Is it Luck?

Love Potion #10: Silent Romance
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Everyone has secrets.


Even a girl such as Angela has one. She might be what most would consider ‘the good girl’, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t have one.

As soon as school ended that day, she bailed out on her friends as quickly as she could, not wanting to waste any time. Slinging her bag that contained her change of clothes Angela entered a public restroom a couple of blocks away from school and changed.

She did her best to change as fast as she could. It took a bit of manoeuvring to keep her clothes clean in the tight space of the cubicle. She then, applied a bit of makeup to her face, not wanting to look so bland.

Looking at herself in the mirror, she nodded approvingly. The dress she bought a couple of days ago looked pretty on her. It was a bit pricey but definitely worth it as she saw how nice it fit her. Her heels were high enough but given her small stature, it still made her look petite. It pinched but she was sure that it would be worth it.

The whole look was something she wouldn’t want her friends to know. It was simply embarrassing for her. Her friends have the tendency to be curious and meddle.

Her new appearance made her appear a few years older than she originally was. She could pass as a university student.

She walked a couple of steps and wobbled a bit. The heels were a little unstable but she believed she could still walk on it.

Satisfied that she looked good enough, she headed outside to meet up with her date.  

A date?

Should it even be called like that? Not really. It has been so long since they last saw each other.

But still it felt like it…. For some reason she felt a little guilty going behind her friends’ backs.

Why? Her friends like to think that she’s the innocent one. She isn’t. Not even Andrea knew that she had a boyfriend before.

Yes, a boyfriend.


Might be hard to believe but she got involved in a relationship wherein she might have been considered be too young to have one. People had always told her that she was quite mature for her age and the 4 year didn’t matter much to her.

They grew up together, living next to each other. It didn’t take long before feelings developed. Angela liked to think that their relationship was a sweet one even though it didn’t last as they wanted. Their love story ended when the male’s family had to move away.

There was never a formal closure between the two of them but she believed that there was an understanding in both of their parts. One day they were together and then the next, he was gone. Angela was hurt by his departure but not once did she try to contact him again. She didn’t believe that long distance relationships would survive especially in their case.

Three years have gone without contact until last month when he called all of a sudden. Even though the whole thing was surprise to her, she agreed to meet him out of curiosity.

Angela looked at her watch and realized that she was running late. She picked up the pace as fast as she could without making an embarrassment of herself by falling.

They agreed to meet in an old park where they used to play as kids. It brought back memories of her childhood wherein she enjoyed the games she played with her former boyfriend.

There were only a handful people in the park when she arrived. It was easy to spot him as he was the only one who looked like he was waiting for someone.

A smile automatically formed on her lips when she saw him sitting on one of the park benches. She took a moment to take in the change in him before calling out his name.

“Ryeowook oppa!”As fast as she could on her high heels, she ran towards him. Even though they have a history, she didn’t feel any awkwardness and just acted as normal self.

Ryeowook turned to the direction of her voice and smiled when he spotted her running towards him. He closed their distance as well in fear of her falling in those heels. “Angela. Good to see you prettier!”

Angela noticed more closely that the years apart have made a lot of changes for the both of them. Ryeowook grew out of the baby fat and looked really well wearing a blue sweater and slim white jeans. His clothes were pristine and fit him great, just like a model. He looked more comfortable in his form unlike before.

She on the other hand, grew a bit taller although shorter than she hoped she would be. Her curves grew more pronounced and her figure a bit feminine.

The former couple had a smile that seemed to be bursting on their faces. Each one seemed to be happy to see the other.  

“It has been a long time. I missed you.”Ryeowook took the initiative to close their distance and immediately pulled her into an embrace as soon as she was in arms reach.

Angela squeaked but welcomed the warm welcome. “Nice to see you too Oppa. It’s been so long since you left.” Unconsciously, she leaned her head on his chest and savoured the moment.

He smelled nice and she discreetly inhaled his scent. Ryeowook may be her ex-boyfriend and childhood friend, but it didn’t stop her from enjoying the nice feeling that was making her heart fluttering as he kissed her chee

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Chapter 3: Awww! Another update... I can't wait for Angela to just be with Xing...

Ps: everyone is getting their story.. My oneshot is still non-existent.
Chapter 3: and then what? HAHHA WHAT WILL HAPPEN??
Chapter 3: Oh wow...I'm curious to know what'd happen next
joyjaee #4
<3 <3 <3 <3 this story <3
Chapter 2: PRIZE!

Chapter 1: Ayiiee... College guy!!! <33333 i'm really excited for this story!! Fighting Unnie!!
Chapter 2: Giiiirl! Eeeeeeeep! Exciting!
Please tell me it won't take months again before the next chapter is up.
Thank you eonni :)
I'm so excited!
waaaahaaaa college guy! <3
Chapter 1: OOOOHHHHHHHHHH :"> COLLEGE GUY. I told Angela to read this now! :) Excited for the next chapter. Hwaiting, eonni and we miss youuu <3

P.S. Wag na sana umabot dito yung sweetness namin ni sehun char XD
Chapter 1: Who is that college guy? hehe. can't wait. weeee.

P.S Hayaan na natin na si sehun at andrea na lng ung super sweet. wag na ako idamay p. HAHAHA!