Ending 1 : Dead and Gone .

Saengil chukahamnida , Taemin .

"Shes gone , hyung , ...shes gone ." Taemin whimpered as he stared at the closed coffin , 

"i love her ! Why did she have to go kill herself ?!"

Taemin then suddenly shouted , look of pure anger burning in his eyes .

But then , it softened , "...why was i so stupid ?" 

Once again , tears flowed down his flawless face .

"I'd give anything , hyung , anything to get her back . If only ...." 

Taemin pressed his eyes shut , trying to erase the image that came when he remembered . 


     Shes taking too long to bathe . Far too long . 

Worried , Taemin had knocked on the bathroom door . 

"Yeobo , are you alright ? Please come out , dont lock yourself in ."

Silence . 

Taemin thought that maybe she wanted some time alone and then slumped against the door , tiredness suddenly taking over . 

"I'm gonna wait for you right here outside the door , yeob . You're not going anywhere without me ." 

But then , Taemin is only human . He woke up around 4 hours later . Groggy , he realised hes still slumping aganist the door . 

His eyes went wide with fear . Summoning strength he didnt know he had , he shouldered the door open . What stared back at him sent shivers down his spine . 

...he was staring at their bedroom mirror , ...marked with words of blood . 


"I guess i'm not good enough . I'm sorry i've been lacking . Saranghae . you probably dont want to hear that from me . Mian . Forgive me for my mistakes . Never stopped loving you , and never will , oppa .     


Taemin turned his head to the right slowly ...noticing the closed shower curtain . His body shook with fear . His legs suddenly felt weak and he fell to the floor . 

"y-yeob-yeo-b-bo ?" he croaked . 

Reaching for the curtain , his hand shook . 

Roughly hauling the curtain open , he screamed in pain . 

The water is Red . Shes pale . Shes Blue . And ...

...shes dead . 


Taemin's body rocked with despair once again . 

He'd say he feels so stupid ...but that'd be an understatement . 

"Hyung , ....bring her back . Bring her back , hyung ." Taemin said with tears in his eyes . 

"How i wish i could , Taem . But life has to go on . Come on , its time for the burying ceremony ." Onew whispered comfortly . 

Taemin looked at the coffin one last time , willing things hadnt gone this way . Willing she hadnt killed herself . Willing he had acted earlier . 

But try as hard as he might , ...shes still dead and gone

A/n : This is so ish i swear T^T Written in 15 minutes -le shoots myself-

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haesicarocks #1
Chapter 5: i loved it sad though but i loved it great job
taeminthenameilove #2
Chapter 5: gahd! i had a dream lately exactly like this story with the second ending!!! AUTHORNIM DAEBAK! AUTHORNIM JJANG!
Chapter 4: /cries/ this is so sad. Im bawling like an idiot.
yuki-girl #4
Chapter 4: Please update soon
Plz plz PLEASE update soon!! P-L-E-A-S-E
taeminthenameilove #6
THIS IS CUTE! update it very soon please :D
ukissmekevin16 #7
oh Taemin i highly doubt she is just taking a bath
shineexonewluv #8
omo O.O u gotta update i have to know what happens
OMGGG! You gotta update! :(<br />
What is Taemin thinking!!