31 - Ashiya

Gang Royalty
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  Youngjae wouldn’t tell me anything about why he carried a gun with him or why he had knowledge about what he was doing.  When I pressed him for answers he only brushed it off and told me he would tell me another time.  It was late and I should be home, not walking around the streets after what just happened.

  If I kept asking I knew he would start to grow curious and cautious.  I let him walk me home while he tried to distract me from the normally stressful and frightening situation we found ourselves in.  My phone was always vibrating and it got to the point where I just shut it off.

  I know they have questions, but now is not the time.  I told them not get look for me in the first place and I’ve managed to see all of them.  Each in a situation that will bring warning to their minds.  And it really doesn’t help that Zelo was one of the boys that saw me at the park with Youngjae, and I’m well aware they saw the gun he had.

  Out of all the problems they are going to give me, the fact I was with a stranger to them who wielded a gun like a pro was going to concern them.  They know I am capable of taking care of my own, but they still worry like any good friend would but I can’t have that right now.

  I have to know who Youngjae really is, because ever since he first showed up many things have been happening.  I can’t rule out the possibility that he is from a rival gang or part of the mafia even.  He could very well just be a new face I’ve come across with some damn good training over the years, but I can’t chance it.

  Something about him is off.  There is something about him I can’t place.

  Giving him a few moments to walk away from the house while I grabbed a change of clothing and shoved them into a small leather backpack along with my mask.  I locked up and began to follow him through the streets.  If he knew I was tailing him he didn’t show it one bit, which was leading me to guess he didn’t know he was being stalked.

  Once we got to the core part of my territory I took to the sky and moved across the roofs of the buildings, not wanting to meet anyone on the streets.  I moved ahead of my target since I had a pretty damn good idea where he was going.  Henry’s restaurant was right ahead so I stopped across the street and watched him.

  Looking down at the sound of shuffling feet and quiet mummers, I growled darkly to myself as the figures of Zelo and Yongguk became apparent at the mouth of the alley.  What the are they doing here, hiding in an alley?  Was a question I couldn’t solve.

  I shut my eyes as realization dawned on me.  Both of them had a clear view of Youngjae’s face on different occasions while he was with me.  Both of them are the two who would react the most when I was involved, and while at times I was thankful, right now was not the time for them to do anything.

  I watched as they followed him into the store and grit my teeth as I watch the portion of the interaction I could.  From this vantage I could see the faint outline of his gun in the waistband of his pants.  When Youngjae leaned forward and gripped the counter his hands were close and easily accessible to a knife strapped on his forearm; the tip of the blade exposed from his sleeve.

  That boy had more metal on him that I first thought.  I’m really not liking the thoughts my mind is spinning up the more I discover about him.

  “Get out of there, please.”  I hissed as I watched my friends remain in the shop.  “Stay away from him until I know more.  I’ll handle it.”

  This wasn’t something I wanted them involved in.  There was too much that we didn’t know.  I was going into this blind, but I was trained to be able to handle myself in those kinds of situations.  I could enter something without a of information and be able to get what was required.

  I can deal with the unknown because I’ve seen more than enough in my life to predict what might be coming; my gang didn’t have that training.  My best friends were not trained to be able to manage and maintain a grip on what I’m doing right now, so I want to keep them as far from it as I can.

  I let out a breath as I watched them leave and make their way in the direction of the warehouse.  I set my eyes back on Henry and Youngjae and watched the aftermath of whatever the two boys caused.

  Youngjae slammed his fists on the counter causing Henry to jump back; a blade was embedded halfway to the hilt in the countertop between them.  The force it would have taken to bury the blade the way he had wasn’t some I would expect from his slim body.

  Mafia.  I couldn’t help but think.  Ripping the blade from the counter he left the small building and rushed off in the other direction that Zelo and Yongguk went – luckily.  He moved through the shadows well enough not to be tracked by a skilled eye before vanishing down an alley.

