saw your retreating figure. He wanted to run after you, but something inside of him held him back. 


If you guys don't know what song I had Sunggyu sing, it was actually Nell's Time Spent Walking Through Memories. 
It's such a beautiful song and when Sunggyu did a cover just lajdfoiajklsdfalksjdfaj. Yeah, I just love it haha.
I'm hoping this is a sufficient update since I feel like I haven't updated in a while and when I do they're short, so yeah (◕‿◕)  

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Sungjae_love #1
Chapter 22: Authornim! This is daebak
pleasepleaseplease update! ;___; im a new subscriber and i immediately love your story. it made me cry at 4am TT^TT
Yeonsu #3
sunggyuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! <3
i'm gonna meet sunggyu while jogging, am i.....
can i stay in bed with dongwoo instead.
Whoa~ We came back together!! :P
seriinie #6
Sunggyu ;_______;
Kyaaa~~ Update soooon~<3 I realllyyyyy LOVE this story ! <3
DS0611 #8
This story is too goooooood
onlyinfiction #10
*poke* UPDATE? :( <3