Chapter 39

Love Is Confusing Me




The two months has passed after the date with Myungsoo, Since the day, He begins to use opportunity​ to be more close with me. I can't possibly run away from him. I know he is meant well and treat me good with all of his heart. his honesty obriously written across his face. I swear, I can clearly see it.

I don't want him to put hope to me too high. it makes me more guilty than before. I've once thought to be rude and harsh to him so that he wounldn't chase after me again but I can't because it's not truly me. How can am I easily change the side of me? I used to be kind person and it's possible for me to show him that bad side.

How he gets close with me? Well, almost everyday he offers me to give a ride whether going to school or taking me home. Even I tried to refused him, He would force me to but in a soft way. To be honest, I'm a bit don't like when he brings up the name of Jung Daehyun, saying that I'm not longer his girlfriend and it didn't prevent him again to get close with me and of course I can't deny that. I'm technically​ single now, no more Daehyun around me.

At last, I have no option instead I give him bunch of excuse​d each time he kindly offered me a ride. I even use the name of Youngmi to escape from him and not to mention I feel bad for that but grateful at the same time, at least I can get me some freedom. I suppose.

Speaking about Daehyun, these past two months, I rarely encounter him, even in the school. We completely almost didn't see each other until I wonder if his life goes well or not. I hope it will.

I also rarely meet Youngjae because now I already have his sister. She is completely take over his brother's role until we become really close friends. But I'm still connected with him though even isn't as much as before.

For a moment, I snap from my deep thought, sighing. The sound of people is talking begins to fill my ears right after I back to the sense. I look around me, it seems the bus stop full with people already, waiting for the bus to come over.. same as me.

it completely becomes my regular day now, riding the bas every morning.

I silently stand in front of the bus shelter​, holding my book in my hand in order to kill the time. Since the bus didn't show up again.

After a few minutes, I spot the bus I always ride slowly drive to my direction. I secretly make a sigh of grateful cause my feet starting to get hurt due standing for long.

The bus stop in front of me as I quickly line up to the entrance bus since some of them seem like wanting to ride the same bus as me.

While waiting for my turn to get in, I look up and found that the bus almost full through the outside window of the bus.

"Crap, I must hurry" I quickly shove my book back into my bag because today I don't think I can read the book in the bus after seeing inside the bus that full with people.

Finally is my turn, apparently today is my luck when I manage to get in the bus or else I have to wait for another bus. I have no option as I have to stand.. again since all the seats already taken by the people. I make a heavy sigh.

"I hope today isn't going to be bad" I whispers as I tightly my grip to holder for the stand. I throw my gaze out through the window immediately, blank.

The bus very crowded until hard for me to breathe and then for a moment, The driver bus make a sudden stop which make me lost my balance immediately. The grip of holder become loose too and the second thing I already in someone lap.

The male seems a bit shock when he feels the weight on his lap all of sudden, He quickly runs his gaze away from the window beside him before landing them to me.

I raise my head then tilt my head to the side and for a moment, I froze on my spot with my wide eyes upon recognizing the person, didn't believe my sight.

Without wait any second, I quickly stand up again as my hot blood starts to rush over my face, redden. 

I couldn't believe that the person is actually Jung Daehyun!! What the @#@$#@%$#??!!!??!

I keep my face maintain to the calm one as I instantly bow at him, embarrassed "I'm sorry"

But seem like he didn't hear me when I catch a glimpse of​ earphone in his ear. He even continue stare out at the window again. I bite my lip as I grip the holder again, standing in the same spot like earlier.

Now, I really couldn't breathe as my heart wildly thud under my chest, shivering me up all of sudden. I don't know why but I keep glancing down at him in nervousness. I badly want to scream right now. I can feel that my palm starts to break into sweat slowly. The fact he is near me make me can't think properly as the tension lingers around me immediately. it's suffocating​ me as well.

I shut my eyes tightly before open it back. I can't hold this anymore as I press the button of 'stop' immediately. The bus slowly pulls over to the side of the road. I Impatiently sneak out through the crowded before getting out from the bas immediately.

I know I'm not supposed get out from the bus now since the school place is within a few kilometers away from here. But I can't help myself. I might die stay at the bus for a long time. it's been a long time I didn't see him but suddenly today I met him in unexpected way. Of course it gives me a big effected.

