Every After Dawn





'Hand me my glasses, Kyungsoo,' Jongin slightly hisses in the dark, as he hears his best friend chuckling teasingly.

'No,' Kyungsoo says playfully, holding Jongin's spectacles in his small, wrinkly hands.

It wasn't really dark, it's just that Jongin couldn't see.

'Don't make me get that myself, Kyung,' Jongin warned in amusement though he wouldn't admit. He was standing up to approach Kyungsoo's bed. Kyungsoo, however, had already scooted next to the door, as if they were playing hide and seek.

Ah, old people. Sometimes they hate to admit, but they tend to act all childish. Funny how despite their age, they can still manage to put up a child's behavior. But oh well, Kyungsoo wasn't an ordinary "grandpa", at least to Jongin, he wasn't.

'I'll count to five,' Jongin says, a small amount of adrenaline rushing through his already jumpy veins.

The shorter just loves teasing his best friend, saying because he 'just loves Jongin'. Any method just to gain Jongin's attention would be a good enough plan for Kyungsoo.

Not that he needed to try very hard, though.

For all he knew, Jongin's attention was set solely on him for the past half year now.

All these months.. Jongin finds himself opening up more than before. He fights with himself if it is a good thing or not, as he doesn't want to admit anything this early yet. He doesn't know if it's because of Kyungsoo, or just because the thought of having someone to confide with was remotely appealing to him.

It was a win-win situation for him. Either way, he'd get to be with Kyungsoo. He doesn't admit, but deep inside, a small fire was slowly starting to warm him up.



That dawn, Jongin holds Kyungsoo's hand -- which came as a pleasant surprise to both of them -- and leads him to their room, and sits him on the soft chair beside the window. Although he knows that today was just like any other, he doesn't mind.. not when Kyungsoo was with him.

'Kyung,' Jongin calls, and the latter looks at him with curiosity in his eyes. Not that Kyungsoo was worried -- Jongin always amuses and surprises him all the time -- but Jongin's voice calling for him made him a lot more tentative than he's ever been.

'Jongin?' Kyungsoo asks, as he holds Jongin's shaking hands. He doesn't mind that Jongin was not looking at him in the eye nor that Jongin seems a little distant when he talks. Jongin, however was far from being distant and he was not looking at Kyungsoo for the fear of life.

Figuratively speaking, Jongin was trying hard not to give away his emotions through his eyes, as he was so afraid that he might cry on the spot.

Literally speaking, though, Jongin's heart was beating so fast that he started to fear of having a heart attack right then and there, so he deemed not to look into Kyungsoo's eyes out of self-pity. Maybe he might pee on the spot. He'll give himself credit for preventing another embarrassment from happening and another reason for being a nuisance to the institution.

'Kyung, I know this might sound strange,'

'Hell I bet it would,' the shorter chuckled in amusement but deep inside, he was just masking up his nervousness as he couldn't wait for the long pause anymore.

'Kyungsoo, my friend, I know we've only met for half a year now,' Jongin whispers more to himself than he reveals to Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo listens attentively, on every word, on every sound that comes out of Jongin's lips. His heart begins to pound for unknown reasons but he keeps a calm appearance. Old people just tend to be expressive and he waits until Jongin finishes what he started.

'But in the past half-year, I've come to realize that maybe, Kyungsoo, maybe,' Jongin pauses -- he doesn't know the words to express what he feels. He can't simply say that he was inlove with Kyungsoo, could he?

Kyungsoo waits. And waits. Until Jongin raises his face and looks at him.

'Maybe..?' the curiosity in Kyungsoo's wide eyes makes Jongin feel like he's about to pass out.

'Maybe.. I shouldn't say this, Kyung, sorry, good night,' Jongin finishes and he stands up slowly, painfully and reaches for his side lamp. Kyungsoo remains seated on the chair, eyes wide in both shock and slight disappointment. Something tugs in his chest, but he chooses to ignore. Standing up, he holds his cane, and makes his way towards his own bed. He hears Jongin sigh, which was suprising, and hears him shuffling in his bed. He frowns at his best friend's behavior -- he expected more of what Jongin had to say but for tonight, he couldn't force Jongin to tell him if he wasn't ready.

Ready? What should he be ready for? Kyungsoo's inner voice asks, making him shake his head in shame. What are you even thinking, Kyungsoo?

Jongin's voice breaks him out of his momentary reverie.

'Good night.. Kyungsoo,'

He frowns but smiles weakly afterwards.

'Good night, Jongin.'



'Mr. Kim, and Mr. Do, please wake up now. Breakfast is ready,' Grace calls out to the both of them. Her voice was soft to their ears, and maybe that's the reason why they started to feel even sleepier than they are.

