Talent! I hope so!

* ~In the Pursuit of Fame~ *
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*~Your POV~*

"Where is your guitar, Chanyeol?" I asked.

"Why do I need my guitar?" Chanyeol replied.

"Well I first want to see how talented you are, of course!" I answered.

"Okay, well I left it over at my apartment. Do you think I could just show you over there?" He asked.

At first I blush a little at the invite, but I just noded my head as we walked together out of the classroom. We both walked side by side down the busy streets of Seoul. The walk took us about twenty minutes, but we kept quiet the whole time. Silences were part of our friendship, I guess. But I didn't mind the silence; with Chanyeol time flew by effortlessly. I didn't have to try hard with him and I could just speak my mind whenever I'm with him. He was a great listener, one of the traits I really cherished in him.

At the end of our walk, we stepped in front of a super tall building right in the middle of hongdae. I was surprised that he could even afford an apartment right in the center of the city. Once we got into his apartment, he motioned me to sit down on the couch while he got his stuff ready.


I heard a loud crash and bang coming from the room that Chanyeol went into. I got really worried but a I waited, not wanting to overreact to the situation. I told myself that if he didn't come out after five minutes, I would then go in to check up on him.

"Robbbiiiiiinnnnnn!" I heard Chanyeol yell for me.

I rushed over to his room only to find Chanyeol underneath his drum set, laying on the ground with his guitar on the floor next to his body. I couldn't help but to chuckle at this innocent, kid helplessly struggling against the heavy drum set. 

Chanyeol lifted up his arm, reaching out for me. I placed my hand in his and started to pull him out of the mess. He dusted himself off and coughs a little from embaressment.

"I just-I..." Chanyeol stutters.

"Haha, it's okay Chanyeol, everyone has those times, no worries!" I said.

Chanyeol just nodded while scratching the back of his head, avoiding my eye contact.

"You didn't have to bring out these instruments to me! You could have told me to come to you!" I said.

"I just wanted for you to be comfortable on the couch, since you were to kind to listen to my talents. Plus it's just that this room is a little personal to me..." He apologized.

I look around and saw nothing but instruments. I saw an acoustic guitar, a red electric guitar, bass, drum set, and an African drum set. Wow, he really is talented. The room didn't seem to be personal to me, but I let it go. I follow him toward the living room, car

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Chapter 4: I like this story sooooooooo much! Please update soon(: