
Broken Souls

Junhui's eyes slowly opened as the van rocked back and forth. He had been drugged by his captors for a couple of hours now. Or maybe even days. How was he supposed to know? He was unconscious anyways. It took him a while before he finally grasped the situation around him. The vehicle was filled with boys. He looked around to find some that looked younger than him, perhaps no more than 15. A jolt of pain suddenly attacked his head, making him grunt. Mingming heard that.

His eyes flickered at Junhui's movement. The two has briefly known each other, they were captured on the same day and put in the same room. "Junhui?" Mingming whispered. The two are Chinese immigrants, illegal ones. Their lives in China had not been the best and their families decided to move. It's such a pity that the the two families came at the worst possible time.

Junhui suppresed a smile as he talked to Mingming in Chinese. "What's the matter?". Mingming smiled back, although it was too suppressed. The two knew that they're not in the best situation but what have they got to do? Weep? It's not an option when you're already stuck in a situation. "Just checking on you... you okay?".

A whole-hearted smile than replaced the earlier fake smile. Junhui nodded and asked the same exact thing to his only friend as of now. Mingming too, said that he was okay. The two than scooted towards each other, closing their gap so that they could converse more comfortably. This whole exchange was seen by Mingyu. He had woken up for quite a while since the van screeched to a halt. He still couldn't believe how these guys manage to stay awake.

His eyes scanned the contents laid in front of him. He would have been lying if he said he was comfortable at all. The van was tightly packed he can almost hear each and every heartbeat and intakes of breath. He rolled his eyes as his gaze moved to the front of the van. A wall had covered what was supposed to be access to the driver's seat. No, it isn't possible for him to see the driver from where he was sitting. He grumbed as he swinged his feet forward, accidentally hitting one of the guys sprawled on the floor.

Seungcheol opened his eyes at the impact and stood up in reflex. His head quickly hit the roof, creating a loud noise that apparently, woke up the whole vehicle. Everyone groaned, not at the same exact moment though. It was more like an echo of groans, one groan is followed by another.

The red-headed boy rubbed his swelling head. Mingyu snickered at the scene before him and tried to go back to sleep. Seungcheol, feeling enraged and disrespected, quickly grabbed the boy's collar and bore a stare at him. "Ask for forgiveness or I'm gonna beat the crap out of you this instant." Mingyu didn't even bat an eyelash. He stared back at the red-head and smirked.

"You sure you can take me out?" He said, challenging the other. Seungcheol's face reddened and his grip on Mingyu's collar loosened. Mingyu was just about to retort back when a punch flew in his direction, hitting him square in the face. It was a powerful one, hard enough to break his nose if it had been placed correctly. Mingyu's eyes flared as he too stood up. He had to duck, as did Seungcheol moments ago, because of their heights. The roof of the van was short, which doesn't support their heights.

Seungcheol smiled in satisfaction. "Yes, actually I am sure I can take you out anytime." He said teasingly. Mingyu would have let a powerful blow himself if someone hadn't stop him. A boy with a pretty face gripped his hand tightly, which surprises almost everyone because of his feminine looks. "I would appreciate it if you guys pipe down.".

All eyes were on the boy now. "And who do you think you are?" Mingyu asked. The boy smiled calmly and let his grip loosen. "Jjang Doyoon." He said, quickly dodging from the flower boy's punch. Mingyu was startled. His punch was fast and strong, yet the boy managed to dodge it easily. Embarassed by the current situation, he coughed and awkwardly sat in his original position.

"Tch, you won't get away next time." He said without even looking at Doyoon. His eyes the drifted to Seungcheol, still bearing that hatred. He was pissed, but he knew he'd have to solve the conflict soon. The guys here are not to be messed with. "Sorry." He said hesitantly.

Seungcheol once again smiled in victory. He nodded in approval and slowly sat down on the van's floor, his original position. Doyoon grinned and looked at everyone in the room. "See? It's better if we're friends with each other. We don't know where we're going nor what's gonna happen to us after all." He said, a bit too excitedly.

