Scene 1: If I'm James Dean you're Audrey Hepburn

If you were a Movie this would be your Soundtrack

Jessica's POV

I stared at her as she stood in front of me, completely soaked and out of breath. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked, a bit colder than I had intended. She fliched, I knew it hurted her, but... I was... scared. Scared that she no longer felt the same.

"I heard that you were back and... I came to see you as soon as I heard you were here." That explained why she was soaked and out of breath. I'm sure that as she heard I was here she come running, not even thinking twice, so bringing an umbrella with her never crossed her thoughts. 

You never change do you, Kwon Yuri? Always charming, always fighting, how I wish I was as courageous as you back then. 

"Come in, you're going to catch a cold if you stay out there any longer." I moved out of the way, making it clear with my eyes that she had no option but to come in. When I turned around after closing the door, she took my hands between hers. Her hands are cold, I inquire it's because of the cold rain water that fell on her skin when she was on her way to come and see me. She was still so stubborn, I'm kind of glad she didn't change though. Would that mean that her feelings haven't changed?

"Thank you, Sica" I sighed in relief, the fact that she used my old nickname gave me hope. Hope that she came here because she still felt something for me, and not just looking for an explanation.

I nodded my head towards her, asking her silently to follow me. Which she did, almost blindingly, like she always had; except for that one time, but I don't blame her, how could she follow me across the globe? She didn't have the resources or the knowledge of where I was to actually be able to do it. 

We arrived at my bedroom, she sat on my bed while I went to the bathroom to get her a towel to dry herself. When I gave it to her I started looking through my still unpacked bags and gave her clean and dry clothes, an oversized white t-shirt and some sweatpants. She thanked me once again and she headed to the bathroom, where she started to change.

I took that time alone to bring myself together. This last minutes have been awkward. But what else could I do? What else could I say when I left her alone 3 years ago? What else could I do when after she confessed her feelings towards me I got scared and fleed to the US not even saying goodbye or properly rejecting her?

I sighed, I knew I wasn't going to reject her then, that is why I escaped, because I was scared of what I was feeling towards my best friend and I was scared that she felt the very same way. 

As she stepped out of the bathroom dressed in my clothes, I pushed my thoughts aside, this was not the moment to think about it. 

"Can you tell me why?" She said, while sharing an intense gaze with me. She held so much emotion in her eyes that I felt slightly intimidated, I knew exactly what she was talking about.

"I... I was scared" I answered sincerely.

"Was it because I confessed my feelings?" I nodded and she looked away.

"Forget about it then" She said then returned her gaze towards me. "People say that love is forever... and my love for you is just like that" tears started to fall freely on her cheeks while she interlocked her hands with mine, I just opened my eyes wide, shocked by her actions and her words. "I know it's selfish to love you to that extent, when you don't feel anything for me, but I can't change it" She breathed in, as if collecting her thoughts and selecting carefully the words that she would say next. "I want you forever with me, so if you ignoring the fact that I love you will bring you back to me... then... forget it, please" The amount of tears that fell on her cheeks increased and small sobs and whimpers escaped her lips as she talked "I just want you with me, even if I have to stay on the friendzone for as long as I love you, even if it is forever."

I wrapped my arms around her, rubbing her back as she cried. "I won't leave again, I promise". Yuri's arms wrapped themselves around me as well. 

What have I done during my life to deserve someone who loves me as much as she does? The fact that is was her... made it even more amazing. 

"Do you...want to stay for tonight?" I asked shyly. "It's raining cats and dogs. I don't want you to get sick" I quickly explained to her, not wanting her to think I wanted to take any advance on her or anything of the kind.

"Of course I'd want to" She said, smiling sadly at me. "Thanks for accepting me into your life again, I promise I'd never mention my feelings anymore, as long as I get to be with you" 

I felt as if someone stabbed me as those words left her lips.

"No" I whispered softly.

"No?" She questioned as she leaned away from my embrace.

"No... I don't want you to do that" It was my turn to shed some tears. "I want to hear those words once again... I want to be able to answer to them" She wiped my tears away with her thumbs, looking at me questioning me silently what I meant with my words.

"The last three years without you... have been a nightmare, even if you never actually left me, you have been there in my dreams, reminding me how much of a coward I was for leaving you" Her eyes were wide open, she finally undertood, but eagered me to continue, she needed to listen to this and I needed to get it out of my chest. "I really have no idea what have I done good in life... but it must be something incredibly amazing" I laugh a little at my comment and she looks at me weirdly "I have no idea, really, no freaking idea how out of 7 billion people in the world you decided to love me... and to still love me even after I left you, but I know one thing for sure" I whispered the last words, leaning closer to her I felt her breath quicken. "I'm not letting you go anymore." 

I leaned in and kissed her lips, fiercely, needy. I knew we would have time for soft and delicate kisses later because right now, I needed her, and after years of craving for those luscious lips, I don't think I can kiss her any lighter at the moment. She's responding with just as much intensity, letting me know I'm not the only one feeling like this, our lips moved following a quick pace, only stopping to breathe for a second before continuing the incredibly task of kissing.

I felt a beast in me grow, a beast I knew shouldn't be let out, at least not yet. 

I pulled away from her, slowly, wanting to kiss her for as long as I could. When our lips finally were completely disconected, I could still feel her kiss lingering on my lips, a tingling sensation pleaded me to kiss her again, but I stopped myself, not because I didn't want to... but because I was more enticed by the beautiful woman right in front of me. No matter how many words to describe beauty existed, none of those would fit properly Yuri, she was way beyond all of that. 

Her eyes stared straight into my soul and my eyes stared into hers. Pureness, happiness, beauty. Those where the first words I could find to describe the feelings I could read while staring through her eyes, one of her hands gently carassed my cheek and three words escaped through her lips, creating a blissful sensation that ran through my whole body.

"I love you too, please stay forever with me, Yuri-ah." was all I could say, the smile that appeared on her face is something I'll never forget. 

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Soneisa #1
Chapter 1: Sweet 😍😍🥺🤧
myflows #2
Chapter 5: You put thought in your writing, it shows. The storylines were so well developed that i couldn't stop reading. When i was finishing the last chapter only one thought was running through my head.... please let there be a sequel or continuation of this story hahaha!!! it was amazing, thank you for writing.
frans89 #3
Chapter 5: I love this story, especially this line : "To believe in god is one thing...but to follow
blindly texts and words written and said so many
years ago, is something really different." well written.
Keep writing more, dear author-shii. Fighting! :)
Chapter 5: Sooo gooddd story author-ssi. I love taeny, they're something.
Omg i love Sleeping with Sirens!

Do you listen to PTV as well?
Chapter 5: Ah! I enjoyed this so much! I didn't expect all of their stories to be explained, honestly I didn't know what I expected for this last chapter. Seohyun's incident was hilarious and seems like something my friends would do -_- I'm looking forward to your future works.
smirk7 #7
Chapter 5: This is awesome
I just re read all it but with the songs playing in the background. And it's's just beautiful. Really beautiful.