Chapter 3: Room for everyone

The Kpop Hotel

"Guys you sure about this?" asked a very squished Luhan. Right in front of the elevator door, Sehun and Kai were ready to start running.

"Totally, since we are still in the fourth floor, and we need to reach the number seventeen, Sehun and I will race each other and the elevator all the way up using the stairs in order to have something to do in the mean time" Kay explained confidently.

"Yes plus this can count as a friendly bounding time between Maknaes, Plus I'll make Kai eat my dust!" He said looking at Kai.

"Yeah you wish" Kai retorted and looked straight ahead.

"Ready" said Tao between the two racing men.

"No really I'm a running machine, you will never be able to catch up" Sehun kept babbling while Kai was completely focused on the door.

"Set" Tao warned lauder this time rising his hand in the air.

"Like super duper fast, so fast that when you manage to catch up, a beard will start appearing on you flawless f-"

"GO!" Tao cut off Sehun's rambling and Kai bolted out of the elevator as soon as the door opened.

"" Sehun cursed and started running, landing face first after getting his foot  stuck in the closing doors.

"That will leave a mark" Tao said scrunching up his nose. Sehun quickly recovered his posture after the doors freed his foot and then started running, a red spot starting to form on his forehead.

"Kai has a flawless ?!" Chanyeol asked rising a brow. The remaining members of EXO turned to look skeptically trying to believe that the boy had not just asked that question.

"What the dude" Kris asked, not managing to suppress his thoughts.

"Oh come on, don't tell me that none of you are curious about how Sehun knows that about Kai" he said matter-of-factly. After Chanyeol said that, all of EXO proceeded to make a synchronized face palm.


Mean while in the stairs, Kai had an overwhelming two story advantage over Sehun, skipping some stairs and rushing past a struggling Shinee.

"Why did all the elevators had to be occupied, and why do I have to carry and overweight old-fashioned diva" Jonghyun complained, ascending the stairs with wobbling legs. He could swear that in that moment someone smacked the back of his head, but since there was no one behind him, he shrugged it off.

"Because you lost the rock paper scissors game, and was that Kai?" said Taemin excitedly.

"Yes, but you can't go with him, you'll stay here with us" Onew said as the fair leader that he was. Taemin pouted and crossed his arms.

"Hey you guys, when can we switch? This thing is kind of heavy" Jonghyun complained and once again he could swear that someone smacked the back of his head. He turned quickly to look behind him and the sound of something hard colliding with a wall sounded. The body that Jonghyun was carrying went even more limp. Jonghyun turned around and faced his band mates, that were looking at him with wide eyes.

"What?" he asked the others.

"You just hit Key's head with the wall!" Minho pointed out.

"He's unconscious, he won't remember anything, plus I think he lost some weight after that so..." He answered, pulling back and getting power to hit Key once again.

"No!" they screamed in unison.

"You will carry him at least until we are half way there, and no hitting Key against walls, got that" Onew said, glaring at the short man.

"Fine" Jonghyun agreed reluctantly.


Somewhere in floor nineteen, the Nu'est boy walked through an empty hallway.  

"Ok so, how do we find a room" Ren asked without showing any trace of emotion in his face.

"I actually have no idea" J.R said sounding bored.

"Hey look, there is a key in the middle of the hallway" Aron said running to grab the key and laughing like a maniac. He took the key and rushed back to his group.

"What's this?" Minhyun said peeling back a note that was at the back of the little golden object.

"If you want to get to your room, the choice of crossing taken territory is yours. What the hell does that even mean?" Baekho said after reading the note.

"I think that it means that we need to cross that room to get to our room" Ren said emotionless pointing at the lonely door that was at the end of the hallway.

"What kind of hotel is this that you need to cross a room to get to another?!" J.R said frustrated.

"The kind that is at the middle of nowhere and hardly gets any visitors perhaps?" Aron said looking at the others.

"Well there is no point in waiting here for the key to cross itself, so let's get a move on team" said J.R pumping a fist in the air recovering his mood. Too much for the team's liking, when they opened the door, which for some odd reason was opened, they were greeted by a battle field.

"Cap catch me!" ricky shouted as he jumped from the counter. When Cap turned around Ricky landed on top of him and they both came crashing to the floor. A cushion from the sofa flied across the room and landed square in Niel's face. In the sofa L. Joe had Chunji's hand pressed against his back.

"Ok so who's crazy enough to go first?" asked J.R. At that moment, every member of Teen Top looked at the other group that was standing at the door. Aron gave a light shove at Ren causing him to stumble forward.

