Chapter 1: The Arriving Dilemma

The Kpop Hotel

One sunny morning in the lobby of a completely empty hotel a receptionist sat in her desk bored out of her mind. She was playing solitaire in her work computer since there was basically no one to supervise her so she could do whatever she wanted. The receptionist moved the king of hearts into the last space winning the game. While the fireworks of the screen appeared announcing the win she flicked a speck of dust from her desk and looked around her empty lobby, letting out a content sigh for her more than easy job. She followed the floating speck of dust finding it amusing. She was so drawn in the speck that she didn't notice the row of vans that arrived and parked in front of the hotel and the multitude of people that walked out of them. What made her come out of her daze was the rare jingle of the door bell that never sounded in that hotel.


The woman looked startled at the now crowded lobby that once was empty. Chatter and loud talking filled the air. She looked outside where the vans were parked. There was one particular van that caught the woman's attention. The doors the hood of the van had an hexagonal figure with some lines crossing it that made it form the word EXO. But what caught her attention even more was that there was a blond titan that was having difficulties pulling something out of the van.


A man with short black hair and shaded glasses in the lobby let out a tired sigh and turned to face another very tall man.

"Chanyeol please go and help Kris" the man said to the younger lad whose name was Chanyeol.

"But manager,  how do you want us to get Tao out of there?!" Chanyeol complained waving his hands in the air and pointing at the car."

"I don't Know, just drag him all the way here" The manager demanded. With a reluctant 'fine' he strode over to where  Kris and Tao were.


-At the van-

Chanyeoul neared kris and took a look at the situation in the van. Inside the van Tao had a firm grip on the door of the van and refused to let go. Kris was pulling at both of Tao's legs in a useless attempt to pull Tao out of the van.

"Come on Tao, it's not that bad" Chanyeol tried to reason through the other side of the car.

"NO, I WANT TO GO BACK TO THE HOTEL" Tao whined tightening his grip on the van.

"Tao, this IS a hotel, now LET GO DAMMIT" Kris demanded pulling even harder at Tao's legs. He motioned for Chanyeol to help him pull. With one leg in each arms they started to pull.

"IT'S NOT THE SAME, THERE ARE STINKY PEOPLE IN THIS HOTEL" Tao kept whining, not letting go. In that precise moment that Tao said that, the boys of B.A.P where passing by.


"Hey! We don't" Yongguk began, stopping to take a whiff at his armpit "damn he's right, we do stink" Yongguk concluded scrunching his nose.

"Speak for yourself, I smell like flowers" said Youngjae confidently.

"Youngjae shut it, and see Yongguk I told you, you stink" Himchan told them. Yongguk glared for a few seconds at Himchan and then pulled Himchan's face to his armpit. Yongguk was known for being the kind and caring leader, but he hate when Himchan 'Know it all, I'm better than the leader' attitude, so he had to sometimes get tough. When he let go of Himchan, the later took a deep breath trying to get fresh air to his lungs.

"Who's the stinky one now, huh" Yongguk replied smugly. They just brushed Yongguk off and kept walking over to the hotel, helping a traumatized Himchan.


Back in the van a cracking noise was heard. In fear of breaking the car Tao unconsciously let go of the van, allowing the other boys to pull him out of the van. Kris and Chanyeol stumbled backwards and both fell to the floor do to the sudden lack of resistance. Thanks to the wushu practice Tao managed to land in a standing position instead of face first, but was still shocked for what happened. When he recovered from the shock he tried to make a run for it but Kris attached himself to Tao's leg, preventing him from running further away.

"OH NO YOU DON'T" Kris told him hugging Tao's leg. Tao tried to walk back to the car but Chanyeol closed the door, cutting his 'escape route'. Chanyeol took Tao's upper half while Kris stood up and took a hold of Tao's legs and with the help of each other they managed to drag Tao to the lobby. They placed Tao in the floor and sighed in relieve.


