here we go

A +

You woke up to ur alarm clock blaring binguel binguel by U-Kiss. (srry if u dont like or know that song) As soon as you got out of bed you got u clothes out. You grabbed a hot pink pair of skinny jeans,  a blue dino t-shirt, a panda  hoodie,black converse, and ur rainbow charm braclet, then showered and did ur hair. it was 7:00 when u heard best friend alice yelling for you. you finished getting ready ate a waffle then ran out to the bus with alice.

You arrived at school at 7:40. You hung out in the commons area till it was time for classes. In home room the teacher greeted you all then introduced two new boys. They were both korean. One with with sandy blonde hair and a sweet face(taemin) and the other with dark brown hair and eyes who was tall and handsome.(kyuhyun) Taemin introduced himself and  smiled at everyone. alot of girl cooed at him, then kyuhyun did and more girl cooed. You sat there and laughed at them. "wow i hope one of them sits by me!" you thought. the teacher told taemin to sit next to you while kyuhyun infront of you.

taemin said hi and smiled at you, you did the same. kyuhyun secretly glanced at you and blushed a little. "wow shes really pretty, and she seems so cool." he thought. taemin thought the same so he talked to you through the class.

the rest of ur classes passed. You had 3 with alice, 5 with taemin and all of them with kyuhyun. when it was lunch kyuhyun and taemin sat with eachother becuase they were both new. You decided to go sit with taemin leaving alice with her snobby friends.

" oh ___ you came to sit with us!" said taemin while kyuhyun just glanced at you and blushed. you noticed it but dismitsed it and talked with taemin while kyuhyun just sat there. Afterwards you went to algebra where you were sat next to kyuhyun. after a very akward class which he was silent in, you finished off the rest of the day. You and taemin traded numbers so you could hang out sometime.

when you got home your mom asked about ur day, so you told her about taemin and of course she teased you, you told her baout kyuhyun too, she cooed "aw i think that boy likes you!!! ah young love!!!' she said. you rolled your eyes then went upstairs to tweet, check facebook, and everything else.

Your phone was vibrating on the desk, it was alice she had texted you and asked you to come over so you did and you hung out until 6:00 then went home for dinner. after that you got ur things out for school, showered then went to bed.

(srry if its short and not vey good its my first try but thanks for reading and i cant spell or type well mainhae)

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dontmesswithme__ #1
asians and A+ haahahhaah
lolwhat842 #3
this seems cool
xxjackji #4
Chapter 3: omg i have a school name heritage too.But it is a primary school
So excited for more! Looks so great so far !!
mariabb #6
Amazing <3
babanga #7
an a+ story!!
angex99 #8
they are really cute , kyu finally did something of his own accord :X
angex99 #9
so far so good! keep going ^^
if its any good ill update more!