Lesson 2: Clothes

* ~In the Pursuit of Fame~ *
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“How about this one, Robin?” Chanyeol asks.

He’s really cute…but ignorant. I’ve spent almost my entire Saturday with Chanyeol and I have anjoyed every second of it! He’s not who I thought he was and I think I have broken his shell. He’s not afraid to be who he really is in front of me. But why do I constantly think that there’s something missing?

“No, Chanyeol! I told you to pick something y, cool, something you would wow girls with!” I scold.

“But I thought that this was!” Chanyeol shouts back.

“I swear Chanyeol…you don’t know the first thing about fashion at all! You don’t wear jean on jean! Especially if it is the same shade of jean for pete’s sakes!” I explain.

Chanyeol pouts a little and puts back his selections.

“No- wait, you can keep the button up jean shirt but find some white pants or something to go with them.” I say, not wanting to completely sadden Chanyeol.

He smiles and goes off to get some white pants.

I see him stop at the little trinket stand in the store near the cash registers and he fumbles with a little key chain monkey that has caught his attention. Chanyeol does remind me of a monkey – a fun, loving, happy monkey. He’s even cheeky as well.

While he went to the back of the store I quickly bought the toy and stuffed it into my pocket before Chanyeol could see that I had bought it.

“Hey I found some white jeans, you think these are okay?” He asks.

“Yeah!” I say, enthusiastically.

We check out and take the full outfit home. With the budget Chanyeol has he could only afford that one outfit, something not too flashy but good enough to get him through an audition.

“Have you ever thought of getting contacts?” I ask.

“No – but I will, if they are required.” Chanyeol says, looking downwards.

“Don’t worry, I’ll let the company decide that, but for now let’s just get you some more mature glasses. Hm?” I say with a grin.

He nods his head in agreement as we run off to the nearby eyeglass store. Thank goodness the glasses in Korea are cheaper. The store even has all the popular styles that would suit Chanyeol so well!

Chanyeol always picks out round ones with no rims to them, but I always scold him, telling him not that glasses with that style are not what we are looking for. Eventually I find Chanyeol a pair of big rimmed glasses that satisfies both Chanyeol’s taste and my own.

“Oh, it’s already six

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Chapter 4: I like this story sooooooooo much! Please update soon(: