
Between the Lines you Will Find Nothing but Blank Spaces



"How long are we going to stay like this?"

"Just a couple more minutes...."

"That's not what I mean"



"You and I are soulmates, we're not just meant to be."

"Is that so?"



"Let's stay like this forever."


Between the lines you will find nothing but blank spaces. Between two lines that can go on forever there will be always a space in between them.Not unless we fill them with our writing, those spaces will remain blank. 

Suzy and I are like two lines in a paper. We both know that we will never meet half way yet we try to fill up those spaces in between us.

Isn't it the a line can be extended infinitely. As our friendship goes on and on and we manage to close those spaces,and yet as  we just keep going onwards we are just making new spaces waiting to be filled.

On and on and on. 

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Lisa_lp10 #1
This idea seems nice,
update soon, neh?