Happy Together Part 2 [Last]

Couple Love (KBS New show) [Applications Closed]

Happy Together Part 2

Host: Hi We're Back! So Kei-ssi first!

Kei: De.. *peels sticker*

Bong sun: Oh She has a big brother in Japan who is in a famous boygroup! Wow!

Host 2: Yes so let's see Kei's big brother!

Host: Watch this!

[To Kei, Sugoi Ohno-kuun is my favorite and Idol too like you know who~]

Host: Ahh Kei's big brothe is so Handsome!

Host 2: And next Yuzuki!

Yuzuki: *peels sticker from board* 

Bong sun: Oh she has a big brother in Japan too and in the same company as Kei's big brother!

Host: Woah~ 

Host 2: Let's watch your big brother!

Host: Woaah~ So cool! Next Sun-ji!

Sun-ji: De... *peels sticker*

Host 2: It says, she has many big brothers and friends in Japan too! And in the same company as Kei's and Yuzuki's big brothers. 

Host: so let's see 'em! Yun-ji you say their name, it's hard!

Bong-sun: Yah it's Sun-ji not Yun-ji!

Host: Ah~ Oh sorry!

Sun-ji: It's okay! Umm... Please watch my big brothers and friends that I will introduce! First one, Ohno nii-chan..

Sun-ji: Then next we have, Yamapi nii-chan! And Jin nii-chan!

Sun-ji: Then Maru nii-chan!

Host: Woah your last big brother in Japan is awesome at beatboxing. And the first one and the 3rd one are awesome dancers...

Host 2: Yes all of them are so great also Kei's and Yuzuki's big brothers too...

Host: Ok so let's move to the next and last section of our show, the tongue twisters! You'll get wet by water guns if you get it wrong!

Host 2: So the first is.. *peels sticker* Yonghwa Sunhwa Seohyun-ah Hyuna!

Host: So how will this go, hyun joong first...

KHJ: Oh.. Yonghwa Sunhwa Seohyun-ah Hyuna!

Host 2: Yeong saeng next twice...

HYS: Omo.. Yonghwa Sunhwa Seohyun-ah Hyuna Yonghwa Sunhwa Seohyun-ah Hyuna!!! Yahoo!

Host: Next is! Ok..Kei! And its thrice...

Kei: Yonghwa Sunhwa Seohyun-ah Hyuna 3x

Host 2: Yuzuki!

Yuzuki: Yonghwa Sunhwa Seohyun-ah Hyuna 4x

Host: Sun-ji!

Suji: Yonghwa Sunhwa Seohyun-ah Hyuna 5x

Host 2: Omo Kwangmin! How will this go...? 6 times!

Kwangmin: AHHH!!! Ready! Yonghwa Sunhwa Seohyun-hhwa Hyun...... *gets splashed with water guns*

Suji: *blocks Kwangmin's face with her board*

Kwangmin: Waaahh... Ahh.. *laugh*

Host: Ok next toungue twister is....So Nyeo shi dae

Host 2: startes with.... Sun-ji??? What do you think?

Suji: Starts with Hyorin unni!

Host: Ok start!

Hyorin: So nyeo shi dae!

Bong sun: So nyeo shi dae so nyeo shi shae! Ahhhh.... *gets shot by water gun*

Host: Ok Bye Bye! This is?

All: Happy Together!!! Hooh!


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I love the poster! Taemin's name translated in english is tommy? LOL!
Ooo pretty poster~<br />
and hahaha I've always wanted to try those picture things.
--nerdyexotic #3
Can't wait for the next chapter
--TaroMochi #4
kekeke. <br />
me using Jiyong to make Minwoo stop >D
hehehe <3<br />
me and my channaka <3<br />
mine! <3<br />
thanx for that, rainie & kira!
kyaaaa what a cute pikachu couple xD
--nerdyexotic #7
Can't wait for the next chapter
hahaha!<br />
i feel like something chaotic gonna happen ;D
--nerdyexotic #9
Ahhhh!!!! I can't wait for the next update!!!!! I wonder what's goin to happen in the houses
hmmmm interesting~<br />
yah! suji! don't steal our job!