Episode Two

The Misadventures of Yoomin
  • Park Yoochun
  • Shim Changmin
  • Jung Yunho
  • Kim Jaejoong



*Camera turns on*


Yoochun: *Hides camera in hat and wears sunglasses*


Changmin: Why are you wearing sunglasses. We're indoors, you freak.
Yoochun: I…Uh…Nevermind.
Changmin: *Rips off Yoochun's sunglasses and grabs his throat* Tell me, you !
Yoochun: Damn, you're so hot when you're angry.
Changmin: O///O
Yoochun: :3
Changmin: Don't distract me, you ! Tell me!
Yoochun: I…stayed up late last night, and my eyes are swollen?
Changmin: Don’t lie to me, tard! *Starts choking Yoochun*
Yoochun: Fine! I watched a sad movie! *Coughs as Changmin releases him*
Changmin: What?
Yoochun: I watched a sad movie, okay?!
Changmin: *Bursts into laughter*
Yoochun: Hey!
Changmin: What? Isn’t it lovely? Our dear Yoochun cried his heart out on a movie! 
Yoochun: You would have cried too!
Changmin: I doubt it… What was it about?
Yoochun: A girl who lost her favourite doll! *Bursts into tears*
Changmin: ...Seriously?
Yoochun: But it’s so sad!
Changmin: You’re too soft… *Brushes Yoochun’s fringe to the side and kisses his forehead gently*
Changmin: ...Is the camera still rolling?
Yoochun: No! No! *Discreetly takes out the memory card*
Changmin: Give it to me.
Yoochun: *Gives the camera*
Changmin: The memory card, . I saw you take it out.
Yoochun: But I want it!
Changmin: GIve it!
Yoochun: No!
Changmin: Yoochun...
Yoochun: I-I'll treat you to food! Sushi! You like sushi, right?
Changmin: Add in McDonalds and it's a deal.
Yoochun: Fine... The things I do for you...
Changmin: I love you! *Hugs tightly*
Yoochun: I hate you too...
Changmin: What was that?
Yoochun: You know, KFC looks pretty good as well!
Changmin: Nice save. Now let's go eat!
Yoochun: *Whimpers* My money... 
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LizRogers23 #1
Chapter 2: I love tihs fic. Can I translate to spanish?
donnaughty #2

Thank you for writing one of my OTP's fic which rarely been found!
wow... this is going to be MinChun, kkekekeke~
thanks for update ^^
yeah it changed...a lot...yess changmin is top cause i can't imagine he's being bottom...
kpoplover101 #5
you updated! yay! poor junsu.....loved by no one!
Yes you updated! ^.^ O.O Changmin chased Junsu around with a knife? Run Junsu Run! And Yoochun...is the bottom for a change? O__O ....Has the world finally come to an end? XD But I love it! This story always puts a smile on my face when I read it, nicely done ^^
Hola! It has been a while... We have reasons! It was our mid-years and we were caught up with studying (which paid off) and our holidays are packed as well. I'm missing prime homework time as I type this comment (and edit the story). So. I love you guys, okay!

PS. Check out the new foreword :P

PPS. And yes, I edited the previous chapters ^^ Episode One has the biggest changes and the others are minor :) Anyway, happy reading!


@ChaoticDarkAngel: Y'know, from his Lady Gaga era... XD Lady Heehee!And it's okay, we're here to love him ;) Also, Yoochun gets more dramatic...

@kaieru: Who doesn't love Su's ? :D And oops, the roles are switched ;)

@mszeezeebaybee: Yes, yes he does :D

@monteer: Very loved :D By all of us!

@yunjaemania: His abruptness is intended :D We all love Junsu!

@EMJAYJAYEEJAYEE: You're here O.O Yes, yes he is XD

@SMlove: Aww! I love you and this comment so much- I smile every time I read it! We have a few chapters stashed away somewhere... Somewhere...

@-Yoola-: Haha, he is! Welcome to crazy land :3

@HellsRainbow: Aww! :D Yoochun is really adorable XD Lady Heehee makes EVERYTHING better! PS. "Ya know, just let everyone know ur a , but oh hey don't stop, no big deal LMAO" Because Jaejae is a big <3

@kpoplover101: Thanks! :D

@cooper-necole: Thank you :3
cooper_necole #8
omg i freakin love this. please continue! you made every characteristic so hilarious!!!
kpoplover101 #9
LMFAO! awesome!
HellsRainbow #10
Made my day.
Yoochun's so cute.
And Lady Heehee made everything so much better XD
Hehe minus one part.
Ya know, just let everyone know ur a , but oh hey don't stop, no big deal LMAO