Chapter 1

Untouchable Dream

 Dismissal (February 13, 2013):


[  you  ’s POV]

             It was dismissal time when Jiyeon told me to wait her . Jiyeon was my best friend since elementary.

Well she’s bubbly and talkative. 


you  Wait!” she shouted.

“Oh, Jiyeon! You’re late.”

"Sorry you " she said.


I and Jiyeon were neighbor. Everyday we’re walking when going back home and going to school

 Because home was just few miles away. Jiyeon and I just live a simple life, we are not that rich unlike our other classmates but we can afford to go to a prestige school. 


you , Can I ask you a favor?” she said.

“What is it?” I replied.


 I already knew what is she going to ask me. It's Valentine’s day tomorrow. So it means chocolates and sweets and

Jiyeon don’t know how to bake or cook.


“Can you help me bake some chocolates? Please, you  ” She said.


 Jiyeon knew that I will not reply because she knew that I don’t like valentine’s day. Yeah, I don’t like Valentine’s day.

Girls wasting their money for making sweets and chocolates for their crushes and boyfriends. But I knew that Jiyeon will find a

way just to make me say ‘yes’ and that is doing aegyo.


“Please (aegyo) please? .... you ” she pouted.

“Okay, okay. I’ll help you. Just stop doing that!!” I shouted.


[Jiyeon’s POV] 

 I knew what you ’s weaknesses are. I knew that she doesn’t like me doing aegyo because she can’t bear my cuteness. (evil laugh)


“Thank you you !!” I replied.


Her worst day will happen again tomorrow. you doesn’t like Valentine’s day. She doesn’t like things related to love.

She thinks that it is a waste of time, she thinks that love is only a feeling and as time goes by it will just fade.

In short, She thinks that it was a waste of time and money. I wonder when she’ll fall in love?


The next day : (February 14, 2013)


[ you ’ s POV]

              I’m almost finish fixing my hair when Jiyeon arrived at my house.My mom knocked at the door and told me to go down

because Jiyeon is waiting. I immediately went downstairs and saw her smiling and she looks very excited to go to school.


you, thanks for helping me yesterday.”

“No problem.” I replied.

“Hey! I think you’ll receive many chocolates and gifts again like last year.”

“Stop it, Jiyeon.”


      Last year when I opened my locker it was full of chocolate bags and love letters. I don’t know what to do with it so

I grabbed all the chocolates and gave it to my classmates and the love letters, well, I threw it on the trash. While we’re walking.

Jiyeon asked me the question that she is always asking me but I always reply her the same answer.


" you when are you going to fall in love? "

“No Jiyeon, never.” I replied.


[Jiyeon’s POV]

                 I let out a sigh. The same question and same answer. When will you change her answer. Then I remember a story that my grandma used to tell me when I was a child. It was about fairies. Well, it sounds a little bit corny but it works though. I was a child that time so I got scared so I told myself that I will fall in love with someone. What if I tell it to you> ?


you , do you believe in fairies?” She says.

“No!! Why are you asking me that stupid question.”

“I’m just asking. Once, my grandma told me a story, I don’t know if it is true or not. My Grandma told me that every

valentines day there’s a fairy who haunt girls who doesn’t believe in love. The fairy will go to the girl’s house while the girl

is asleep and the fairy will say a spell and the girl will have a nightmare and---- ”


I’m almost finished telling the story when you told me to stop. She told me that I was trying to scare her but I was just trying to help her. We arrived at the school twenty minutes early so I told you to go first in the classroom because I need to give this chocolates to my special someone. *giggled*


That Night : (  you  ’s house)


you ’POV]

                 I arrived home exactly 7:30. My mom told me to change my clothes because dinner is ready. It was a very tiring day.

I’ve received so many chocolates and love letters today (sigh). Why don’t they just give up in giving me those things. After

I finished eating dinner I went immediately to my room.


“Whhaaatt a tiring day. I’m so sleepy…” I yawned.


I was half asleep when I hear a sound. I tried to open my eyes. I can only see the moon outside my window. It’s so

dark then I saw something moving.


“What was that?”


