Depression - Luhan

|| EXO scenarios ||

You were curled up on your mattress sobbing, again. You wiped the tears that stained your cheeks and checked your alarm clock. Six in the morning. One more hour till school starts for the day. But you didn't want to go. You never did but you just had to sometimes. But today was different. Your father would understand. He always understands in these circumstances. He would let you have the day off. You buried yourself in the covers and sobbed some more. You closed your eyes and let out a long deep sigh. It was just really depressing. Exactly three years ago, your mother had passed away, battling against cancer. She had never smoked once in her life and was one of the most beautiful and kind hearted people you would ever meet and such a faithful tragedy happened to a wonderful women. Ever since, your class mates had said that she had been overdosed on drugs and alcohol which in fact wasn't the case. You've been teased for, what they believed, a druggo dead mother and some people believed that your father was a psychopath. You had no idea where these rumours where coming from but you were just suffering from all these lies and rumours about your family and being teased for being 'stupid and ugly' as well. Your self esteem had become extremely low and now you were on the verge of suicide. But one person had been stopping you from doing so. His name was Luhan. He had been your friend since the start of elementary school. He had trusted you and you had trusted and he knew the truth about your family and never changed his mind. You had tried to commit three times without anybody knowing and always wore a jumper wherever you went, even if it was a hot day, just to cover up those scars. Luhan doesn't know you are on the edge of suicide. Even your father doesn't know you've been cutting. But they have both been taking care of you ever since that incident three years ago and up to this day. Luhan's the one that stays by your side since your dad has been going for important meetings and presentations every so often. Well not today. Luhan is going to school and he gets to hang around his soccer mates instead of you which is completely fine with you because you think that Luhan doesn't want to hang around with you often. He always hangs out with you so you don't get bullied or feel lonely and you think that it irritates him to always be next to you. Today he gets to be free, hanging around with his soccer peers. "Honey!" Your dad's loud voice called up to you from the kitchen. "Do you want your breakfast down here or should I bring it up to you?" You quickly wiped yours tear stained cheeks and replied as normal as you could, "No, I'm not hungry!" You buried you face into your pillow and stayed there for a few moments. Your father scrunched up his nose a sniffled quietly. He knew what you were going through and he didn't want that, especially after his wife died three years ago. You weren't the only one that missed her, you father did too and you both just wanted her back, down here, right next to the both of you. But you knew that she was in a better place, watching over every step you took. He put the plate with milk and a muffin onto a tray and carried it upstairs to the front of your room which was positioned upstairs and straight down, with coloured block letters spelling your name on the front. He placed the tray down onto the floor with a little 'clink' and knocked on your door. "Sweetie, your food is out on the floor in front of your door," he said softly. He waited a few seconds to hear your reply. "Okay, thanks," you said quietly but loud enough for him to hear but it sounded more like a little whimper. Your father sighed dramatically and trudged down the stairs. 
Luhan sat on the steps outside of the main building if the university. He leaned forward and looked from side to side, searching for a familiar presence. He flipped the phone that lay in his hands as students, all different ages, walked past him without a seconds glance. He tugged on his bag strap and stood up as the bell sounded. He sighed deeply and made his way to class. Where were you? He hadn't had one clue. Were you sick or wagged school? He raked his hand through his hair as he went passed the lockers. "Luhanie~" Some girls cooed from the side of the locker. Luhan turned his head towards the girls, the ones that always pick on you. He rolled his eyes and turned away from them. He knew they were frowning. They always frowned and acted cute when someone rejected them. He heard multiple quick footsteps from behind him and someone clinging onto his arm. "Lu~ will you go to prom with me next week? You see I don't have a date to go with and I was hoping to go with you!" Another wrapped around his arm tightly and asked the same question. Moments later, girls were surrounding him, asking if they wanted to go to prom with him. He shrugged them off and lead in front of them. He spun around and started walking backwards. "Listen girls, if you wouldn't mind, I've have already gotten a date for prom so go find another guy to go to prom with," he said with a sarcastic disappointed look written on his face. All the girls gasped. "OMG! Who is it!? You must tell me!" "Tell me who it is!" "Describe her to us!" All the girls rambled on about who the girl was until Luhan interrupted. "She's a really nice girl and really, really pretty and doesn't wear a lot of makeup which is a relief nor wears shirt skimpy skirts or tops either which is also great, y'know?" He told them with