
Woman in Mask
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"I'M A RENEWED CHRISTIAN," Taemin exclaimed once he saw her on his doorstep. "I can't help you anymore, Yoona."


It was the first time that she saw him again after three years. They keep their promise then that they won't see each other for a while after that night.


"Shut up." She said as she entered his apartment.


Taemin looked more handsome than ever. A lot of girls would probably howl in frustration the moment they know that he liked kissing men more than them.


"What is it this time, darling?" Taemin said while making his way to the mini-bar inside his loft.


"He's back, Taemin!" She exclaimed.


He looked as if he were pretending not to know what she was talking about. "Who?" He poured some single malt Scotch into a glass.


"Choi Seunghyun!"


"Aaaah, him." He said as he passed a glass to her. "He called me up a dozen times from the States to ask me who you were. There was even this one time that he went so far as to bribe me."


"W-what happened?"


"He offered me billions but I refused. All for the love of the family." He rolled his eyes. "I regret ever doing that to this day."


Shock was the the appropriate word to describe what she felt that very moment. Seunghyun looked for her?! "Why didn't you tell me about this?"


"You asked me to forget it ever happened and now you're asking me why I didn't tell you about it?" He confusingly said. "I don't get you."


She was silent for a moment. Taemin was right.       


"You did so good that night, that why he's desperate to find you." He teased.


She pouted. "Oh, Taemin, I was ready to forget that beautiful night until he showed up at my doorstep," She said helplessly. "He was so y and we---."


Taemin gasped. "Did you him again?"


She cringed at his cousin's crude reference. But then again, there was no other word to describe his wild encounters with Seunghyun. She suddenly remembered how much she enjoyed being captive in his arms.


She nodded.


Taemin's eyes twinkled. "For free?"


"Taemin, I don't have time for jokes. He doesn't know that I was that woman!"


"So what's the problem? I'm sure he will be happy if he'll know that you and the woman in velvet mask is the same person."


"I can't just tell him that!"




Her eyes can't meet his. "Well, it's a bit complicated..."


"I know you have a very complicated life, darling. I admire you for that." He said like he's losing his patience any time. "Now, spill it!"




"I... I... have a daughter, Taemin."


"Congrats! Who's the lucky father?"


She only gave him a stern look.


His eyes were widened. "No way!"


"Yes, way." She said in a problematic tone.


"Oh my God! Does he know?" He said in disbelief. "Well, obviously, he doesn't know, am I right?"


"What am I going to tell him, Taemin?"


Taemin was not tactful. "Tell him anything. Either way, you're a dead meat. You hid him his heiress for so long. You can only wait ‘til your daughter is old enough to bail you out of the prison."


She winced. "I thought so." She agreed with a heavy heart.


Taemin let her sulk for a moment before speaking. "Seriously, Yoong, take it slow. Any normal human being wouldn't survive if you drop those bombs in one sitting."


She looked at her cousin with fear in her eyes. "What if he hates me after I tell him everything?"


"Darling, that's the risk you have to take."


He gently laid her head on his shoulder. "I love him, Taemin."


"Tell me something I don't know, darling." He answered her as he wrapped his arm to her shoulder.










Seunghyun was alone in his room at the Marriot Hotel in Warsaw. He was there on a business trip for three days--- Mr. Higgins and Royal Caribbean related. He bagged the deal.


He stared at the ceiling and lifted his right hand to his forehead. He terribly missed Yoona and how he wanted to be with her that very moment.


He felt a sudden urge to call her but he has no confidence to do so. More accurately, he wanted to break away from her spell for a while.


He laughed at himself. He was Wharton-educated but he handled the affairs of his heart like a pre-schooler. He just couldn't think straight when he was right in front of her. He was vulnerable. The exact the same way he felt with the woman in the velvet mask years ago.


No it can't be. They can't be the same woman. It's impossible.


He'd been lying in his bed for hours now but his body was fully awake. When he felt like sleep won't come to him he decided to go down to the lounge of the hotel and look for company.


He occupied a vacant seat at the bar. His eyes scanned the crowd and frowned. Polish women were not as attractive as they were before.


"Hi." A gorgeous blonde greeted her in a y accent. "Business or pleasure?"


He smiled faintly and ordered her a drink. "Both."


Yoona's legs are longer. Yoona is prettier. Yoona is hotter. Yoona. Yoona. Yoona. Bull! I'm a Goddamn stalker!


"How about you?" He asked as he touched the side of her lips with fingers.


She smiled seductively. "Pleasure. All the way."


"I'm in luck then." He moved closer to her, willing his libido to get started. It was slow respond, something that never happened in Yoona's presence.


She raised her hand and discretely moved it down his crotch. He grinned mischievously. His night was probably not going to be as lonely as he expected.


"What's your name?" He said as he was slowly affected by the woman's action.




He laughed. That name was cold enough to dispel all the heat from his body.


"What's funny?"


He removed her hand from his crotch. "Sweetheart..." He said in a shy tone. "I'm in love with a beautiful woman back home. I'm sorry."


"Ohhhh...you're infected with the virus without cure." She said as she grabbed her clutch bag at the table. "I'm in room 2045 if you change your mind."


"2054." He said lazily. "Right."


