Chapter 2: The Check in Games Part 1

The Kpop Hotel

After one hour of getting the groups to calm down enough to identify the members and get to know them better and another hour of arduously cleaning the room keys and getting rid of the spider webs around them, Ms. Puffelina was now wondering how she would assign a room to each group with the least amount of work possible. Then a wonderful idea came to young woman's mind. She took the rusty old reception bell and stood on top of her desk.

"Excuse me, may I have your attention for a moment" She called while ringing the bell. In a second all the attention in the room was directed to her. Thanks to the excessive ringing, the bell broke and fell to the floor.

"You should buy a new one of those Ms.Puff" announced Key.

"It's Puffelina, never mind the bell, I have an important announcement to make" she said, ignoring the bell that laid in the floor and proceeded with her announcement.

"As you all know, you will be living in this Hotel from now on, so I thought to myself, why not make these a fun experience? well I have the solution..." She said looking at all the faces that filled the room and continued "so I decided to bring to you the very first CHECK IN GAMES!!!" she loudly announced. Instead of getting the cheers that she for some odd reason expected, she only got confused and judging looks.

"And how will this work exactly?" Joon from MBLAQ asked.

"It's simple, I took the liberty of hiding the keys of very  single room of this hotel while you were distracted, now you'll have to work as a team with you group and find a key for a room, once there in order to secure your room, you need to call lobby, in other words, you call me" she explained. In the room there could be seen a couple of unsatisfied faces.

"And what's in it for us?" shouted Taemin followed by a chorus of 'yeahs' from the little gang that the kid had formed in the amount of time that they had been there. This little gang consisted of Zelo from B.A.P, Kai and Sehun from Exo, Ricky from Teen Top, and probably every maknae of the groups in this lobby.

"Good question, you get to choose your own room, some fun and if you don't want to sleep on the streets I suggest you start looking" with that all the groups started searching, leaving a cloud of dust behind "and as a bonus I get some free time for myself" the receptionist added contently we there was no one in sight.

 I quiet chatter could be heard at the corner of the lobby. In front of the elevators EXO was trying to get a certain member to move and get inside one of the elevators.

"Come on Tao, we already lost two elevators, we're going to lose this one if you don't hurry" Luhan tried to reason with the taller boy.

"NO!" answered Tao, throwing himself on the floor cross-legged and also crossing his arms over his chest.

" this, Chanyeol, grab one of his arms, I'll take the other one" Kris ordered, Chanyeol flying to fulfill the order he was given. The two men took a firm grip in Tao's arms and then lifted him up. Tao trying to resist kept his legs and arms crossed, which resulted in him being lifted cross-legged. The twelve boys managed to fit one elevator. Kris and Chanyeol let go of Tao in the middle of the elevator.

"Kai, mark a number" Kris ordered.

"Which one" Kai asked, hand roaming over the control panel.

"Any of them, just press one” Kris growled. Right after Kai pressed the number19 in the control panel, Tao talked and said something that got everyone by surprise.

“My feels funny” He said wiggling a little but not bothering to stand.

“Don’t you dare fart in here” Xiumin said horrified given that he was right behind Tao and was also one of the smallest so it would reach them first.

“It’s not that” He said and glared at Xiumin “I think there is something underneath me, let me check” and with that he leaned slightly and slipped his hand under his . He struggled to get whatever was under his because he refused to stand up claiming that if he stood up he would have surrendered and accepted living in the hotel, something that for Tao was not going to happen soon.

“Get your out of my face” Tao said pushing Luhan’s away from his face. Looking offended Luhan scurried to the back of the elevator, far away from Tao.

“YES!” exclaimed Tao victoriously holding a key with a piece of paper badly taped to it which read 1709. The rest the EXO members gasped at the treasure that their band mate was holding. A ding filled elevator followed by the doors opening to reveal a chaos.

“PRESS ANOTHER ONE! PRESS ANOTHER ONE PEOPLE! PRESS IT!” Tao screamed causing the others members to rush and press a button resulting in everyone pressing a different one.

“Oh great, now we have to stop in other eleven floors and NONE OF THEM IS THIS ONE!” scolded Tao violently waving the key in the other's face earning a smack in the head from Kris.


While EXO began their long trip in the elevator. Back in floor 19 a fierce hand to hand battle was taking place. The fight was between the members of Teen Top and it all started because when they manage to work as a team and search, one of them bumped into the other and they started discussing and then the fight started.

"ow ow ow, watch it, god, OW" said Niel, who was being held by an ankle lock, courtesy of Changjo. After a few seconds Changjo accidentally loosened his grip on the leg and Niel took that opportunity to escape. When Changjo was about to follow him, he got side tackled by L.Joe. While they fought Ricky was looking for a target. He spotted Chunji who was passing by and looked back at said maknae. With a quick calculation he knew that the distance between him and Chunji would be a disadvantage, so he went for his best option at the moment. He grabbed the plant pot that was right next to him and aimed it at the older boy's head.

"Ricky no, no, bad boy, no, drop it, stop, no, drop now" Chunji told him with a warning/threatening tone. The younger boy placed the object back in its original place with a dejected face. The moment the innocent plant pot was  placed back in its place, C.A.P came rolling "spy style" and took the pot. The pot went flying straight for Chunji's head. In a quick motion the boy ducked, the pot passing mere centimeters from his head. The pot crashed into millions of tiny pieces and a nasty stain of dirt in the wall.

