B&B - Yunho

Not seeing each other in weeks, both of you were too busy with work to hardly stay awake for each other. With the weekend coming up, Yunho wanted to plan something special, yet relaxing for the both of you. Once the idea of Breakfast in Bed came to his mind, all he could do was smile. On his way home from work, he stopped by the store as he picked out some new pajamas for you, a white tank top and a pair of cute shorts.

Opening the door his house and yours. He called your name a few times with no answer. A smile came to his face, knowing that you weren’t home so that he could carry out his surprise. He walked to the closet and pulled out the wrapping paper, wrapping up the new pajamas for you. He placed a note on top as he waited for you in the bedroom until you came home. Changing into a white tank top and loose black shorts, he staged the bed making it look comfy and inviting as he turned the lights down low. Placing a few candles around the room, to him it looked wonderful, simple yet relaxing.

Coming home a little later than expected, you walked into the dark house as you thought that Yunho was still at practice. Shuffling into the kitchen you the soft lights as you saw a package on the counter. Tilting your head in confusion, you walked up to the package as you picked up the card.

I thought that we should spend some time together, since we haven’t lately. In this package is a little gift from me, I would love it if you tried them on and came into the bedroom afterwards.
- Husband

With a smile already beaming on your face, you held the package in your hands as a million presents ran through your head, some more embarrassing than others. Ripping off the paper, you held the pajamas in your hands as they were too cute. Biting your lip you blushed as you walked to the bathroom to change into the cute outfit.

Emerging from the bathroom, you pulled your hair into a loose ponytail before heading to the bedroom, where a faint light came from under the door. Knocking on it softly you opened up the door, revealing the beautiful bedroom. Stepping inside, your eyes widened as your eyes moved from the candles to the bed to the doorway where Yunho was leaning.

"Y-You did all of t-this?" You stuttered pointing to the room as you looked in his eyes. His arms fell to his sides from his chest as he nodded with a big smile.

"Only the best for my wife. My one and only love." He held your hands in his as he kissed your forehead. "Welcome home."

"Thank you, welcome home too. What is this all about?" You moved your arms around him as you looked up at him.

"I just wanted to spend time with you, I missed you." He holds you tightly as he sweeps you off your feet carrying you to bed.

Setting you down against the sheets, he crashed his lips on yours. Kissing him passionately, you moved your hands to his hair, his hands sat on your hips as he smiled against your lips.

"You’re beautiful in my present." He mumbled against your lips as you nod your head. Your lips danced with his as he kissed you sweet and slow, showing you all of his love. Kissing you just the way you want, he felt you become breathless under him as he smirks against your skin and pulls away.

Trying to catch your breath, he moves to lay beside you as you cuddle up beside him. Eventually catching your breath as your head rested on his chest, listening to his slowing heart beat. Closing your eyes, you entangled your legs with his as he wrapped his arms around you.

"I missed being with you" You said softly as he looked at you happily.

"Me too, that is why I planned this for us." He said as he kissed your head softly, with his hands moving against your back lulling you to sleep. Watching you sleep, Yunho slipped off to meet you in his dreams.

Yunho woke up first, as you were curled up on his chest, your hair was coming out of your ponytail. Carefully, he undid your ponytail and let your hair flow over him. Running his fingers against your skin, he pushed your hair behind your ear as his arms wrapped around you.

"I love you, baby." He whispered softly, watching your peaceful and tired figure as his heart fell for you more. Looking around the room, the candles were now puddles of wax, pillows were moved off the bed as a light blanket rested over the two of you. Slowly trailing his finger tips over your bare arms, he placed kisses over your bare skin.

Stirring to the skin ship, you rolled off of him as your grip loosened slightly. Moving from your grasp, he replaced himself with a soft blanket as you cuddled with it happily, wrapping your arms around the blanket and burring your face against the soft fabric. Your hands gently grasped the material just to let it go a few seconds later. Yunho watched you for a minute or two before leaving the bedroom to go make you your favorite breakfast.

Coming back into the bedroom a few minutes later, you cuddled against the blanket as he sat on the edge of the bed. Lifting his hand he rubbed your back as he waited for you to wake up.

While he was waiting, sleep began to call his name again. Falling asleep against the headboard, he kept rubbing your back. Soon enough, you woke up as you looked at the blanket, your eyes lifted to your sleeping husband as you saw your favorite breakfast on a tray.

"You should take care of yourself too, honey." You carefully moved his head onto the pillow as you laid a blanket over him. Taking the food onto your lap, you ate it happily as he wrapped his arms around your waist. Once you finished most of your breakfast, you moved the tray to the nightstand before you wrapped your arms around Yunho.

"I love you." Kissing his lips softly, you rested your head against his neck as his arms wrapped around you, pulling you close you fell asleep once again in your husbands arms.

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teddiebears #1
popping in to older fics to say hi .u.
romeyu #2
This is a good one.
babymichiie #3
Chapter 1: OMG! Breakfast in best with YUNHO! That's like the most awesome thing! :)
Chapter 1: ♥ Love it !
Chapter 1: Breakfast in bed with yunho please ~
WasabiBear #6
Chapter 1: * o * <3
Aww! This was really nice, hehe. :3
Great job!
orange2806 #7
So sweeeeeet :")