Turn of Events

Woman in Mask
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THE NEXT MORNING, Yoona saw Seunghyun staring at her with his fluppy eyes, whether because of too much tears or anger for her, she couldn't figure it out. Winning him back won't be easy, she thought. But she won't give up. She will make things right again.


Seunghyun slept beside Hana last night. While she went to ahjumma's room to spent a night there. She doesn't want to disturb the bonding time of Seunghyun and Hana. Once she woke early in the morning, she went right away to Hana's room, only to see that they were already awake and happily playing.


"Kiss daddy on the cheeks, baby." Seunghyun said sweetly to his daughter and the little girl obliged.


"Good morning, sweety." She said with a smile and kissed her cheek. "Did you have a good night sleep with your daddy by your side?"


"Uh-huh!" Hana nodded happily.


She tried to hold Seunghyun's hand but he avoided it. "Let's go, sweetheart. Daddy's going to teach you how to swim. Would you like that?" He asked his daughter tenderly.


Hana giggled. "Yes, daddy!"


They left her in the room as they went to the swimming pool at the deck of the yacht. This guy is indeed playing hard to get!


She donned an all-black strapless bikini and went to the pool where father and daughter were swimming.


Let's see if you could still continue ignoring me. You will be chanting poems of forgiveness in no time.


In the contrary, she was a bit right. She got all the attention of all men there, except Seunghyun. His eyes were focused on Hana alone. He was too occupied playing with her in the water.


She lied down in the white recliner located just in front of her family. She started to put suntan lotion on her body. She made it a point to seductively touch herself for Seunghyun's eyes. The loud music playing exclusively in her mind suddenly stopped.


This bastard, he doesn't even bother to look at me!


When she can't hold it anymore, she called ajhumma walking near them. "Ajhumma, please get Hana from the water, she might catch cold."


Ahjumma obliged right away. "Sir, Yoona-shi wants Hana to get off the water, she might catch cold. I'll be changing her clothes on her room."


"Hon, can you put some suntan lotion on my back?" She butted in. "There were some parts I can hardly reach."


After passing Hana to ahjumma, he walked near Yoona. He grabbed the bottle of suntan lotion from her hand and put some to her back before leaving her. Yoona couldn't believe to what had just happened. Her beloved Seunghyun used to be so hot on her trail. But now, his treatment to her was as cold as ice. It was unbelievable!








At noon, the guests were happily eating lunch, courtesy of the ship's Italian chef while Seunghyun did the rounds to introduce Hana as his daughter. Yoona was now seething as Seunghyun continued to ignore her.


"Seunghyun, I can't believe you already have a daughter." One of his mother's friends said surprisingly. "Where's her mother?"


She saw how Seunghyun only shrugged his shoulder. She was so frustrated because of that. He's an evil! I hate him!


She didn't finished her food and just walked back to her room. Few moments more, she heard a knock on her door. Before she could ask who it was, the person who was knocking already entered her room.


"Auntie." She tried to smile.


"You can start calling me, Omma." Mrs. Choi said happily. "My hard-headed son is merely taking his time to forgive you. He'll get over it."


She was thankful that Seunghyun's mother was such an easy person to deal with. "I guess you already know everything." She said sadly.


Mrs. Choi nodded. "Seunghyun told me everything this morning. It was the oddest thing I've ever heard but who am I to question fate? Maybe the two of you were really destined for each other."


She sighed sadly. "Fate or no fate, he hates me."


"Give him a little more time, Yoona." Mrs. Choi said while she rubbed her arms. Her smile is full of encouragement. "My son has been jumping from one relationship to another since I can remember. I don't even know if he had a serious relationship before. He's still learning the ropes of falling in love."


She smiled to Seunghyun's mother's kindness.


"Thank you...Omma."








It was eleven in the evening. It was a dark night and the moon can hardly seen because of thick clouds in the sky. She was in the part of the ship where she can see the shadowy portion of the dock.


The mega-yacht was currently few meters away from the wide walkway. You need a speedboat to get in the mainland.


She got confused when her eyes caught two persons hurriedly ride a speedboat and drive towards the main dock. Maybe it's an emergency, she thought.


After an hour of thinking, she decided to go to Seunghyun's room. She will sleep there tonight whether he likes it or not, she doesn't care.


She was shock when she heard the sounds outside his room.


"Oh, Seunghyun, stop... It tickles..." Said by a woman's voice coming inside Seunghyun's room. "Darling, you haven't change a bit, you're still the best!"


Blood starting to flow up to her head. She was ready to talk to him heart-to-heart and ask forgiveness and make things right again only to be greeted by a woman's voice! She turned her back but changed her mind at the last moment. She had to see it with her own eyes. She opened the door and to see who was this woman inside his room.


It's Go Hara! In all her glory!


"Oh, I'm sorry." Hara said with a mocking smile on her face. "I didn't know you were here." She doesn't seem surprised at all.


"Where is Seunghyun?" She said trying to suppress her anger. How can this woman act like she didn't just walk in on her? She wanted to bang her head to the oriental figurine beside her. She was so mad.


Hara look at the closed door of the bathroom. "He's taking a shower."


