Chpt 3

Wishing Well

I got up from my bed and went to my closet. Hmmm let's see what should I wear? Me and Yuri were going to the theaters today. Yonghwa got up from my bed and walked to my closet looking inside.

"Whatcha doing?" he asked me. I looked through my clothes and answered.

"Looking for clothes to wear to the theater." I said. Yonghwa pushed me aside and started looking through my clothes. I glared at him.

"You ert. Don't look through my clothes." I said. He got out some clothes and put them in my arms. I stared at him.

"Go change." he said firmly. I nodded and put up a finger.

"Okay, but first GET OUT." I said and pushed him out the door. He stopped himself and turned to face me.

"How about your mother?" he asked me. I paused and made a o'shape with my mouth. He was right. What was I gonna do? I can't just let him watch me strip myself and change. Crap.

"Hide in the bathroom." I said. He shook his head.

"No, you change in the bathroom." he said. I frowned.

"No, you hide in the bathroom and I change here." I said. He glared at me and I glared back.

"Either that or you change here with me watching you." he said. My eyes wiened and I hit his arm.

"You ert! Why would I do that??? You wish." I said. He's such a , I just want to hit him. Oh yeah, I can. I hit him again.

"Stop, choose now." he said. I sighed and pushed him in the closet. He gave me a weird look and I rolled my eyes.

"No peeking. Arasso?" I said. He nodded.

"Arasso. Why would I want to look at your body?" he asked. My jaw dropped and I glared at him. I was offended, not that I wanted him to see my body but he's calling me fat. I closed the closet door and started baracading it with my desk, chairs, and stufftoys.  Just to make sure I duct taped the closet. I sighed in relief and started changing. 

"Did you baracade and duct the closet door???" Yonghwa asked inbetween me changing. I stopped and nodded.

"Yeah, why? Were you trying to peek?" I asked him. If he was I swear I'm going to kill him. I heard him mumbling.

"Hmmmmmm no." he said. I sighed in relief and finished changing. I unbaracaded and unduct the closet and let him out to see how it looked.

Sheer Stripe Hoodie

"Cute neh?" he asked me. I nodded.

"Yeah, except the fact that it's autum and do you want me to freeze to death!!!!???" I yelled at him. He smirked.

"It's going to get hotter at the theater so you better get used to it." he said. I gave him a questioning look. What does he mean by get used to it? 

"Umm, what do you mean by get used to it?" I asked him. He rolled his eyes.

"I'll be choosing your clothes for you for now on cause you have really bad sense." he said. I gaped at him and hit his arm.

"You jerk. Anyways, I'll be at the theaters with my friend Yuri so later." I said and walked out my room. Finally, I won't be able to see his face for half the day now. I walked to Yuri's house and knocked on her door.

"You r-readddy???" I asked her shivering. She looked at what I was wearing and nodded.

"Yeah, but aren't you cold?" she asked me. I shook my head.

"No, we'll warm up in the theaters anyway." I said. 

"Well okay, let's go to my car." she said and pulled me to her car. I the heater and relaxed.

"Ahhh, so warm." I said and slipped down on my seat. Yuri laughed and we drove to the theaters.

Yonghwa's POV

I grabbed some clothes form her closet. Yes, she has guy clothes and I don't know why. I opened the door slowly and looked through the hallway. Coast is clear. I walked out her room and started doing summer saults, trying my best to act like a ninja. I hid behind the wall and looked downstairs to see if Heawoo's umma was awake. I found her sleeping soundlessly on the couch with potatoe chips scattered around her. Psh, couch potatoes.

I slowly made my way to the front door and got one of Woo Woo's converse. Amazingly it fit! :D She really has big feet then. I walked out the door with swagger looking like this.


And just ignore the thing I'm holding. I walked the block like I owned it and saw a group of girls making their way towards me. They were smiling and giggling at me. I know, I'm hot, but my heart for the year has to belong to Heawoo. I didn't want it to be cause she wasn't as hot as the other girls I suddenly appeared to and left the past years.She was just different and annoying.

I looked at them and winked. I turned back to face the road and smirked when I heard the girls squealing and giggling. Girls are so easy to please it's not even funny. Anyways, so where was Wooie going again? Salon, park, beach,...................... theater! Yeah the theater. I walked to a bus stop and waited. Soon I found myself infront of the theater with alot of people walking around.

I looked to see Heawoo sitting alone on a bench shivering. Is she that cold? I made my way to her and sat down.

"Hey Wooie." I said.

Heawoo's POV

I turned to find the annoying jerk smiling at me. I glared at him.

"Yonghwa, what the heck are you doing here? You're supposed to be in my room."  

He smirked and put his arm around me pulling me closer. "I can't leave you here freezing to death Woo Woo." he said in a sweet tone that made me blush. I pushed him lightly.

"Who cares now go away." I said pushing him gently. He made me lean my head on his shoulder.

"No, and you're freezing, here." he said and handed me his thick scarf. I looked at him in disbelief. Is he serious??? A scarf??? is that all he has to offer me? This guy has no class.

"A scarf??? That's all? Can't you see I'm wearing shorts?" I asked him. He rolled his eyes.

"What? Do you want me to give you my sweater? Cause if I do I'll be shirtless. Do you want to see that?" he asked me. I blushed and shook my head.

"No, why would I?"I said. He chuckled.

"I thought so." he said. "Now snuggle closer to me." he said. I shook my head.


He looked at me and glared. "I'm cold too and if you do we can warm eachother together." he said. I rolled my eyes in his cheesy statement. I scooted closer to him and sighed.

"Ah, that's better." he said and nuzzled his face into my hair and neck making me blush. Psh, what am I going to tell Yuri when she gets back.

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Calm your down. It's "Aish my life" all over again
-SHINee_Boyfriend- #2
Ate~Update now!!!!!!!!I'm losing patience!!!!!!!!!!! ;P
ChoZen #3
I like Yonghwa, I hope you stay consist with his character and I like the plot, I'm just hoping it won't go too cliche.^^
Thank you :D
ChoZen #5
I like it so far.
ChoZen #6
Hi, I would like to make your poster. Here is a link to some of my work: