A camping trip somewhere (part 2)

The TeenzOnTop Club

"Where's ChunJi?!" 
L.Joe, Niel, ChangJo and CAP gasped. "I told you that's what happens when you meet a bear!" Ricky said proudly. "MY BEST FRIEND!" L.Joe cried, suddenly they heard someone else's voice "Guys, I made a new friend and he's called Bilbo!" They turned and saw Chunji holding a squirrel that looked kind of constipated. "Chunji... put that beast down..." L.Joe yelled and stepped back whenever Chunji came closer with the squirrel. "Put the thing down!"
"His name's Bilbo!" At that moment the squirrel jumped out of Chunji's hands and right in front of L.Joe. L.Joe screamed loudly and ran into Changjo, now Changjo was on the floor pushing himself up, and then brushing his trousers.

“But he’s Bilbo! Everyone likes him!”

“Get that thing away from me, I don’t care if he’s ‘Bilbo’” L.Joe shrieked whilst Chunji muttered ‘but’.  CAP had sided with L.Joe. Chunji, Niel and Ricky were together and Changjo was just by himself. “Changjo, why are you there?” CAP asked.

“Because I don’t care about the squirrel or ‘Bilbo’” Changjo said calmly. “We aren’t keeping that creature. End of conversation” CAP said. Niel, Chunji and Ricky said it was unfair.

After a while of fighting, everyone did their own things; Changjo, Chunji and L.Joe sat in their tents. Ricky and Niel went for a walk, and CAP gathered sticks and L.Joe’s chemistry book to burn for a fire. Little did L.Joe know his science book was being used to make a fire. Niel and Ricky seemed to do their own things, like on their walk next to the sea; Ricky tried to be a gentleman by walking on the side closer to the sea. His reason for that was so Niel wouldn’t die before CAP, since Ricky made that leaflet he claimed he’d only save who he was bothered about.  Niel just thought Ricky was high on coke or fanta. They both came back to see ‘Chemistry extra science’ in a fire with CAP smiling at the sight. “Wait until L.Joe finds out, you’re sooo dead”

L.Joe, Chunji and Changjo came out of their tents and sat down.  Out of nowhere Chunji started laughing. “Oh my god! Byungbyung, they burnt your chemistry book!” L.Joe looked carefully at the fire and saw what he left outside for revision. “WHO DONE THIS TO CHEMMIE!” L.Joe cried. No one responded but CAP just smiled whilst he opened a packet of marshmallows and handed it to Ricky.

“Who wants marshmallows?” Ricky asked. “O~ me, me, me!” L.Joe ran up to Ricky and grabbed a marshmallow.  “Cute~” Niel said cooing

(Changjo’s POV)

That was kind of... cute? For quite a long time we all talked about how Niels lips ended up like that, Chunji said that they used a rolling pin to roll them out. L.Joe said Niels mother was half Gobi and his father was a centaur, what the heck is that?! “Basically, tomorrow we are all going to go fishing in a pool, looking for berries to eat and play games!” Niel exclaimed changing the topic from his lips to what we’ll do tomorrow. I was the first to leave since I kept drowsing off to sleep. I heard from L.Joes tent snores. All our tents were quite spacious; I felt tired and went to sleep.

//Next Day//

I woke up to see two figures outside my tent; they were making noises and whispering pretty loud. “Shush, he’ll wake up” “I know” “Then shush!” “Why are you so mean, Byunggie!” Byunggie. It’s L.Joe, isn’t it? I opened the zip at the bottom of my tent; I looked to see which foot was his. I grabbed his foot and pulled him down. I quickly acted asleep but he screamed and ran off. “CHUNJI! THERE’S... THERE’S a... monster!” He shrieked and I heard CAP groan in frustration “Will you please be a bit quieter over there, I am trying to sleep. Eh, thank you~” He said it in a perky ‘I’m tired so don’t wake me up’ voice.

I went outside and saw L.Joe rubbing his leg. He then glared at me and stepped towards me “You did it, didn’t you!” Before I could say anything he was dragged off by a smiling Chunji, L.Joe was yelling whilst being dragged “You don’t know what I’m capable of you littl-” Chunji covered L.Joes mouth “Sorry! He’s craaaaaazy!” The two disappeared into Chunjis tent. Ricky came out and rubbed his eyes “I’ve never gotten that kind of sleep before. Ah~ It was the best!” How do you sleep like that?! Especially when dumb and dumber are lurking by your tent. But I’d never say that because we’re all friends. Well everyone but me and L.Joe. I have a slight bad temper, but it only appears when he talks. It’s normal right? Whatever I had fun pulling his leg, literally, he shrieks like a girl...

Niel came out with swollen lips “Guys get ready to go fishing in that pond nearby” he went back in to his tent. I got ready and waited for them all to get ready. Everyone but L.Joe was ready, even CAP wasn’t asleep. When L.Joe came out he let out a wail “WHY?!” I looked to see him wearing trousers, a long sleeved t-shirt and a cap. CAP wore a cap saying ‘CAP’... amazing...  He handed out the fishing poles and we set off. L.Joe just screamed at half the insects that appeared and Ricky had to smack them away just so wouldn’t scream. We arrived at the pool where we were going to be fishing and Chunji sighed “See Byunggie, it isn’t bad!” L.Joe sat on a mat and remained silent.

I attached bait and put it in the pond. “Changjo, say something, you’re way too quite”

“This fish isn’t getting on my hook!” L.Joe started to laugh at me. “What?!” I asked, “Nothing” He blinked several times at me. That was so not cute... okay, it was. Since none of us got any fish (it was the ponds fault, it had no fish...) we went back to our tents. We decided to just play games like chicken fight. CAP won that.

The Last few days were spent with healing and even one day, L.Joe and me had a conversation about things we like, alone(thanks to the others). Together. It was kind of nice...

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Motaka #1
Re-read the fic again and still love it :))
eternalpain #2
Chapter 16: I can't wait for ur next update! I'll be waiting. I really like the story. I love Changjoe together
Chapter 16: I did read this before but forgot where i stopped so i read the last chapter any ways and had to burst into laughter at the ( Changjo smiled at him. “You know, at first I thought you only blushed like a girl but I guess now you tend to scream like one too” )
Motaka #4
update please~ ^w^ love this story
kpopmichelle #5
Chapter 16: Awwww poor niel!! XD bet they bet the crap out of him!
kpopmichelle #6
Chapter 15: yay u finally updated!!!! cant wait to see chunji's reaction!! smirk
kpopmichelle #7
Omg im so excited for the next chapter!!!!!
Chapter 14: OMFG ASSJLLKHFDADHK IM SO EXCITED FOR THEIR DATE SOBS this chap made me so happy ;;;
Chapter 14: This was so adorable!!