The End

The White Room

So this is it. That is all I have for Ji and the girl with no name. Although if you caught my little sneakiness with the "The Leaders of the Kwon clan." you'd probably figure it was CL. And I'm not against it, by all means, the girls is whomever you want her to be. Like I said in I Promise, I thought that using pronouns the entire time to would be redundant and stupid sounding. But it turned out quite alright, better than I expected actually. 

This writing style too, I hope I did it justice. I borrowed it from a Japanese author. But I'm giving it back, it isn't mine and writing as someone else is always pretty awkward. Anyway, I promised this POV to you guys, so here it is. Like I said, I won't be writing a "happily ever after" version since those are cheesy and cleche and, you may have noticed, I've already done that for Ji and mystery girl. If you didn't catch it, well let me clue you in. Check the last monitor. 

That is all for now. don't be too harsh on it.


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