"Fine" Ren sighed taking the key and walking through the room without a care in the world. It was as if every action in the room had stopped to stare at the blonde boy. When he reached the door, opened it and signaled the others to come along.

"I guess that means that I'm next" Baekho said and started walking. As soon as he crossed the doorframe everything came back to motion and the members of Teen Top started attacking the boy. By the time that he reached the door he was crawling for his life and all his clothe torn to shreds. The rest of Nu'est crossed as well, but without any better results. Not even J.R got saved. after almost crossing someone pulled him back to the fight and when he got rid of his captor and was about to reach the door of his room, another door opened and Changjo walked out of it, the door being the entrance to the bathroom. This caused J.R to pass out from intoxication. After Nu'est dragged their leader to their room, Ren proceeded to call the receptionist and give her the proper info.

Reaching the correct floor Kai panted and dragged himself over to the elevator doors. He took a selfi as proof that he had won and checked the floor where the elevator was at the moment.

" Just two more floors and they'll get here" he panted sliding down the wall and waiting for the group to get there. The sound of fumbling footsteps caught his attention, so he walked over to the stairs just in time to see Shinee going up. His ears caught the sound of a bell announcing the arrival of the elevator. He was honestly surprised that the elevator got there before Sehun did.

 EXO walked out of the elevator, Kris and Chanyeol once again carrying Tao, who apparently still refused to walk. Luhan tossed the key to Kai who caught it and rushed over to the door. He opened the wooden door and was shocked by the sight of their shared room. The rest of the group caught up and when Kris saw the room he let go of Tao, who fell to the floor with a loud thud.

" There is no way in that I'll sleep sharing that thing" Kris said ignoring Tao's pained whimpers. The room that they were currently staring at had a small fridge, a microwave, a twin bed in the middle of the room and a small couch at the other side of it. They closed the door and tossed the key away so that someone else would get this room.

"Hey now that I think about it" Kai said and rushed over to the stairs, the rest of EXO following the member to see what was he up to. When the brown haired boy reached the floor he spotted Shinee reaching a room and unlocking a door. Kai rushed over to them, but Shinee saw this and knew that he didn't have good intensions. They tried to close the door but he got there just in time and tried to push the door open. He looked at the other maknae that was trying to close the door in his face.

" Tae please let me in, land me your key and run away with me" he said in his most hopeful voice, looking at the slightly older boy straight in the eyes. Taemin looked at him and he could swear that a heavenly light was shinning just above Kai, making him look perfect. Kai stretched his arm for Taemin to grab. Taemin moved his hand to grab the other boy. In a quick motion he jerked his hand back and slammed the door shut since Kai was no longer pushing it open, trapping the later's fingers between the door and the doorframe.

"Too bad babe, I like this room way to much and I already have to share it with the others, another person would mean more sharing, plus you're not my type and not that charming, maybe next time" Taemin said smugly through the door, opening it slightly for Kai to retreat his fingers, and then closing it again.

"What just happened?" asked Xiumin, who was standing next to Luhan.

"I tried to use a trick that I had learned but it didn't work" Kai replied rubbing his hand.

"why?" asked Baekhyun from the side.

"Well, let's use an example, imagine that Tao took time to teach some wushu to any of you guys, and when you try to use the learned technique against him, since he knows it he will know how to counter attack, well that's a way to explain what just happened" he explained clutching his hand. A round of 'OH' and understanding nods, heavy footsteps and heavy breathing was heard. EXO turned around just in time to see Sehun reaching the upper floor and collapsing in the floor trying to catch his breath.

"Damn his out of shape, you should put him to workout Lulu" Xiumin suggested nudging the other boy at the side.

" Forget it, he can do it himself, I only worry about my own good looks" Luhan said running a hand through his hair.

"Ok, since we need to get a better room, let's see if we can appeal to the receptionists good side to get us a good room" Suho said looking at his group.

"Sounds good, last one to get to the lobby is a fat b-" started Chen.

"Don't even think about it" Xiumin glared at Chen who gulped and ran up ahead, the rest of EXO following him, leaving a groaning Sehun to stand up and catch up with the by himself.


sorry for the long wait, but school is driving me nuts. I just hope that you like this chapter

Until next update, take care and see ya!

peace out <3

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Chapter 3: Author-nim please continue this story!!!
Is really funny my friend, and I am curious about what will happen in their stay xD

Btw, not relevant but you mentioned almost all of my favorite groups:) fighting author-nim!!! School can be a pain :'(
Chapter 2: please keep going i love it so much
Chapter 1: This looks amazing!!!
Please update soon XD
Chapter 1: Wonder how it will all turn out haha! Keep it up ;D
Chapter 1: Wow this looks good; i look forward to the future of this fic ^^