Scene 2: Roger Rabit

If you were a Movie this would be your Soundtrack

Sunny's PV 

Jessica had come back from the USA a few days ago and even if she had spent time with all of us, it seemed as if she spent every single second of the day with Yuri. As if they were some kind of siamese twins. It was kind of natural, though, since it was pretty obvious they had a fight or a problem between them before Jessica left, so the fact that they were able to solve it made all of us happy.

Yesterday, they sent all of us a message, in which they said they had something really important to tell us, so they asked to meet all of us in a café near our dorm rooms.

Now, as we sat on the table together, the tension and nervousness from them was quite palpable in the air. 

"So.. we asked you to come here because there is something really important you guys should know..." Yuri said as she and Jessica stared at each other and held hands. She breathed in deeply, and opened several times but couldn't get any words out of . 

"Yuri is my girlfriend" Said Jessica. I suppossed she didn't want to force Yuri any longer, though, I wasn't really surprised by the bluntness of her words. When she was about to be bombarded with questions about it, something interrupted us.

"Yes!" Screamed TaeYeon, surprising us all, taking the attention away from the still nervous couple that stood right in front of us, she then turned towards our maknae and screamed. "Seohyun-ah! You lost!" SeoHyun was pouting and looked like a spoiled kid who didn't get what she wanted.

"What?" Asked Yuri, confused like all of us about the exchange going on between our oldest and our youngest companion.

"I was talking with SeoHyun yesterday about this, we were wondering what could you possible want to tell us and guessed about it, then we agreed on a little bet." TaeYeon answered still really happy. "If she lost the bet, she had to go on an appointment with me" Everyone gasped at her, including myself and she shook her head. "Not as in romantic date with me! It's just that... when I found SeoHyun and I had... something in common I decided we should meet more people who were... is it okay if I say it, SeoHyeonnie?" She turned her gaze towards SeoHyun.

"We are already on that theme, so it's okay, but you have to tell them about you too unnie" Answered our maknae, looking sternly.

"It's okay, I think this is the appropiate moment to..." She left the last words hanging, all of us stared at her expectantly "Come out of the closet".

"Wow... wait, so... you and maknae are... lesbians too?" Asked HyoYeon with as much tact as she could muster, which was not much. Both of them nodded.

"Are you uncomfortable with it, unnie?" Asked SeoHyun, mainly towards HyoYeon, I imagine it's because they're roomates and she doesn't want her to feel uncomfortable. 

HyoYeon nodded profusely and then said with a bigsmile on her face. "It's great in fact! I... didn't know how to tell you guys but... I'm dating Nicole" She said with a big dorky smile and scratching the back of her neck nervously. Okay, that was a surprise. 

I was happy though, knowing that all of them were like that gave me hope and courage to come out too.

"Seriously guys? You could've said it sooner!" I said, the smile I had plastered on my face refused to leave. "I'm like that too" 

We all just stared at eachother, surprised, happy and of course...relieved.

Except for three of us, whose expressions reflected nothing but... fear and rejection.

"I..." started Yoona. "I'm sorry, I... I need to process it... it's just that... wow" She stood up, staring at all of us. "Sorry... right now... I can't. I need to think it through, sorry." She said and then fleed the place, looking completely horrified.

The mood lost it's brightness.

Tiffany didn't even utter a word, she just stood up, shaking her head and ran away from us.

"I'm sorry." Said SooYoung, I felt as if her gaze was holding mine intensily just before she left. 

Out of the three who left the room, her rejection to us... was the one that hurted me the most. For two reasons, the first one is because... I never expected her to act that way towards us... her friends... and the second one... is the fact that I'm crazy in love with her, I just sighed, knowing I had no chance with her now and finally realizing I actually never had any chance with her.

"So... when did you start dating?" I turned towards Yuri and Jessica after asking the question, hoping to disipate the tension and lighten the mood.


It had been already a week since our 'we come out of the closet' thingy and I was tired of being sad, so I decided to hit the club with the girls, dancing and partying would always take my mind off of things like this, maybe it was the alcohol, but I don't want to think to thoroughly about that right now.

"Unnie~ Why do I have to come too?" Asked SeoHyun as we entered the club and the strong smell of alcohol hit her nose.

"Because you need to have fun!!" Answered HyoYeon while pulling SeoHyun around playfully. 

"But I have fun all the time" Said SeoHyun and when we all looked at her weirdly, holding our laughter in, she continued "I just have different ways of having fun" 

"Come on, SeoHyeonnie~ We want to have fun with you~ " Said Yuri and Jessica nodded, they were holding hands all along. I sighed at the sight, I wished I was as lucky as they are.

"Hey... aren't those YoonA and Tiffany?" Asked HyoYeon as she pointed towards two girls who were surrounded by guys. 

"Yes they are.." Said TaeYeon, she tried to avoid looking towards them. I could notice YoonA was already drunk, since she had the facial expression she made when she was drunk and I swear I could see her telling everyone 'I'm not drunk, I'm not drunk" over and over again. 

Wait... if YoonA and Tiffany are here... would SooYoung be here too? I start to roam the club with my eyes, looking for her presence, even if it makes it sad... I'm just plain addicted to her.

I finally spotted her, she's on the other end of the club, without thinking twice I head towards her, trying not to be noticed by her.

"Hey SooYeon-ah" I heard a guy say, he was pointing towards SooYoung and he was smirking. Jerk.

"It's SooYoung" She said, approaching him still.

