The White Room


So remember I Promise,my little piece of fanfic about JiYong and a girl, who remains unnamed even now. And her death? If you don't, go read it before you even think abut finishing this sentence. 

Now, if you've read it, did you move on to read Deal With It? Good, this is progress, again, if you haven't GO NOW! Leave this page and go read the two stories above. 

Now that you've read both I Promise and Deal With It, you might have a good understanding of what this next story is. I began writing this at home, and was very close to posting it, but something stopped me. Honestly, when I read it over for the tenth time it didn't interest me, so why would I post something that isn't even remotely interesting. So here I am, not at home and without the slightest idea of what the original concept for this story was. Besides of course that this is what the girl goes through when she dies. 

The concept of a "heaven" was so cleche to me, that I couldn't tolerate writing in a wings and a halo especially after seeing how dark Ji's world had become. It needed to be more realistic. Of course since I've never died before, I don't know how realistic this after death process is. Then again, I've never had to deal with a death and yet I'd like to think that I did a fine job in writing Ji's  story. Anyway. I won't keep you: here's the forward. Enjoy.



Let’s say you were a camera. Here you are in the corner of a white room. It’s bright, but the source of light is not visible. The room seems to be radiating it’s own light. In the middle of the room is a bed, or a tray I should say. To the left of the bed is a wall covered in screens. There are images flashing across then, but we are just a camera so we don’t know what those images are.

Instead we focus on the only other thing in the room. There is a girl laying on the large piece of metal that we’ve identified as the bed. The girl appears to be sleeping, soon enough she will wake up.


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