  I took a moment to pull my phone out and turn it on.  The moment it was powered up calls began to come in and my message box was close to filled.  It was useless to go after Youngjae now; I wasn’t going to find him all that easily and right now it's best I keep the others as far from him as I can.

  Until I know what he is capable of and is planning on doing here, I don’t want to chance the risk of one of my gang members getting hurt because of him.  If he’s a threat I’ll deal with it myself, I protect my own.  I won’t see anyone hurt for my mistake and my choice.

  I won’t get anyone mixed up in my wretched life and horrific past.  Whatever he’s doing here I’ll handle it like I have handled everything else in my past.

  This is something I have to do alone, something done completely my way with all my skill and training behind it.  Something isn’t right and until I know what it is I won’t be satisfied and my friends could be in danger.

  I ran back across the large flat roofs towards where Zelo and Yongguk had gone not long before.  I had shut my phone off once again so their insistent messaging wouldn’t bother me.  It was a different feeling moving around in clothes that were so unlike what I normally wore, I would change soon enough though.

  I couldn’t stop thinking about the encounter I just witnessed between Zelo, Yongguk and Youngjae.  The reactions Youngjae expressed were surprising and puzzling to me, and rather disconcerting knowing that he could have lashed out at the two boys putting him on edge.

  The amount of metal he actually could have been carrying without my awareness unsettled me.  I spent quite some time with him this evening, I looked him over many times yet I barely picked up on any of the weapons he had on him.  His gun was extremely well hidden and I didn’t notice he carried it until the two masked boys showed up. 

  Until I pulled myself away and wasn’t trying to act at all in front of him, until I was fully observing from a distance I had no clue those blades were strapped to him.  He moved about as if they weren’t even there, my hand must have come close to

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EikinMohamad #1
Chapter 34: Author, what happen next? I'm dying with curiosity right now . Please update
Chapter 34: And pls tell me this story hasn't died..
Chapter 34: I read the first part and decided to read the second before I wanted to comment on something but ... this is reaaaaaaaaaaaaally different from RSRC. It's a tad bit easier to understand since there's no cards involved and no powers to be understood but yeah, I really like this story as much as RSRC . The only similarity that I can find is both Oc's are BADASS! Hahahahahahha. I look forward to how this story will continue to develop!
Chapter 34: And here I am getting frustrated with Ashiya for not thinking of any possibility that the Youngjae she's been searching for is actually THE Youngjae she's been interested.. Just bcz she thought her childhood friend Youngjae "maybe" dead, but come on~ there's no information yet bout it.. Since she said that her gang is strong (or the best?) so it should be able to get information bout it if he's dead, no? So uuugghhhhhhh... >_< yeah, frustrated alright.. T^T
Chapter 34: Luckily you broke the stories up because honestly the first chapter and the subsequent chapters of gang royalty can just be under mtiagl but it'll just be a very long fic and I'm glad I'm reading it until here. Update pls, we all wanna know what happens within that 2 days and if Youngjae is gonna open up and/or discover ashiya's true self and/or her gang will ever find out who Youngjae really is.
chuppoppo #6
Chapter 34: authornimmmm will you be updating this story?
sorry i just stumbled on this now
it is GOOD i tell you. GOOOOOOOOOD lol
famushinee #7
Chapter 34: She's getting closer to know who's youngjae really is and I can't wait to see what kind of reaction she and he will make if they realise about theirs long lost friendship..:-)
megoo1427 #8
Chapter 34: thanks for the update..
Uniqlonot #9
Chapter 33: It's amazing how much the plot opens up to you when you're more educated in the ways of all the different characters. Most stories I've read feel almost monochromatic. I am usually only seeing one person's view of things where here, it's more like a mosaic. All these individual pieces, from completely unrelated sources, come together to form a single masterpiece. They are all of different colour, shapes and sizes yet puzzle together perfectly.
Sorry for the long text. Good work as always! *i would up vote twice if I could. -_- *
famushinee #10
Chapter 33: Wah pissed off ashiya is one I never want to meet..she look so badass..