Killed in the Shadows

Murder in the Dark


Finally, finally, finally, this story is finished and I never want to see it again, quite honestly. I've spent way too long on it, and it's just been dragging on and on and on until now. Behind-the-scenes stuff has been posted up in a new story, entitled Killed in the Shadows because I'm lame and too lazy to think of a new title. I'm really sorry that it took so long to finish, and I'm well aware that the ending is not that great. This is because I sat down in bed and wrote the last two chapters in a short amount of time. I was pretty pleased with how that went, and I was too lazy to edit, so....not that great.

All you lovely subscribers and commenters, thank you! Comments especially helped me a lot, and I would totally give you cookies.  For those still interested in my writing, I don't think I have the motivation or time to do another multi-chaptered story, which is why I will probably give Stardust up for adoption (or delete it) sometime soon. What I will post up here will mostly be oneshots, short stories or drabble. Yeah.

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Chapter 16: I really thought Hyuna was the one who killed Sunggyu — she had every reason to. Who would've known… it was Krystal all along, although she was quite suspicious, I mean, you did state that she was in love with sunggyu earlier… Anyway, I love this story, I feel that this story is one of the best murder story, very interesting, long and it keeps dreading on, which I like.
Although there were many unanswered questions left, i did feel the ending was appropriate, even if it seemed a tad rushed. (or maybe it's because i'm reading this late at night with no coffee...) But I absolutely love crime, suspense and mystery stories and I felt that you captured that aspect really well.

I never expected the killer to be Krystal, although I did have an inkling it might be her. But to read her confession and understand why she did it was heartbreaking and I felt her pain. The desperation and utter hatred that led her to kill someone else.

I loved it.
This was really good and the ending was a killer :)
I got hooked and read this all in the last two hours
Yay~ just finished reading the whole chapters~
At the first time, i thought hyuna is the killer ._.
Idk, but i think sunggyu deserves his died. He has hurted many people ._.
You are amazing! This story was one of my favorites!
Good job ^^
iiSarang #6
Although it may seem like you rushed the ending, I think you ended it the right way. If Soomin were to get a job at a detectives firm for this case then that's just wrong because she did kind of help lock her sister away...and I don't think she'd like having the 'glory' of that. Although I am curious as to how everyone else is... Like is Yuri still with Hoya, did Neil finally figure Tiffany wasn't worth it, will Hyuna inherit the corp, will anyways I guess its best to leave some questions unanswered. I love this story, definitely one of my favorite mystery fanfic. Looking forward to what else you'll do ^^
Amazing story btw :)