Old people should not stay up late at night, if they learned a lesson.

Jongin sits up groggily as he reaches out for his spectacles on his side table. He yawns, and stares into nowhere in particular. That's when it slowly started to sink into him -- last night. Shaking his head, he slowly looks into Kyungsoo's direction. Fortunately, the shorter was still asleep -- eyelids lightly fluttering with every breath he takes, and his soft snores could be heard. Jongin stands up, rubs the back of his neck, and approaches Kyungsoo's sleeping figure. The said man started to shuffle in his bed, leaving Jongin out of breath.

If there is one word Jongin could use to describe what he's seeing, it would be beautiful. He's been able to watch Kyungsoo sleep for the past half-year and it never seizes to amaze him on how Kyungsoo can be so adorable in his eyes.

If only you knew, Jongin says to himself. He let the chance slip last night, unfortunately.

Not minding that he was staring, Jongin's hand begins to move on its own and towards Kyungsoo's serene face. His wrinkles have been very much evident, but his cheeks and his pouty lips remains striking. Jongin need not to describe the feeling he's having as he just couldn't.

'Kyungsoo,' Jongin calls softly. His name was so beautiful as well and it makes Jongin smile. With not much real teeth left, Jongin still manages a wide grin. Kyungsoo's brows furrow, and slowly, he opens his eyes.



The moment he sees Jongin's face in front of him, a warm, tingly feeling rushes up through his veins and up to his face. Jongin was smiling and it made him want to smile as well.

'Good morning, Kyung,' Jongin greets. It takes Kyungsoo about five seconds to make his mind start working properly.

'Morning,' he greets back, already sitting up to reach for his cane. Jongin beats him to that and hands him his cane as he assists him in standing up.

Not wanting 'awkward' tension, Kyungsoo immediately starts walking towards the door as he could feel his cheek burning up. He wonders, am I sick?



'I see they've gotten along well,' Maria, Kyungsoo's resident caretaker says. Grace nods almost giddily as they watch the two bickering in front of the dining table.

Apparently, they've been into each other's throats since the day they've become friends.

'Well, I can't say I mind. Mr. Do looks really happy,' Maria declares with a proud grin on her face. Grace rolls her eyes playfully, 'well it's because of Mr. Kim, silly.'

The two of them smile widely watching Jongin's shaking hand making its way to Kyungsoo's little mouth. Watching them feels like watching over kids at heart.

'They seem to.. adore each other,' Grace says knowingly. Jongin has been hinting her about something about his feelings and seeing what she is now, she's somehow getting an idea of what he's been talking about.

'Scratch that, they love each other,' Maria wiggles her brows teasingly and it made Grace nod her head unconsciously.

They truly care for the two men and seeing them get together makes them fulfilled.

'I hope they stay happy for a longer time,' Grace whispers with a soft voice, not minding the small ache she was feeling inside.

'Yeah, I hope they do,' Maria finishes with a warm smile.



'Kyungsoo?' Jongin asks in the dark as he stares off to blurry darkness.


'Good night?'

'Is that a question or a statement?'


'Is that a question or a statement?'



'Yes, Jongin?'

'Is that a question or an answer?'

'You haven't asked anything!' Kyungsoo chuckles heartily, and it makes Jongin feel warm.

'Do you feel that too?' Jongin asks, in which Kyungsoo replies, 'feel what?'

'Something warm..'

'and fuzzy?' Kyungsoo asks uncertainly. Jongin smiles in the dark. He's pretty sure he's not the only one.

'Yeah,' Jongin's voice is raspy, but still clear.



'Yes, Jongin?'

'Is that a question or an answer?'

'Answer to what, Jongin?'

Jongin thinks. He thinks hard. He gulps too, if that would make things less sufferable.

'I..' Jongin mumbles.

'You..' Kyungsoo continues.



'For Pete's sake, Jongin, what is it?!' Kyungsoo exhales, but not angrily.


'You what?'

'I think I have feelings for you, Kyungsoo.'

Silence. Jongin wants to disappear.

'What kind of feelings?'

'Those warm, fuzzy ones.'

Kyungsoo grins. He's pretty sure he's red by now.





'I thought I was the only one feeling those.'

They both smile, those warm, fuzzy feelings spreading through their veins.


Okay, so here it is. I hope you like it or somewhere near like. Haha. Sorry for the late update. :(

Stay tuned, yes? ♥

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Chapter 4: i'll stay tuned yes. they're old and in love. and why can't i imagine them as old wrinkly dudes tho xD
Chapter 2: This is interesting, i think i like it but we'll see.
well this fic is different hehe