I silently let out a heavy sigh. The bus already drives off, leaving me in my spot alone. I turn my body an instant before starting walk through the path, going to school. Inside of my mind begins to fill a lot of questions.

"He usually drives a car to the school so, what on earth he rides the bus anyway? why he has to appear right now?"

Suddenly the scene I accidentally sits on his lap appearing in my eyes dramatically. I hardly grunt under my breath.

"Pabo!, How come you fell on his lap!?" I hit my head once in anger. That is totally embarrassing me.

"Why must he sit there anyway?! That's all the driver's fault" I mutter as keep blaming the Ahjusshi who drives the bus instead. After calm down myself, I take a look at my wristwatch​ immediately. My jaw drop right away upon noticing the time.

"OMG, I'm going to be late!" the walk instantly turn into run as I quickly rush to the school's direction.


I hold the gate of the school while painting hardly like no more tomorrow. Seriously, did I just make a marathon? and yes, I just did. How long I didn't do exercises​? a year?

I think my bones are going to break down right here. I straighten my body up as my airways begins to function properly. I notice the students who walk pass by me let out a chuckle at me. I just roll my eye while fixing my uniform. I simply take some breath before walking into the school.

I slowly walk through the path in silence while the students do as same like me. some riding a bike while some walk down the path, passing by me. As I'm walking suddenly..

"Oppa!" someone shouts from behind. I turn my head over my shoulder immediately and found a girl who is running toward my direction before passing my shoulder. My eyes follow her figure until she reaches the guy in front of me.

"Daehyun Oppa!" she greets him. My mouth immediately form into 'O', didn't expect that he is Daehyun. well, I'm not the kind person to check around me. Seriously, him again? 

What a day!

I secretly eye him from behind, who is having his hands on his pocket like usual while an earphone still plugging in his ears. for a moment, the voice of the girl interrupt me since our distance not that far.

"I heard you broke up with that Kyungmi girl two months ago. Ah I'm so happy, Oppa" She excitedly state. I make a face immediately. What the heck?

I can tell that Daehyun didn't give her any response as he ignores her as well. she begins to whine when earned nothing from the male. She clings on his arm then begin to speak again. 

The sight of that make me a bit jealous, I bite my lip.

"Do you know how much I've been waiting for you to break up with her ? And now I couldn't  believe that was actually happening. To be honest, I don't like that girl. She such a player. She already have you but she tries to get close with Myungsoo Oppa at the same time. What a bad attitude she has." she begins shake his hand to gain his attention.

"What? Player? this girl.." I grit my teeth in anger as I clench my fist hardly. This girl is annoying me for real. 

Yah pig, take off your hand from his!!! I mentally scream in my heart then suddenly an idea pop up into my brain. My lip curves into the smirk immediately.

"it's going to be fun.." I mutter. I adjust my posture then within the second I run to their direction right away. I run between them as separate​ them apart by pushing the girl to the side until she falls in the on the ground.

"YAH!!!" She yells.

I try not to laugh as I stop my movement, turning around to face the angry girl, ignoring Daehyun as well. I quickly make a surprise face, pretending like I'm in shocked.

"Omo, I'm so sorry , I'm such a hurry as I didn't notice you" I say as my voice vibrate a little, endure for burst into laugh. "really" I add, smiling.

"What? Yah, don't you know this path is wide enough for you to run!!. How come you didn't notice me ??!!!??" She screams again. This time I couldn't hold that anymore as I eventually burst into laugh.

"hey, Don't laugh! answer me!" she is starting to get annoying with my laugh. Suddenly she points her forefinger toward me.

"Hey, I know you. aren't you that Kyungmi girl?!!...." I slow down my laugh before rolling my eyes.

"Whatever" I casually state, turning around then run toward the building of my class, leaving them.

 "Yah, ! come back here!" Her face turn hardly red as well due to anger when my figure slowly disappear from her sight. 

She groans in pain on the ground before looking up to Daehyun who is silently staring at the direction where am I going.

"Oppa..please help me" She sticks out her bottom lips then reach out her hand. Upon hearing her voice, Daehyun snaps from his thought as he takes a quick glance at her before casually walks away, didn't bother to help the poor girl to stand up.


