Every After Dawn



'And that is why I am here,' Kyungsoo spoke, as Jongin tentatively listened. It was as if the two of them have known each other deeply, despite having just met a few hours ago. Jongin's breathing was slow, and normal, while Kyungsoo's was (even though he doesn't admit) slowly quickening up its pace. He hates being sensitive, but then growing old gives him that privilege.

'I'm sorry,' Jongin says with his raspy voice. Though Kyungsoo's situation was (barely) understandable, he says his apologies out of common courtesy. After all, he does know what it feels like to be left alone.

'So, what's your story, mate?' Kyungsoo asks, his wide eyes already slightly dampened with unshed tears. Jonging cringes -- he doesn't want to recall all of those betrayal.. pain.. disappointment.

Kyungsoo could see; he could feel Jongin's being hesitant and so he doesn't push further. If Jongin would open up, he didn't want to force him to tell the story which could (probably) be just as "painful" as his.

Kyungsoo smiles, 'it's okay, Jongin. You can tell me next time.'



The two woke up at the same time, ate at the same time, and went to bed at the same time. They were room mates after all and so it only made sense they did the same things together.. taking a bath included.

While Kyungsoo was the loud, talkative type, Jongin was the opposite. Instead, he listened as Kyungsoo tells him story of the past, he listened as Kyungsoo told him about how ladies used to swoon over him, and how he (half-heartedly) turned them down as he didn't feel the need to "flirt" with them.

Jongin listened as Kyungsoo narrated how he told his family about his being...

And Jongin understood. As Jongin was probably the same as Kyungsoo. He understood how it must have been a tough blow to both of their families. But they couldn't deny it. They were just being true to themselves and they didn't want to care how people, or even how the society would see them as.

As long as they were happy, that's all that matters.



One particular rainy dawn, as the sunset couldn't be seen through misty windowpanes and crackling lightning, the two sat down facing each other. It was kind of out of place -- to be staring at each other for quite a while. While Jongin wonders how he ended up where he is, Kyungsoo silently was feeling quite good. Jongin was his friend, and he was more than happy to be with him today, even despite the war that was happening outside their window.

He was really, really  happy today and it was evident -- his wide eyes glowing, and his little, frail hands tightly clasped against each other in delight.

He was really, really happy.

Yes, he is because he's bipolar.

Jongin undestands -- but he doesn't understand enough.

Why would Kyungsoo's family leave him there because he was bipolar? He doesn't want to think much, but he can't do anything else as he returns glances with the old man in front of him. Jongin frowns, seeing Kyungsoo smiling like that worries him. What if he's having another attack? What if the smiles were empty? What if Kyungsoo was secretly crumbling inside?

Jongin wouldn't know. He wouldn't know because Kyungsoo's smile was just too bright for him to see Kyungsoo's real feelings. And that smile looked too innocent and real, it made him want to believe that Kyungsoo really was.. happy.



'Jongin,' Kyungsoo calls out of the dark. His back was aching and he couldn't sleep. He couldn't even move.

'Jongin,' he calls again as he shifts his body to face the other's bed.

'Hm?' Jongin hums, enough for Kyungsoo to hear. He turns his back to the other side, and faces the shorter one.

'What's wrong?' Jongin asks with his low, raspy voice that always made Kyungsoo's spine shiver. Something about Jongin's voice made him at ease. Maybe that's why he was calling Jongin. Maybe he just wanted to hear the other's voice.

'Nothing, nothing, sorry to disturb you,' Kyungsoo says as he smiles shyly at his stupid thoughts.

So what if he liked Jongin's voice?

'You should be sleeping, Kyungsoo,' Jongin warns worriedly. It was almost as if it was becoming Kyungsoo's habit to stay up late at night.

'I know. Sorry for disturbing you,' Kyungsoo whispers, already on the way to dreamland. Jongin smiles secretly. No problem, Kyungsoo.

'Good night, Jongin.'

'Good night, Kyungsoo.'



One month.

One month and the two became the best of friends. They would wake up to the smell of coffee, and they would smile at each other as they sat up, and made their way to the cafeteria. Even the caretakers could feel the sincerity of their friendship as they stuck with each other like glue.

'And you think this is funny?' Kyungsoo asked with brows furrowed, as he holds up his pair of socks that (suspiciously) became Jongin's favorite to wear. He huffs at the younger one, as the latter smiles a toothy smile at him.

'Oh come on, Kyungsoo, we wear each other's sock all the time!', the younger chuckled heartily as he sat down his bed with a tired sigh, 'I'm really not growing any younger,' he says as he rubs his sore back.

Kyungsoo's (intimidating) glare softens as he cannot possibly stay mad at Jongin for a long time.

'So am I, Jongin,' Kyunsoo smiles instead, his "anger" disappearing in matter of seconds. Jongin smiles at him, he was glad Kyungsoo had started to learn how to control his temper in just a short period of time.

'That's more like it, Kyungsoo! You're sixty-six for goodness' sake! You shouldn't be too stressed out about things,' Jongin jokes, though the pain in his lower back was in no means a joke. Kyungsoo's smile widens as the wrinkles around his eyes slowly appeared. He chuckles, much to Jongin's relief.

'Thank you, Jongin,' he says with wide, grateful eyes. It melted Jongin's back pain away as he feels his heart quicken its pace a little at the old man's smile.

Oh, he could get used to this.

'You're welcome, Kyungsoo.'

They smile at each other, Kyungsoo forgetting about the pair of socks in his hands, and Jongin forgetting about the pain on his lower back.


So yeah.. -__-

Stay tuned, yes? ♥

Hihi I'm so stupid but I hope you'll stay with me longer, dear readers, I promise I'll finish this story T^T /pouts/

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Chapter 4: i'll stay tuned yes. they're old and in love. and why can't i imagine them as old wrinkly dudes tho xD
Chapter 2: This is interesting, i think i like it but we'll see.
well this fic is different hehe