Junghan's eyebrows were knitted into a frown. Why the hell would someone want to be friends with a guy that almost killed him a moment ago? He rolled his eyes and leaned on the walls of the van, slowly drifting back to sleep. Dongjin, on the other hand agreed to what the elder had said. It is the safest option to be friends with everyone. Nobody knows what's gonna happen to them from this point on.

From quite a while ago, he had taken interest in another boy that looked his age. He's not that far away from him, he could probably scoot over to him and have a short chat. He did exactly that, attracting the attention of the other boy. He looked at Dongjin quizically, but didn't react.

"Hi." Dongjin said casually, offerring a hand. "Hi..." Chan replied uncertainly. The fight from before flashed again before his mind. He has no idea what each and every person in the van has in thought. "I'm Dongjin, what's your name?" The boy's eyes twinkled as he asked this to the other. Chan has been told not to tell anyone his name unless he knows them. But heck, safety is nowhere in his dictionary anymore now.

"Chan. Lee Chan." He said, finally accepting the other boys hand. He offered a small smile in response to the other's huge grin. Dongjin leaned over and whispered softly to Chan. "Where do you think we're being taken to?". Chan stayed silent for a bit as he surveyed the room. Most had gone back to sleep or so they seemed to. They might just be closing their eyes and listening to his every word. He gulped an amount of hair and scratched his head.

"I'm not sure..." He said uncertainly. He then turned to look Dongjin in the eyes. "You seem pretty young. How old are you?". Dongjin once again smiled. he had been right, this guy must be his age. "I'm 13." He said softly. Chan thought about what he had said. 13? That's a very young age. Not that it was that much of difference with his age. He's merely 14 and the two are probably the youngest of the pack.

"I'm 14, I think we're the youngest ones here." He whispered softly. He felt pretty comfortable with his younger companion, at least he isn't the youngest one here. "Yeah, we should stick to each other I guess.... Those hyungs from earlier are scary." Chan couldn't agree more at what the boy had said. What happened just now isn't something you see on a daily basis. Just because of an accidental kick, they almost went on a full brawl.

Chan shook his head and closed his eyes. "It would be better if you go to sleep to." He said to Dongjin without opening his eyes. The younger's eyes widened as he compelled to what the older had said. He's starting to adore the older for his calmness in spite of the unknown yet chaotic situation they're in.


"The experiments are on their way. They'll be there in half an hour." General Officer Youngmin had informed the boys over at the facility. It terrifies him somehow that the ones in charge are now really young yet bright people. Advancing to General Officer had been really tough for him, but these kids managed to get into better positions.

"Right, thanks for informing us." Jungkook said as he disconnected the call. He sighed as he jot down the experiments' possible arrival time. The day had been very busy and definitely diferrent from their usual routine. Well, that's his job as the facility caretaker after all. He walked over to Namjoon who was busy laughing over a comedy show on the TV. He turned their 36-inch 3D TV off and dropped the memo on the leader's lap.

He plopped down next to him, feeling exhausted. "They're coming soon. Let's go check all the components." Jungkook said tiredly. His worn out face was totally evident. The boy breathed heavily as he covered his face with his arms. Namjoon scoffed and hit the guy's back. "Dude, cheer up. This'll be totally fun project."

Jungkook nodded and smiled in return. He stood up and his spirited expression came back to his face. "Come on let's go prep things up for our guests." He said smirking. Namjoon smirked too and got up from his seat. He swung an arm over Jungkook's shoulders as he whistled their way out of the main office.

AUTHOR'S NOTESChapter 2 is out!  The first two chapters are more of introduction chapters... something resembling a prologue. Yes, not all of the characters are introduced yet. There are like 15 guys in Seventeen, so I'll be introduing the rest in Chapter 3. Please do subscribe and comment, it would make my day.

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working on chapter 4! 3000+ words


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delipscious #1
heyyo selly
Chapter 4: update soon sellie wth so showin this to av
samyeol #3
Chapter 4: Eiiii i'm really glad i found this fic!! Hahaha are they being as human weapons? Or something? Hahah seeing how they're all so aggressive hahaha

tbh i don't really understand the story (yet) but i loooooovveeeee it <3

you write gooooooood stuff gurl gasshhhh i love it :-)