The school went well as usual. Upon the last period end, I dash out from the classroom early then approach Youngmi who is waiting for me in the corridor. She isn't the same class as me but her class not too far either with mine. So, it's regular for both of us will have a walk together until we reach to the front gate.

Though, we will separate after reaching the gate, Youngmi never get tired for offering me the ride even she isn't the one who will drive the car instead his brother. but being kind of me, I would politely rejected the offer like the way I did to Myungsoo.

..and weird, I didn't see him today.

I quickly shrug it off, probably he didn't come to the school today that's why I didn't see his figure.

After bid a goodbye to the siblings, I make my way to the bus stop then ride the bus I usually ride. The accident in this morning playing again in my mind as soon as I take a seat inside the bus. I try my best to throw the thought away from my memory as I don't want at all to set them deep in my head. it's just a nightmare for me.

The bus stops at the bus stop as I get out immediately. Before I straight go home, I managed to stop by at the small shop that sell a lot of candy. I get in and buy some lollipops . upon buying them, I exit the shop instantly then continue my journey​. I impatiently unwrap one of the lollipop before shoving them into my mouth.

I raise my head up and notice a familiar figure walking in front of me. I narrow a bit my eyes to get a better look and then the second thing, I let out a small sigh.

Him again?

I don't understand why I keep meeting him today.

Keeping my distance, I slowly follow him from behind. wait, is not like I follow him, but I really walk to my home way. So, what's the problem, huh?

I silently to my lollipop while my gaze never left from his back figure. His attitude​ still same like this morning, didn't change at all with earphone plug in his ears while his hands inside the pockets.

We walk like this way for about a few minutes. I've noticed, every three minutes he will look at his IPod, So, I bet he just keep repeating the same song during his walk.

"What is he thinking?" I mutters slowly, adjusting my lollipop in my mouth

There are three Junction a few meter from us. I see he turns and takes a different way from mine. I don't need to turn instead go straight. I stop immediately at the middle of the Junction as secretly watching the back of him walking straight the way he takes. I stare at him with slightly narrow. his step super slow at the moment with make me keep continuing watch him.

My eye keep focusing at him until I didn't notice the car drive toward me. For a moment, a loud honk could be heard around the air as I flinch in my spot. I look behind me and get shock when the front car almost touch my feet. I quickly move to the side and instantly bows to him while apologizing.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry" I'm keep bowing until the car disappearing from the place. I straighten my body back then make a small sigh. I look up again to look at Daehyun but seem like he already noticed me as now he stops in his track with his eyes staring at me through his shoulder from a far.

I starts to panic and without thinking twice, I turn my body then quickly run to my home's direction.


At the night, I can't even sleep when I keeps turning to right and the left in the surface of my bed. I can't stop thinking about Daehyun. My eyes also didn't show any sign to shut at the moment. 

I reach the phone at the bedside table then take a look at the time.

3.05 am

sighing, it's not my first time though. I often being like this since the past two months ago and it actually same case like today, thinking about him. I know I look horrible but this is the true fact about me. My life completely changed.

I need to call Youngjae right now but is that okay? it's 3 am now.. when I can't sleep usually I will call him at least at 1 am or 2 am but now already reached 3 am.

I finally decided to just call him and for the information it's typical for me to call Youngjae, since he is the one who usually will accompany me​ through the line phone until I fall asleep.

I quickly dial his number then put the phone near my ear. I wait for him to pick up and it takes such a long time for him to answer the phone.

"Yoboseyo.." I start first.


"Youngjae? it's me, Kyungmi..." I say with a soft voice. is he already sleep? Of course he is, Pabo!

I wait again but nope response come out from him. I let out a heavy sigh.

"it's that okay if you don't want to speak. because I believe you must be sleepy right now.. but I can't sleep" I pause, biting my lower lip "can you accompany me again, youngjae?"

There is silent again for a few minutes before I heard him gives me a 'hmm' as a response. My lip curves into a thin smile. I start to talk with him even he didn't reply me and mostly, I talk about his friend. I tell him about what just happened at this morning. I also ask him a few questions like.. Why I keeps meeting him? what is playing in him mind? doesn't he miss me? etc. even I know he never answer those question. At last, I stop talking until I fall asleep with the line still go on.