a cocky smirk. The girls looked down at them selves and looked back up at him and blinked rapidly, knowing that none of them were definitely not the date. "I've got to go to class now." He pointed back to the classroom and spun on his heels quickly and started walking. He let out a relieved breath and entered history class. He took a seat near the window at the back where you and Luhan both sat during this class. You two were in the same class for everything which was lucky. He slid in behind the desk and got out his history books and text books. One of the girls came over and nearly sat in the seat where you sat when Luhan butted in. "Um, sorry but this seat is vacated for someone so please sit somewhere else." He fakery smiled and saw that the girl scoffed. Another hater of you and one of the most iest. The leader of the girl group. "Excuse me?  Can sit where ever-" "No you can't because this seat is vacated so go sit somewhere else." He said a little coldly this time. She blinked. "Fine," she muttered. "but you have to take me to prom." She smiled proud of her own little 'achievement'. Luhan shook his head. "I'm afraid that's not happening, Eliza." Her eyes widened in frustration and her face beet red and screamed, "You can't reject me. Nobody has ever rejected me!" "Eliza! Sit in a different spot now!" Said Mr. McMillan as he glared at her from the front of the room. "But he's not taking me-" I don't care if he isn't taking you to prom! I don't care if you don't go to prom now sit down!" Eliza rolled her eyes and strutted back to the front of the room and slammed her books on the table. Luhan smirked his achievement and whipped out his phone and tried texting you. "Do I hear a phone ticking, Mr Xi?" The teacher called from the front of the room while looking at him from over the top of his glasses. Luhan's head raised to meet the teachers eyes. "Oh, yes. I'm just texting my mum to tell me motto pick me up after school." He said and shoved his phone back into his pocket. "Okay then but I don't want to see that phone out for the rest of the lesson," he said and kept writing some question on the board. "Righteo, Captain!" He said, saluting the teacher from behind. Everyone laughed except for Eliza who only rolled her eyes. Laughter died down and Luhan stared straight out of the window. It would've been much funnier with you right next to him.
14 missed text messages. 5 missed calls. All from Luhan in which you ignored. Your father had left to go for an important meeting for tomorrow morning which was out of town so you couldn't see him for the rest of the day and tomorrow as well. You tossed and turned around your bed when you heard the light squeaky sound of you phone alarming you that you has a text message. You groaned and whacked the bed sheets and snatched your phone away from you bedside table. Luhan again. Annoyed from his text messages and calls you decided to open and read them. 
7:30am: "Where are, y/n?"
8:14am: "Are you late for school? Did you wake up late?" 
8:52am: "Hello? You there?"
9:18am: "Please answer my text messages"
9:35am: "Please y/n"
10:00am: "Call me ASAP when you receive these"
10:48am: "It's lonely here y/n" 
11:34am: "Maths class is so difficult. Help me?"
12:01pm: "Please answer my calls"
12:57pm: "Text me pleaseee?" 
1:21pm: "Seriously, why are you ignoring me?"
1:30pm: "Are you mad at me y/n?" 
2:02pm: "Please text me back!"
2:45pm: "Finishing school now. Had fun. Would've been better if you were her though."
Those last few text messages made you burst into rounds of tears. You couldn't take it anymore. It was all just too hard.
Luhan walked down the busy footpath slowly, kicking rocks. A low sound emitted from his phone and he grabbed it almost immediately. 'Y/n has seen your text messages' the sign said. He raised one of his cheeks to one side and tossed the phone to and for his hands. "Luhan!" I voice called to what seemed like from a car. He stopped immediately and tried looking the speaker. He saw your father waving at him and telling him to come over. Luhan smiled and walked over towards him. "Hey, Mr. Joon," he said once he was right net to him. "Can I ask you a favour?" Mr. Join asked suddenly and Luhan hadn't the need to deny to your father, he ordered Luhan to get in from the passenger side which had obeyed quickly. He buckled up and drove they drove off in a hurry. "Okay so I want you to look after y/n for me." Mr. Joon started and Luhan nodded, agreeing already. "I'm going away for my job for the next few days since its out of town and I don't want her to be alone and that's why I'm asking you this favour." Luhan nodded but he needed to know something. "Why wasn't y/n at school today?" He asked almost impatiently. The elder but his lip softly. "Uh, it's because of the um..." He was lost for words. He didn't want to say it because he might break down. "Because of that um 'incident' exactly three years ago." Luhan creased his eyebrows together confused. Before he was going to ask anymore questions, he suddenly remembered. It's been three years since your mothers death. How could he forget? He nodded understandingly as they arrived at your place. "Take good care of my daughter, Luhan. She's been in her room all day and she hasn't eaten. She must still be I her bedroom." Mr. Joon called as he drove off into the distance. Luhan waved at him and when he could no longer se him in sight. He went to your doorstep and picked up the key that was hidden under your door step and opened the door quietly. Bedroom, he thought as he peered into the empty lounge room. He tip toed into the house soundlessly and scanned the kitchen where three pancakes stacked on top of each other lay. Your favourites. He creased his eyes brows and kept moving. Bedroom. He climbed the flight of stairs and reached the top without a sound. Bedroom. He walked towards your room, straight down the hallway. He rested his hands on the cold wooden door knob, closed his eyes and heaved out faintly. Y/n.  He opened the door and his eyes widened in horror. "Y/n?" He said in barely a whisper.