"Ok, SuYon" His smirk grew wider and he wrapped his arm around her shoulder, she just sighed and smiled at him. "Hey SooYoon, mind if I call you babe instead? It's just that I am with so many girls everyday it's hard to remember names" 

I felt like punching the living out of him. 

"It's okay, I don't really mind" Answered SooYoung, her expression showed happiness, but I knew her better than that, I could see the hurt, rejection and disgust hidden behind her smile. 

"So... I heard those girls are dykes" He said pointing towards Yuri and Jessica, who were carelessly dancing. 

"I... I heard it too" She looked towards the floor.

"That's disgusting isn't it?" I could see she was stopping herself from saying anything. But I couldn't stop myself anymore, I grabbed a drink from a random table and threw it on his face. 

"I think you are the one who is disgusting." I said harshly, glaring at him.

He stared at me in disbelief, SooYoung just stood there, surprised.

"Are you another little dyke?" He said stepping closer to me, looking daringly into my eyes, I stood my ground and didn't even move an inch.

"I suppose you are..." He smirked at me, now he stood right in front of me. "I guess..." He lifted my chin and made me stare back at him. "I can straighten you out." He took both of my hands between his forcefully and I tried to free myself from his grasp without succeeding in the least. He tried to kiss me and I just shook my head, avoiding him as much as I could, I was scared. 

"Stop it!" Yelled SooYoung as she pulled him away from me.

"Get out of my way you nobody!" He screamed right back at her. "I know you're desperate to get laid with me but you can get your chance right after this danshin dyke".

"I don't want to get laid with you, you stupid jerk" She said, tears rolling down her face. "I don't even know why I tolerated you" Her grip tightened around my wrist as she finally freed me of his hold. "I just don't want you to hurt her, you " She turned around and ran way from him, bringing me with her.

We got out of the club and stood awkwardly on the alleyway that was on the back of the club. 

"Thanks for helping me back there." I said, searching for her eyes while she avoided mine.

"No prob." 

I was about to walk away but something inside me stopped me. 

"SooYoung...this isn't you" I said hoping she'd turn her gaze towards me. "You're not one to let people insult in your face who you care about, you're not one to let them treat you like thrash, like a nobody, you're way more than that."

"You know nothing about me" She murmured.

"On the contrary" I said softly, her gaze finally met mine and I didn't stop talking. "I know everything about you."

She just scoffed and gave me a 'not amused' face. "Of course I know everything about you" I repeated, now there was a hint of anger on my voice. "You mean everything to me, why wouldn't I know everything about you?" 

"I'm not like you!" She screamed, tears rushing down her face. "I can't be... I can't" 

"I'm not saying you are like me, goddammit!" I screamed right back, "I'm just saying you're not being yourself, for god's sake! If you are like me it's up to you! I'm not one to figure that out!" The tears were falling freely down her face and she fell on her knees. I kneeled down and wrapped my arms around her shoulders.

"I don't want to be like that... I hate myself so much for being confused about it" She was shaking by now. "I don't want to feel this way about girls... I want to be normal, I don't want to be judged" Her arms had found a way around my waist as she sobbed with her face buried on my neck.

"I... can't help you choose what you want or don't want to feel" I her hair, my tears started to slowly flow. "But I can tell you that even if you hate yourself... I can love you enough for both of us" Her arms wrapped themselves tighter around me and she shook her head. "I know you don't feel that way towards me" I breathed in and her scent slightly intoxicated me. "But I can love you, as a friend, enough for both of us... I... can help you love yourself as much as I love you, so you can finally understand which path to go, I can't choose for you, but I'm willing to help you find it". I couldn't continue talking anymore, my sobs were stopping me from it.

"I..." She whispered. "I'm willing to try." She stayed quiet for a moment before she continued. "I want you to help me choose my path.." SooYoung separated her body from mine and stared right into my eyes. "But I'm not as brave as you are... I'm scared of what other people will think of me... just like they wonder right now around Jessica and Yuri, I don't think I can take the pain."

"But I'll be there by the end of the day... encouraging you to go on" I whispered soflty. "Don't hide who you truly are, you have the right to be you and people has to live with it whether they like it or not" I her cheek with my thumb. "If you are uncomfortable with the fact of everyone knowing... then, for now... just... say everything you have to say, just to me, nobody else will know."

She stared at me longingly, and I made my best to read through those eyes, but I couldn't, the emotion was too strong, too new, too scared to let me be aware of it, a small glint appeared on her eyes as she leaned down and kissed my lips briefly.

"Thank you." She said. And I knew that, at least for today, that was all she had to say. 


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Soneisa #1
Chapter 1: Sweet 😍😍🥺🤧
myflows #2
Chapter 5: You put thought in your writing, it shows. The storylines were so well developed that i couldn't stop reading. When i was finishing the last chapter only one thought was running through my head.... please let there be a sequel or continuation of this story hahaha!!! it was amazing, thank you for writing.
frans89 #3
Chapter 5: I love this story, especially this line : "To believe in god is one thing...but to follow
blindly texts and words written and said so many
years ago, is something really different." well written.
Keep writing more, dear author-shii. Fighting! :)
Chapter 5: Sooo gooddd story author-ssi. I love taeny, they're something.
Omg i love Sleeping with Sirens!

Do you listen to PTV as well?
Chapter 5: Ah! I enjoyed this so much! I didn't expect all of their stories to be explained, honestly I didn't know what I expected for this last chapter. Seohyun's incident was hilarious and seems like something my friends would do -_- I'm looking forward to your future works.
smirk7 #7
Chapter 5: This is awesome
I just re read all it but with the songs playing in the background. And it's's just beautiful. Really beautiful.