For a moment, the soft voice come out through the other line.." ...Goodnight, kyungmi"


The next day, in the morning. I saw Youngjae and Daehyun walking together while chatting in the corridor of our school. Seem like they just arrived to the school. I quickly approach them..

"Youngjae, can will talk for a while?" I ask with a low voice and give a quick glance at Daehyun. He just press his lip together while watching us.

"Ugh.." Youngjae seems a bit hesitate about the situation. He glances once at Daehyun.

"I will go first" Daehyun says immediately then walk pass through my shoulder. We both look at him walk away until his figure gone from our sight. I turn my head look at youngjae back when I notice he already lift up his eyebrow.

"So, what is it?"

"Ugh.. about last night.. I just want to say sorry for disturbing you at late at night and at the same time I really thankful for that" I just straight to the point. Youngjae's face turns into a frown an instant, confused "Eh?!"

"Wait, wait. What are you talking about, Kyungmi?" He asks. I look at him weird.

"I'm talking about the call.. I've called you last night because I can't sleep again, did you forget?" I mirror him too, frowning.

"Oh really?" He asks and immediately lets out his phone to check the history of his logs call. Probably he really forget about that..

"but.." he pauses as look up at me again.

"If it's that true, Why your name didn't appear last night.. look." Youngjae lifts up his phone to show at me "The last time you call me is three days ago.." He points into the screen. 


"B-but how?" I'm now seeming like in a confused state because I swear I've called someone last night and I can possibly remember every single I said to him.

"You can try check your" Youngjae suggests, I hesitantly let out my phone from my pocket. I slowly open my history logs and I check the time of the last night. After I read the number .no, I mean the name, the blood rushing immediately over my body. 






Hi,  did you enjoy read this chapter?..muhehehe

Btw for who commenting about BAP

Thanks for still keeps supporting BAP until the end.. To be honest, I'm happy.. really hear that.. haha

Anyway! Today is Youngjae's birthday..

Happy Birthday to him ! ! ! :D




Youngjae and maknae




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parkjaeni28693 #1
Chapter 39: What the.....if im kyungmi i will kill myself
xoxosenshine #2
Chapter 52: I love this story so muchhhh
Vwansha #3
Chapter 51: I love this story!!>❤️ While I was reading I cried,laughed, and even blushed. Good job! Even if your bias is not Daehyun you did a great job. This story is so cute and fluffy! I respect that you took your time writing this story even if you lost interest in writing. I also read your author notes and liked the way you give notes to the reader. I also noticed the grammar errors, but it didn't bother me much because in my head I'll just correct them and understand what you meant to say. I appreciate that you at least tried to write in English and did an awesome job. I also took note that as the story nears the end, the grammar errors had some improvement. Thank you for everything! Thank you! ^_^
gemmymars #4
Chapter 50: Kyaaa~ finally, daehyun said it^^ that was such a great story~ I did notice some grammatical errors but anywho, I loved loved loved reading it authornim, awesome job~!!
Chapter 51: aigoo aigoo aigoo omona!!!! I dont believe i've done reading this fanfic! By the way good job authornim! For making me blush all the time haha XD
Chapter 39: omg!! My heart attack
nessa2 #7
Chapter 39: I really hate this story..
First, you make me love bap ,
2nd, you make me love daehyun n youngjae,
3rd, you make me sad, cry and smile,
4th, you make love this story..
Good job author-nim..
aininew #8
Chapter 39: awwww..she is just too cute to be true..hahaha...
Chocoholic_Exo-L #9
Chapter 49: Youngjae is the greatest guy friend in the history of guy friends.
And Myungsoo isn't mean. He's awesome.
This chapter is... Sighh... So happy...
Chapter 50: That took a very long time for daehyun to confess and for kyungmi to endure the pain. Wow. Anyway, the story is good. It's been a long time for me to read such a really long fanfic. Btw, i' suggesting you to write a sequel on yungjae and eunji

P/s : i write a story too and sometimes i lost interest/mood to write but the idea is exploding in my head and the story still not complete yet cause i have to concentrate on my study first then continue after my big exam.

Sorry that my comment is too long. Hehe