"THAT was not cool man, and against  the rules, plus you need to work on your spy roll, you looked like a three year old trying to do a turn" Chunji said, matter of fact , with a raised eyebrow. C.A.P scolded and then lunched to attack the other boy. When the rapper had the other boy pinned to the floor Niel's voice was heard.

"Guys, TIME OUT!" he screamed and walked over to where the fallen plant laid. He removed some dirt and then grabbed a shinning object. He turned to his band mates and with a huge grin.

"Guys, move out" he said holding the golden key with the room number taped to it. The whole group stood in front of the elevator.

"Damn, this one is still in the lobby, and now, by the looks of it, it's stopping in every floor" C.A.P announced.

"Hey, this one's open" Ricky called over, already inside the elevator. When the doors of the machine closed, Mrs. Puffelina came by muttering some incomprehensible words and carrying a bucket with water.

"One would think that by working in a hotel in the middle of nowhere would be easy, sure one or two passer bys that would stay the night once a month, but leaving this groups of young adults that destroy everything" she said while she started to scrub away the dirt from the wall.

Back in the lobby, the SHINee boys were having some problems finding some keys and the Block B guy where having a dilemma with theirs.

"We've looked everywhere and nothing" Onew said sounding down.

"Maybe if you didn't fall every ten minutes" Key said angrily.

"CAN'T HELP IT OK, it's a condition" Onew said muttering the last part.

"Condition my " Key retorted.

"Ok so the only thing we can do is search" Jonghyun said calmly

"You're right Dino boy, but where?" Taemin asked, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"I don't know, the toilet perhaps, I want a good room" Key mentioned massaging his temple.

"Key" Minho said from the side. Key just waved him away.

"Maybe in the hotel restaurant?" Onew said with a sly smile.

"Key" Minho repeated.

"Not now Minho, give us a sec, and we are not eating until we get a room Onew" Key told the hungry leader.

"KEY!" Minho said, this time louder. Minho was too talkative for Key's liking today.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT FROG FACE?" Key screamed to his friend.

"Don't yell at me" Minho said with a serious expression.  

"Sorry, now why were you calling me?" Key said rolling his eyes.

"oh, I wasn't calling you, I was just saying that there is a key in the chandelier right above of your head" Minho said looking and pointing up. In that moment Key looked like as if he had been hit with a brick in the head. They decided to do Rock, Paper Scissors to choose how they would do the SHINee tower. Meanwhile, the Block B guys where seeing how they could get a key out of the water dispenser that was in the reception.

"How did she even managed to get it in there?" P.O asked skeptically. The rest of Block B just shrugged in response.

"I don't know how she did it, but I know how I'll get it out" Zico said with a smirk and then lowered himself and started drinking the water.

"Drink, Drink, Drink, Drink, Drink" the rest of the group started to support their friend with lots of cheers.

Mrs. Puffelina walked back to the lobby and made a disgusted face when she assumed what would happen if the boy drank all that water. She also was afraid to look what would happen if the tower of boys that where trying to take the key in the chandelier fell. She let out a sigh and kept walking to her working area, she could care less what happened to them along as they stayed inside that building. She was shocked when she got to her desk. The place looked as if a tornado had passed over the place, and in the screen of her laptop there was one of her favorite multicolor sticky notes that read 'WOW FANTASTIC BABY' in it.

"So they suspected and found the Key that was in my work place, smart" she said sitting in her desk. Right then her reception phone rang.

"yes?" she said expectantly.

"We got the pent house, hell yeah" Taeyang announced through the phone.

"Good, enjoy your stay" she said and the hanged the phone. When she was done with taking note of the room number and their new residents, she let her face hit the desk.

"I wanted that room for myself" she cried in her desk.


Back with SHINee, Key had lost the game and was now currently at the bottom, and at the top of the tower was Taeming.

"Woah, the key it's so up high, I can't reach it" Taemin said on purpose. The key was actually a few centimeters away from the maknae's face.

"Come on Tae, Onew is kind of heavy" Jonghyun said trying to keep the balance.

"Taemin, just grab the goddamned key" Key growled, his legs starting to quiver. Then Key felt something tugging at his cheek. He looked to the side to see Minho grabbing his face.


"Well first off, you said grab the Key so I did, and second, you never told me to get on the tower" Minho said. Key was fuming and was about to say something really mean , when Taemin's voice was heard.

"Got it!" he exclaimed, and as if a breeze had hit a leaf, the tower came crashing down, everyone falling on top of Key. They got off, but Key laid unconscious on the floor. While SHINee  checked it their friend was ok.



In the next chapter, will the rest of the groups that haven't appeared find their keys? Will Key be ok? Will? EXO get out of the elevator? Was this a good idea to begin with? all this answers will be answered in the next episodes.

So I thought, I'm taking to much and there are a whole lot of more things to come, so I split this chapter in two parts (three if it takes too long and has more things).

Hope you liked it, feedback is appreciated and comments too. Until next chapter ^_^

Peace Out ^_^

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Chapter 3: Author-nim please continue this story!!!
Is really funny my friend, and I am curious about what will happen in their stay xD

Btw, not relevant but you mentioned almost all of my favorite groups:) fighting author-nim!!! School can be a pain :'(
Chapter 2: please keep going i love it so much
Chapter 1: This looks amazing!!!
Please update soon XD
Chapter 1: Wonder how it will all turn out haha! Keep it up ;D
Chapter 1: Wow this looks good; i look forward to the future of this fic ^^