The receptionist averted her gaze a to another corner of the lobby where another group was practicing their latest dance move. The dance looked flawless until one of the boys stopped and pointed at the other.

"C.A.P MESSED UP!" a boy with red hair shouted pointing at another one that had light blue hair. In a matter of seconds the whole group started a free for all hitting each other, 'If this was a cartoon there would be a dust cloud and stars all over the place' The receptionist thought.

Over at the other side of the lobby there was another group.

"And why exactly do we have to be here" a boy with wavy hair asked to who the receptionist  thought was his manager.

"Listen Onew, is for the best, you guys will be safe here" the guy with the black suit responded to the wavy haired.

"And for how long do we have to be here" a boy with blonde hair that was standing next to that Onew guy asked.

"Key, it's only for a short amount of time" the manager said tiredly, massaging his temple.

"That's what you said when Jonghyun hyung asked you if he was going to stay short, and now look at him" a boy with hair extensions asked pointing at a boy that was standing next to a sticker that was used to measure the height. When he turned to look at his height he noticed that there was no difference in it.

"YOU LIED TO ME, YOU LIAR LIAR LIAR" Jonghyun acused pointing a finger at the manager and jumping closer to him.

"Yes Jonghyun, he lied to you, now please let the big kids take care of this" the boy named Key told him patting his head, making obvious the height difference between both.

"Hey! I'm older than you" he accused this time pointing at Key.

"We talking about physical or mental age?" Key asked rising and eyebrow. Jonghyun just pouted but stayed quiet. Those and many other groups could be seen in the lobby creating a huge commotion. The receptionist looked over to where EXO was. Tao was in the floor throwing a little tantrum.

"I DON'T WANN, I DON'T WANNA" the boy kept on about not wanting to be in this hotel. All the managers just ignored him and  walked up to the receptionist desk.

"We would like to talk to the receptionist or the manager of this hotel" the B.A.P manager said.

"You already are" the woman said picking at her nails. She picked some dirt from her nail and flick it away, the thing landing in glasses of one of the managers.

"Well in that case, we are leaving this groups in you more than capable hands to take care of them while we go in some vacations" the SHINee manager told her. The receptionist looked down at her hands questioningly.

"So miss" the manger from Teen Top said reading the name tag that the woman had and raised an eyebrow do to the odd name "Puffelina , we will leave this to help you" he continued and then all the managers pulled some suitcases and opened them simultaneously. Inside of every suitcase there were almost a million dollars. The receptionist was shocked by the amount of money.

"Do we have a deal" they all asked at the same time. Without noticing she had nodded. They all agreed and left the stunned woman, muttering something about the plan working. When she counted the money there only where one hundred dollars in each, the rest were empty papers filling the empty space of the suitcase. When she looked over to the managers to say that the deal was off due to lack of money and attempted sabotage it was too late. The last of the vans was speeding away from the place.

She looked back at the commotion and wondered how she was going to take care of all of these abandoned men in the lobby. She then proceeded to take the rusty reception bell and ring it to get their attention. In a matter of time, lots of eyes were on her. Then it was obvious that this was going to be a near to impossible task, but she would live though it.

In her mind a mini version of her stood in a heroic position on top of her desk, But without knowing it she did it in real life and received hundreds of judging looks. Except for Jonghyun who stood next to her in a similar stance, even though he had no idea what he was doing.


A/N: Here is the first chapter. Hope you liked it. Please leave a comment with your opinion and subscribe if you like. Have a nice day and Thank you! ^_^

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Chapter 3: Author-nim please continue this story!!!
Is really funny my friend, and I am curious about what will happen in their stay xD

Btw, not relevant but you mentioned almost all of my favorite groups:) fighting author-nim!!! School can be a pain :'(
Chapter 2: please keep going i love it so much
Chapter 1: This looks amazing!!!
Please update soon XD
Chapter 1: Wonder how it will all turn out haha! Keep it up ;D
Chapter 1: Wow this looks good; i look forward to the future of this fic ^^