I fell asleep. I don’t know what’s happening. The last thing I remembered is that I heard someone saying some kind of words

that I don’t understand…


The Next day:


you ’s POV]

           I woke up and my head really hurts. When I opened my eyes. I was so shocked. I’m in a room but this is

not my room. It’s so old fashioned. What is this place? Then suddenly, someone opened the door. A fat woman came in and

she’s wearing a dress and she’s wearing a heavy make-up too.


“Wake up!! You’re always late!! You have so many things to do!!” She shouted.


“Who do you think you are?! A princess?!”


She told me to change my clothes and go down. Then she left. My mind went blank. I’m so confused and I don’t know

what’s happening. "Change my clothes?" And then a cabinet beside the bed caught my eye. I opened it and saw two rats came out. Yuck.

Then I saw three old tattered clothes. What will I do to this clothes? I can’t even wear it. Its already worn out.

The door opened and a girl came in. She’s wearing an old dress that looks like the clothes in the cabinet and her hair was tied in a ponytail.

“Why it took you so long? Madame is already mad.” She says.

“What?! Who?” confused.

you , just change your clothes immediately and go down.”

“What? Wait, I don’t understand… why will I change with those tattered clothes.”

“Have you lose your mind, you . We are maids in this house.”

“Maids? Since when and WHO ARE YOU?!”

you stop fooling around! We must hurry before Madame gets mad..”


I have no choice. I have no idea what’s happening so I changed my clothes and we went downstairs. The house was

so big and i was amazed with the furnitures because it was too old for a modern world to used, in short, it looks vintage and I saw the fat woman again shouting.


“Why it took you so long!!”


The fat woman told me to clean the barn yard. She told me that it was at the back of the house. So, I went at the back of the house and saw it.


“Is she kidding me?! This barn yard is big! It will take two to three days for me to finished this!!”


I went inside and saw four horses,  I think they are five because there’s a vacant stall beside the second horse. 


"Hi there." I said to the black horse. 


I went inside of the first stall and the black horse was looking at me. 

"Please don't hurt me." i told him.


This is the dirtiest place I ever seen so far in my life. After two hours of cleaning. I’ve finished the first stall.


"Thanks for cooperating Mr. Black Horse."


I try to touch him but he made a noise.

"Hey, calm down, calm down. I wont touch you anymore. "


While I’m cleaning the second stable. I saw a girl came in, She's wearing a clothes for horse riding and her brown hair was tied in a bun. beside her was a very beautiful white horse.


“Hey, you. Are you the one in charge in cleaning the barn?”

“I think so.” I replied.

“Did you already clean Thunder’s stable?”

“Thunder?  You mean your horse?.”

“Hey, You Slow Maid! Are you stupid? I told you that everytime you clean this barnyard, you're going to clean Thunder's stall first.

 I’ll forgive you this time but the next time you do it again .I’ll make sure that I’ll make your life miserable.” 


Then the girl left. What’s wrong with her. This place is really weird. I clean Thunder’s stable and put him in there. I almost finished the fourth and the fifth stall when the girl who accompanied me a while ago came in.


“Hey there” She said.


“I think you are already tired.”

“Isn’t it obvious. My back really hurts.” I replied.


We both sit in the hay. She offered me some of the bread that she stole from the kitchen.


“By the way, what’s your name?” I asked.

“You really don’t remember?”

“I really don’t remember. And what is this place?”

“You’re weird. My name is Min. ok? M-I-N.”

“Ok, Min. Yeah I’m weird. This place is weird!! I don’t know how I got here and I have so many question in my mind!"

“Hey, Calm down.”

“Wait!!! I cant believe this is happening, This place is so old! The way you and that fat woman inside dress was so old in fashion, the house and the furnitures is so vintage….wait....what is the date today?”

“Date? I think its February 15, 1850” she replied.


I was so shocked. 1850?! Is she kidding me. I think I’m going to pass out.

“Are you okay? You look pale.” She asked.

“No...I’m not okay.”


Is this a dream or a nightmare? I don’t know what’s happening! I pinched myself. “OUCH!”…its not working… I’m still here. Trapped in this world. And its not funny!!!





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Acha135 #1
Chapter 7: Are you gonna make this one totally the same as My Present's past?