more than a phrase.

Love Potion #10: Silent Romance
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Angela wanted to smack herself. What kind of response was, I remember, hi? It was bound to be followed by an awkward silence.


And as she expected, it had gone awkwardly quiet. All the cute boy from Sehun’s school did was smile at her. It looked like he, too, didn’t know what to say.


He wasn’t wearing his school uniform, she noticed. She remembered that Yixing was a member of Sehun’s dance crew. Dance practice perhaps? She wanted to ask but she didn’t want to sound curious and eager. Even though she was a fan of the group, she still didn’t like to be seen as ‘that kind pf fan’.


The wait for the next bus felt long. With nothing to warm her, she shivered again and rubbed her hands on along her arms.


Something warm was draped over her shoulders. She looked and saw Lay’s school jacket on her.


She looked at the Lay with flushed cheeks. “Thanks.” Pulling the jacket closer to her body for warm, she caught a hint of the male’s perfume. She discretely inhaled just in case the male was looking at her. Angela didn’t want to look weird.


The scent was mint and something she couldn’t put a name on but it definitely fit Yixing. It made her feel good and safe.  


Angela had never been good with words when it comes to this guy nor did she have the opportunity to talk with him. Her friends and his don’t usually hang out together. Mostly, it was only Sehun who would join her girlfriend, Andrea whenever they hand out at the café where Dani frequents.


She must have looked like a nightmare. Her well-planned clothes were soaked and her hair has become a disaster. But Lay didn’t seem to mind. He made no comment about her appearance and instead, he smiled brightly at her. Like the gentleman she and her friends had come to know from those times they’ve encountered the Chinese student, Yixing moved aside providing space for her to sit.


 “Sit. We have 20 minutes or so before the next bus arrives.” He said, patting the space beside him.


If the male didn’t point it out, she would have dumbly stood there the whole time. Blame it on the male for being too pretty. She couldn’t think of anything else.


Angela sat quietly, trying her best not to look at the Chinese man. It was hard not to. The male was always a sight to see.


What was it with the foreign male that she couldn’t help but like?


Sure his manners and the way he smiles made her heart flutter. But what made the difference with all the guys she secretly liked was that moment during the first attempt to catch Sehun’s attention for her friend, Andrea. Yixing was honest and kind, a trait that she particularly liked in a guy. In a way, he reminded her of Ryeowook. Though, there was more to him than being similar to her former boyfriend that she liked. At the moment, she still couldn’t pinpoint what it was.


She sighed and pulled the warm jacket around herself tighter. It almost felt like Yixing’s arms around her. She shook her head at the wild thought. Angela knew she shouldn’t be thinking like that. Crushing and fantasizing on Yixing were two different things.


The rain continued to pour making the air colder.  There was an awkward silence around them in which no one knew how to break. It wasn’t Angela’s nature to start conversation with someone who’s almost a total stranger even if it was a boy she likes.


She kept her gaze in front, trying to cover up the awkwardness she was feeling. Yixing seems to be doing the same.


Angela hated this feeling of awkwardness. To entertain herself while waiting for the bus home, she hummed a song that she recently heard. It was her current favourite and has been singing the song it for the past few days.

In the middle of the song, another voice joined in. She looked in Yixing’s direction and met the male student’s eyes. This time she didn’t shy away from and continued humming to the song. A smile crept up to her lips while she hummed. Yixing smiled back at her and continued to hum along with her, erasing the awkwardness that was once in the air.

For a couple of minutes, they got to enjoy a moment where she didn’t feel embarrassed. It was a nice feeling.


Their moment was cut short when the bus finally arrived. Angela stood up and was about to say goodbye to the male when she saw the he was standing as well. She discovered that they’ve been using the same route. It was a happy coincidence that she secretly liked.


She got on the bus first and sat nearest to window in the second to the last seat of the bus. Yixing on the other hand sat behind her. She wanted to smile back at him but she didn’t want to be obvious of her feelings.


The ride would be short. It would take 30 minutes before her stop. She closed her eyes for a moment to forget about Yixing and think about her earlier conversation with Ryeowook.


It was a bit hard to wrap herself on what her ex-boyfriend’s intention to start over again. But it’s been years and she had moved on.  She learned a lot from their relationship but she’s moved on from that relationship. She had simply fallen out of love. With him back in town, she wasn’t sure how this will change their dynamic.


She sighed and looked out the window. The pause in her thoughts was taken as an opportunity by Yixing.


“Angela if you don’t mind me asking...” He paused for a moment as if in hesitation. “Who was that guy?”

“Hmmm? Who?” Angela looked behind her and raised her brows in surprise. This was the first time Yixing asked her something personal.

Her expression didn’t deter the male’s curiosity. Yixing run his fingers on his chin, drawing her attention on that spot before answering with the same tone of curiosity. “The guy you’re dressed up for.”

She looked at herself and she couldn’t help but smile in amusement. “What makes you think I’m wearing this for a guy?”

He looked at her straight in the eyes and smirked, for the first time making him appear more than the well-mannered foreigner Angela knew him to be.

 “No one wears that without a guy involved.” He then turned his head down. “I’m pretty sure that but I’ve never seen you wear something that nice with your friends.”

Did Angela hear him right? Did she really heard the word pretty? And when did he notice her with her friends?

Her cheeks heat up. She covered the telltale blush with her hands and looked outside the window. 

“I met an old friend.” She answered vaguely.


“You’re wearing nice clothes for just an old friend?” The disbelief in his voice was apparent. He looked at her determined to know her reply.


She turned her head to look at him and couldn’t turn her gaze away from him.  She was trapped. She couldn’t escape those expectant eyes.


“Fine. I met up with my ex-boyfriend.” She raised her hands in surrender and admitted to the truth. Angela wasn’t a good liar and the questions make her uncomfortable to make excuses. This was the reason why she would always leave as soon as possible when her friends question her. “Why are you so curious? I think this is the first time I’ve seen you ask this much. You’re always the quiet one in your group.”

“Well... you don

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Chapter 3: Awww! Another update... I can't wait for Angela to just be with Xing...

Ps: everyone is getting their story.. My oneshot is still non-existent.
Chapter 3: and then what? HAHHA WHAT WILL HAPPEN??
Chapter 3: Oh wow...I'm curious to know what'd happen next
joyjaee #4
<3 <3 <3 <3 this story <3
Chapter 2: PRIZE!

Chapter 1: Ayiiee... College guy!!! <33333 i'm really excited for this story!! Fighting Unnie!!
Chapter 2: Giiiirl! Eeeeeeeep! Exciting!
Please tell me it won't take months again before the next chapter is up.
Thank you eonni :)
I'm so excited!
waaaahaaaa college guy! <3
Chapter 1: OOOOHHHHHHHHHH :"> COLLEGE GUY. I told Angela to read this now! :) Excited for the next chapter. Hwaiting, eonni and we miss youuu <3

P.S. Wag na sana umabot dito yung sweetness namin ni sehun char XD
Chapter 1: Who is that college guy? hehe. can't wait. weeee.

P.S Hayaan na natin na si sehun at andrea na lng ung super sweet. wag na ako idamay p. HAHAHA!