Every sound of the water flowing from the shower was like knives stabbing her heart. Seunghyun just made love to his ex-fiancée and already forgot everything about her.


"Seunghyun told me about the status of your relationship with him." Hara said making sure she could see her ness.


To be fair with Hara, she was really beautiful. Her skin was obviously had been taken care of beauty products since childhood. But I am prettier and my body is more beautiful than you!


"W-what did he told you?" She half-whispered.


You're not supposed to be here, Yoona! Get out now!


"Well, he told me that you're in an open-relationship that's why I'm sure you wouldn't mind me sleeping with him." Hara said as she stared at her before she continue. "I almost didn't want to believe him, if only I didn't see how he treats you in public. Wattagirl! I'm impressed how you can handle to be treated that way."


That comment offended her pride more than anything else. It was Seunghyun who keep on following her! This woman was getting into her nerves even more.


"At first, I was crazy jealous because he had a child with you. All I knew, I was the only woman he had ever loved... Oh!"


Hara stopped when she saw gasped.


"You didn't know? He didn't tell you? I was his fiancée before. We were so in love. We still are despite everything that happened."


All of Yoona's defenses crumbled. That was her weakness, her worst fear. Hara was the woman Seunghyun was talking about. The woman he truly loved, the woman he wanted to marry.


"We're going to get married right after I divorce my soon-to-be-ex-husband." Hara added. "That was the original plan before he knew about Hana. I guess he's hitting two birds with one stone now that his daughter needs a mother."


"B-but he ran away to your wedding then." She had a bad feeling that all her questions will be answered right about now.


"Yeah, things happen beyond our control that broke us apart. We went our separate ways for some time. But we both realized we couldn't live without each other after all." Hara laughed. "You wouldn't believe the things Seunghyun did to get me back. He even had this bended knees scene." She said while showing her ring finger. "He even gave me this ruby ring as a sign of his love. Ain't he the sweetest?"


That drove the last nail into the coffin. She was out of Seunghyun's life!


"I... I... have to go now."


She was right. Until now, Seunghyun still love Hara. And it was killing her down to her very soul.


"Aren't you going to wait for Seunghyun? I'm sure, he's almost done showering."


"It's ok." She said in the brink of tears. "I'd--- don't want to disturb you."


"Alright." Hara said as she light her cigarette. "He told me he wants a third round after his shower, anyway. Wish me luck. Seunghyun's in a ual rampage tonight."


She turned her back and didn't bother to say goodbye to Hara. She wouldn't dare cry in front of Hara. She was sure she would tell it to Seunghyun and if that happens and he will just laughed at her.


Damn! Go to hell both of you!


She went back to her own suite and cried a river. She was so thankful that Hana is already sleeping peacefully and she doesn't have to explain to her why is she crying.








Yoona was not prepared to see him first thing in the morning.


"Hell, Hon, Good morning!"


Seunghyun greeted her with a wide smile once she opened her door. She saw that he was trying to get something in his pants’ pocket.


The bastard, he really had the guts to come here! What does he want? A fifth round in bed?


Without a word, she slammed the door in his face.








Seunghyun could almost feel the bruises at the tip of his nose after Yoona slammed the door against him. "Hey, what did I do?" He yelled at the closed door.


He knocked several times more in Yoona's room but she didn't opened once. !


He stared at the small box in his hand when he finally managed to take it out of his jeans pocket. He irritatingly put it back to his pants.


He was tempted to kick the door in but he controlled it. He might disturb the other guests in the yacht. He didn't want anybody to see him quarrel openly with the mother of his child.


Okay, so he was pissed when he learned about her lie, but he had all the right to be pissed! And now, she was the one who is mad now?


! He angrily went back the deck. He had guests to entertain before they

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searching for stories and now I'm here! can't wait to read this!!:)
Chapter 3: oww man the trojans!!! hahahah Seunghyun had the time of his life huh. And Yoona girl, why'd you no took off the mask???????
Chapter 2: I can feel Jiyong while on the phone with Hara. Lmao i sillently laughed at that.
Chapter 1: yes i like!!!!!
audreylucille #5
Chapter 12: Oh my God! This story is so fresh, funny, romantic and a bit 'naughty' lol. It's just peeeerrffecct! I hope you will make an epilogue and another TopYoon stories (yes stories!) it's hard to find TopYoon ff right now :(
Thank you so much for this one author-nim ^^
Chapter 11: My favourite topyoon story! Good job authornim..this is awesome
Yogabygaby123 #7
Chapter 9: Epilogue Epilogue!! So good!!
yoonda #8
Chapter 12: ahhh,, your story is really writen beautifully <3<3
hope you will write another yoona's story again XD
Chapter 12: Okay, is it weird that it's after midnight in my time zone and I suddenly had the urge to read this story from beginning to end again? This story is absolutely addicting, and you had me giggling at the same scenes I was giggling about a year ago. Thank you for this wonderful story, and I hope you continue to write stories like this in the near future. Lol I hope you don't find this comment weird.
mydebbie #10
love this story......can u please make another TOPYOON story!? please please please !!!!