Zelo's Side?

Retreating Silhouette



Should I write another drabble?

It will be posted on this story.

It will be from Zelo's point of view since a reviewer said that a reader would want to read about Zelo, not the OC.

Of course I believe so too since the stories here on AFF revolve around idols and this one revolved mostly around the OC.

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Banghimlo #1
Chapter 3: Yes,you should~
Banghimlo #2
Chapter 1: Why do I feel so sad?
Well done!!!
Sweetney #4
Chapter 1: Dang, it felt like the guy died >.<''
Sweetney #5
Chapter 1: Congratz on finishing, alast sis!
Chapter 1: your story is great anyways and i finally understand what is retreating silhouette means ^_^