"Sweetie, I'll be going to work now! Take care of yourself!" Your father shouted up to your from down stairs. "Okay, dad! See you in two days!" You yelled back as you were still curled up on your bed with red eyes and cheeks. You checked you clock that lay on your dressing table. Three thirty. School ended twenty minutes ago. Luhan would've been picked up and gone home and so would've everyone else. You were alone now. Finally. Minutes had ticked by and you decided that you had an idea. You raced to the dresser and opened the top right hand corner where you kept all your pyjamas and socks. You threw pieces of clothing out of the draw and somewhere around the room. Suddenly stopping, you grabbed the packet and jumped back onto your bed staring down at the package. You tried opening as quickly as possible. You grabbed on of the razors that lay in the package and threw the rest away. You rolled up you left sleeve and stared down at your numerous scars scattered around. Running your fingers along your arm, it felt rough and bumpy as you stared at the monster to whom you had become. You positioned the razor from one side of your wrist. You looked up. Your father was at work and nobody else would know, right? You swapped the position of the blade as it was now pointing downwards. 'Remember kids, "down the road" not " across the street!' you had recently read in a recent tweet. Your hands shook violently and pressed the blade down onto you wrist and closed your eyes. It wouldn't hurt. No one would notice. Who cares about. You were crying now, tears flowing rapidly out of your eyes. The door swung open and you open your eyes and they widened. "Y/n?" Luhan whispered as he stared straight at your wrist with wide eyes. You instantly dropped the blade and scanned the room. "What are you doing here Luhan?! Your not supposed to be here!" You screamed. You didn't mean to be angry. You just happened to be. He rushed over to your side and sat on the bed, right next to you. "Y/n, what were you doing?" He said although he already knew. "What do you think I'm doing Luhan?! I was cutting!" You yelled at him as tears streamed down you face. Luhan pulled you into his arms and rocked you back and forth. "Nobody cares about me. Everyone hates me. They would care if I died." You sobbed. Luhan pulled you back and stared into your eyes. He cupped you cheeks gently into his big palms. He pressed his lips onto yours so quick that you didn't know what was happening. You soon closed your eyes and kissed him back. This was your first ever kiss. Probably his too.   There was no lust to be felt. Just pure love. Luhan pulled back a bit so only your noses were. "I care about you, y/n. I've been here by your side all these years and have never wanted to part from you. Your the reason to why I smile randomly. Your the reason I live." He he said quietly while staring into your eyes mesmerised. "Look here." He rolled up his left sleeve. Your eyes widened and you raked your hands gently over his skin. The scars still remained on his soft flesh. They were only faint ones though. "I used to cut when I have eleven. I used to get picked on in school because I was the smallest out of all of them. The only reason to behind why I stopped was because of you. You were outgoing, kind, caring, pretty and you still are. I have been in love with you for over eleven years, the first day I met you in year seven. I love you so much y/n an I want you to be my girlfriend." The speech stunned you. It happened so suddenly, so uncontrollably. You smiled softly. "Luhan, I've loved you for a long time so of course it is going to be a yes." Luhan have you a light peck on the lips and smirked. "Will you be my date for the prom then?" You laughed genuinely this time and smiled widely. "Of course. Wouldn't want to miss it."


to be honest, this is my favourite sscenario jive made so far. It just love it. Anyway this was originally for Luhans birth but I was too busy ~.~ and please eenjoy tomorrow I'll be editing this one and the last three so yeah.. Enjoy I guess


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I'm really sorry for not updating! I'm quite busy and hopefully the Lay fluff will be up soon! Sorry for the delay :(


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Chapter 3: Sweet... :">
Chapter 1: Why did he leave in the first place?
OneAndOnly484 #3
Woahh it's nice! Sorry for the late reply coz I totally forgot about this request thing. /coz of school problem of course.. T_T/ anyway, thanks author-nim!
Chapter 6: Why don't you divide dialogues? It'd be better that way :3
Chapter 4: This is good!^^ thanks for writing!^^
OneAndOnly484 #6
Anneyonghaseyo! Can you do Sehun angst oneshot please? Kamsahamnida.
Can you do a Xiumin oneshot?...Angst...
Chapter 1: It's awesome!^^
Annyeong!^^ I hope to request for a Lay one shot? :3 fluff please~~~ can the scenario be like me and Lay were dating... And he introduces me to EXO? 8) please? Thank you!^^
can you do 'suho oneshot' ?