Chapter 4

I Like it When You're Jealous

After all the running and the chasing we decided to take a break; so we started to head towards the water fountains to get a drink of water and for the dogs to relinquish their thirst too. We went back to the feild to lay down on the grass to cool off when 5 guys walked up to us.

(Lay's POV)

I was running around looking for any signs of Kai's "babies" when I saw 2 girls playing with 4 dogs.  Wow they must really like dogs to own 4 of them. Wait those three dogs look familier, too familier; are those Kai's???? And I called Chen to get his attention.

"Chen, come here" I called
"Neh Hyung?" Chen came up to me
"Chen, are those Kai's dogs??" I asked still looking at them
"Where?" He asked looking around
"There" I said pointing towards the pair of girls and 4 dogs
"Hm Yeah that's them. Do we go up to them or should we call Kai first?" he asked
"I think we should call Kai first, poor thing must be worried sick" I aswered while dialing Kai's number and putting it on speaker.

"Hyung did you find my babies?" He asked
"Oh Kai, we found your dogs" I said we can hear him sigh of relief
"Where are you guys? We will come there." He said
"we are.....where are we??" I asked Chen looking around confused "Chen where are we?"
"We are at the dog side of the park" He answered into the speaker, trying not to laugh
"ah I know where that is we are near by, wait for us" He said is a hurry and with that we hung up.

(Hei Ryung's POV)

"Hi....." I asked looking up in confusion
"Can we help you?" Jae Hwa questioned
There were guys surrounding us, they looked friendly and seemed like they had been running around for a while now. Deep breathing and sweating. All 5 of them cute and tall and handsome...well we can't say handsome since the sun was in our eyes and we couldn't see their faces clearly..

"Why are you playing with other people's dogs, I bet you lurred them towards yourself, were you planning on taking them home and then using them as blackmail to get to us?!"  one of them said
"Excuse me!, we never lurried them towards ourselves, they were already playing with my dog when we saw them!" Jae Hwa said ferious at the accusations.
"Well, if they DID come and were playing with your dog than you should have called the owner don't you think. Or are you that stupid to not think of that, and if you are planning on using the excuse that you didn't have the number...the number is written right behind their dog tag." The other one said with a little sass.

I can feel Jae Hwa lossing her cool slowly..I can't blame her, I was starting to lose my cool too bebcause of their ungrateful attitude.

"Listen here you arrogant people, we are not stupid, we have a dog of our own and we know that the contact number is written behind their collar. We did call but the phone was always busy, so whose fault is it that you couldn't recieve our call? Plus, we were just about to call again before you guys came." I said.

"arrogant? who do you think you are calling arrogant?" Sassy one retorted

"Um.. all of you well...mostly you" I said before they could open their mouth again to say something to completely blow Jae Hwa's temper "Take your dogs and get moving, and watch your dogs more carefully next time you bring them to the park" while holding out their leash to the guys.

"Let's go Hei Ryung, it's almost time for work" Jae Hwa said as she put Bowser back on leash. And we walked away.

(Author's POV)

"There you guys are, how did you find them? Where were they anyways?" Kris asked
"two cute girls were playing with them, they seemed nice" Lay replied
"Cute? Nice? They called us arrogant?!" Baekhyun said
"Well, you and Kai were rude to them to begin with." Chanyeol said "They didn't do any harm to your dog Kai."
"You should have just thanked them for taking care of them, they were trying to call you but the phone was busy since we were contact each other alot" Suho reasoned.
"well since we have found them, lets start heading back before we get in trouble." kyungsoo spoke up after some time

Hello everyone~! Thank you for waiting. We both have been really busy lately because of work and studies. Hope you enjoy the chapter.....sorry if it bores you T^T We will try harder!

P.S. Please ignore the grammer and spelling mistakes. Thanks

Take care~!

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watermelonjuice #1
In the title, it's supposed to be You're, not Your^^