The woman laughed. "I hope you know what you're missing, kochanie."


"I do." He simply answered.


Few seconds later, he grabbed his phone from his pocket and pressed the speed dial.


"Be ready with the Lear Jet in an hour, Mrs. Park. We're going home."










It was a rainy Sunday night when someone knocked on her door a few hours after dinner.


Yoona's heart practically lodged in when she saw the visitor.




"I bought this from a rival flower shop," He smiled while giving her the bouquet of red roses. "I hope you don't mind."


"T-the arrangement of flowers was not that good." She answered when she can't find words to say. "The ribbons aren't even made of velvet or satin."


Seunghyun laughed. The cad looked so damn hot when he laughed.


"Aren't you going to invite me in?"


She blinked. Oh God! She forgot for a moment the reality when she saw him. He was in her doorstep. Not he flower shop's door but her house's door! This was not good...




Before he can speak further, Seunghyun entered her house like he owned it.


"Come in." She uttered lamely after him, wanting to drag him back outside.


"Nice place." He said as he surveyed the two-storey house with cozy interiors. It wasn’t that big but it was wide enough for her present family.


She smiled faintly. "Tha...thank you."


Seunghyun suddenly embraced her by the waist and kissed her on the lips. "I missed you," He whispered in her ear.


She wasn't used to the tenderness of the moment. All they ever did was either fight or make love whenever they were together.


"I--- missed you, too." She admitted.


There was no point in lying. She missed him terribly. They had not seen each other for just one week but she felt like going crazy wanting for his embrace. Oh, this is definitely not good.


She was startled when someone made a sound behind them. "Yoona, give your visitor some tea. It's cold outside."


"Appa..." She said not knowing what to do. Seunghyun, on the other hand, moved like a smooth operator. He didn't even bother to lose his embrace to her.


"Good evening, Sir." He said while he offered his hand for handshake. "I'm Choi Seunghyun. I'm very pleased to meet you."


"I'm Mr. Im, Yoona's father." He said in a formal tone.


She was thankful that Seunghyun introduced himself. No words will come out of even if she wanted to speak.


A few awkward seconds passed by and she envied the calmness on Seunghyun's face.


"You look familiar." Mr. Im said while eyes looking directly at Seunghyun. "Do I know you from somewhere?"


"A-appa, Seunghyun is the CEO of Choi Industries," She said. "His company is going to celebrate its 30th anniversary next month, and I will be supplying flowers for the event."


"I see," Her father nodded. "I'm off to bed now. Yoong, treat your visitor well. It was nice meeting you, Mr. Choi. You take care of my daughter."


"We're not going somewhere, Appa. It's raining outside and---."


"That's not what I meant." Mr. Im said in a serious tone. "Mr. Choi should know what I'm talking about."


Seunghyun smiled and nodded. "Yes, Sir."


Mr. Im smiled back. "Goodnight."


Yoona walked her father to his bedroom located on the first floor.


"Does he know about Hana?" Mr. Im whispered to her before closing his room door.


Yoona gasped and shook her head rapidly. Even her father noticed the resemblance!


"Uh-oh. You're a dead meat." Mr. Im teased and smiled. It's very typical of her old man. His sense of humor would only come out in tense situation like this one.


"Appa..." She said as if asking for his help.


"You'll be fine, my deer." He said as he plant a kiss on her forehead. "Don't forget to drink your milk before you sleep."


She nodded. "Goodnight, Appa." She kissed his father's cheek before closing the door.


She turned her back only to see Seunghyun's deep stares as if he's examining her.








Seunghyun had the chance to look at Yoona as she moved away from him. He could almost swear he already saw that kind of walk before, complete with the swaying of the hips. The mysterious woman in black moved like that.


Damn, why the hell is he thinking that woman again and in this very moment?


Yoona was already near him and all he wanted to do is to pull her

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searching for stories and now I'm here! can't wait to read this!!:)
Chapter 3: oww man the trojans!!! hahahah Seunghyun had the time of his life huh. And Yoona girl, why'd you no took off the mask???????
Chapter 2: I can feel Jiyong while on the phone with Hara. Lmao i sillently laughed at that.
Chapter 1: yes i like!!!!!
audreylucille #5
Chapter 12: Oh my God! This story is so fresh, funny, romantic and a bit 'naughty' lol. It's just peeeerrffecct! I hope you will make an epilogue and another TopYoon stories (yes stories!) it's hard to find TopYoon ff right now :(
Thank you so much for this one author-nim ^^
Chapter 11: My favourite topyoon story! Good job authornim..this is awesome
Yogabygaby123 #7
Chapter 9: Epilogue Epilogue!! So good!!
yoonda #8
Chapter 12: ahhh,, your story is really writen beautifully <3<3
hope you will write another yoona's story again XD
Chapter 12: Okay, is it weird that it's after midnight in my time zone and I suddenly had the urge to read this story from beginning to end again? This story is absolutely addicting, and you had me giggling at the same scenes I was giggling about a year ago. Thank you for this wonderful story, and I hope you continue to write stories like this in the near future. Lol I hope you don't find this comment weird.
mydebbie #10
love this story......can u please make another TOPYOON story!? please please please !!!!