Barbecue (part 2)

The TeenzOnTop Club

Exactly 3 seconds after Changjo rang the doorbell; he was pulled in and loaded with questions. For a minute or so, Changjo felt like dying. The only thing that seemed to stop him from running out the door back to his own home was the look on L.joe’s face. It was kind of creepy but nevertheless it looked perfect to Changjo. L.joe’s smile was screaming ‘I’ve been expecting you’, in that creepy tone though.

Or it was just Changjo not thinking straight because Ricky was oh so uncomfortably squeezing him in a bone crushing hug. It wasn’t like Ricky was strong; in fact Ricky couldn’t crack a walnut if he had to. Alongside Ricky there was Chunji. Two weak people sort of make the hug a bit stronger. When everyone finally let him go as if he was the only person they had waited for, they all flopped on to the couch.

“Changjo, do you like horror movies” C.A.P asked finally

“Ye-” Just as Changjo was about to finish his reply, C.A.P spoke up again.

“Well, we’re watching one so... tough”

“C.A.P don’t be mean to him” L.joe said. Changjo smiled at L.joe as the older happily returned it. Niel, being Niel, cooed at the two making L.joe feel a little uncomfortable. “Shut up” Ricky was about to open his mouth and say something along the lines of: L.joe and Changjo sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G, although he wasn’t able to say anything when L.joe stopped him by throwing the TV remote right at the younger’s head.

At least that shut him up.

Changjo said nothing. For the millionth time, he said nothing to protest against the little ‘lovebirds’ thing. It was okay though, right? Like, just because he’s L.joe’s crush, L.joe’s going to put up with him not defending the truth. Well. No. It’s not okay to L.joe. He really cared about it. To L.joe it was like a false indication that maybe Changjo liked him.

Why on earth would Changjo like someone like L.joe?

Nahhhh. He wouldn’t. L.joe was far out of the list for people Changjo would possibly love. Plus, he’s a guy. Changjo seemed like the type to be interested in girls than guys. That’s what L.joe thought. He was wrong though. Changjo was gay. Changjo liked guys. Why? Because they understand him better. Same genders seem to understand each other better whereas girls don’t understand guys. Also, some girls were cutesy but then the next minute they would be all diva. (To Changjo at least)

Changjo would never like a girl. Hence why he is gay.

“So what are we doing today?” Changjo asked.

“We’re obviously going to have a barbecue” C.A.P said. Right then, Chunji smacked him upright on the head. Niel started laughing like a madman (seriously, when does this guy not laugh?)And Ricky, dear cute Ricky, was just rolling his eyes. On the other hand Changjo felt like seriously punching C.A.P right in face because damn. That was annoying.

“Har har har, very funny” Changjo said much to everyone’s surprise. He just got sarcastic on C.A.P. Oh damn, that kid was on fire today. When no one laughed, Changjo felt a bit awkward. “Sorry?”

They all blinked at him.

“Well then...” Changjo nervously scratched the back of his neck and looked at the one person he thought would be a little brighter than the others. L.joe had the same expression as the 4 other males. So much for that romantic rubbish. Changjo thought that maybe, just maybe, L.joe would be the one person to laugh. But no. He wasn’t laughing. No one was.


In the next second, everyone was just cracking up. Changjo wasn’t even sure if it was at him or his sarcasm. But darn, that got him scared. “OH GOD C.A.P YOU SHOULD’VE SEEN YOUR FACE!” Ricky yelled in between his laughter. Niel was too joining in the roars of C.A.P’s face complaint.

“You looked like Frankenstein!” Niel said. Chunji was just rolling on the floor laughing his off. Hmm, L.joe had come to his senses (which was kind of shocking) and instead smiled at Changjo. It was a shame the younger didn’t notice as he was too busy thinking “what the hell”. 

Honestly. It wasn’t that funny.


But hey, who doesn’t like a little lightening up.



Hallucinating was believed to be the right term for how Changjo was after seeing L.joe’s freaking cute, addicting (oh god was it a drug) smile. It was the same as usual but for some reason, it made Changjo’s heart melt. What the heck? He was clueless. He didn’t believe it. But he was sure that he would be able to take it in and accept it.

But what the heck was it?!

Changjo can’t put his foot on it.  

The two were left alone in the front room whilst the others set up the barbecue. “They set it up didn’t they?” L.joe muttered, unfortunately (or fortunately) Changjo heard. It was awkward, not the kind of comfortable silence, it was the uncomfortable one. Luckily for both of them, Ricky came in to break the awkwardness. Thank god for that.

“Ricky to the rescue!” The short boy yelled when he ran into the room with his arm up attempting to be some version of superman.

Epic fail though.

Seriously, what was that?

L.joe let out a relieved sigh; in his head he was thanking Ricky so much. It wasn’t like L.joe didn’t like Changjo’s company (we all know about his not-so-little crush), but it was just too awkward. The small boy would like to think that it was just because the other just came to C.A.P’s house. “Guy’s stop acting like strangers. Next thing you know, you two will be making kissy wissy faces at each other and acting all lovey dovey” That gave them both a reason to smack Ricky.

Dear Ricky,

When will you learn?

“Ouch!” Ricky winced in pain when Changjo was the first to make an attack by smacking his hand flat on Ricky’s head, after that Changjo put Ricky in a headlock. L.joe was left baffled. For one, Changjo actually stood up for the couple thing. Two, holy crap that guy put Ricky in a headlock. L.joe’s eyes were as wide as the smile on C.A.P’s face when he saw Ricky suffering.

Finally, Changjo released him. Luckily it wasn’t too hard or then Ricky would’ve been dead. “Dude, that was like freaking awesome! How did you do that?!” Ricky asked. Changjo smiled at him before flicking Ricky on the head.

“I know martial arts”

“No way”

“Yes way” Changjo replied, was it that hard to believe? Meanwhile, L.joe was still gaping. Also he was slightly lost in his thoughts.

“That means Changjo can protect me from anything.” L.joe ‘thought’.

“Yeah, he can protect us too!” Ricky yelled.

“I don’t need help scaring away people. My face does it already” C.A.P said calmly, as if it was natural. They could hear Niel and Chunji cracking up and at the same time, being hyper fanboys.

The next thing Changjo said took L.joe to a whole new level of hopes.


“I only want to protect L.joe”


*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *

“Sorry sorry sorry awodehlawnj” Chunji sang/said Super Junior’s song Sorry Sorry. Niel was kind of joining in until his voice cracked. They could hear the four inside laughing and they both wanted to go inside and laugh with them. Niel almost burnt the wooden stick.

“Hey Chunji, I can juggle coal, watch me!” Niel said smiling as he picked on the coal with his hands. He began juggling, this made Chunji briefly wonder if they were really idiots.

He wasn’t wrong.

They were definitely idiots.

“OW! OH GOD NIEL YOU HIT ME IN THE EYE WITH THE COAL!” Chunji screamed gathering everyone outside. The boy held his hand over his eye in pain. That piece of coal got him good.


“What happened?!” L.joe asked worriedly. Changjo held L.joe back so he wouldn’t freak out more, but in that moment, L.joe forgot Chunji ever existed (so much for best friends). To L.joe it was like a typical drama and as much as L.joe would hate to admit it but in this case he was the girl.

“I think I’m going to go blind” Chunji cried wiping tears that formed most likely because no one was helping him. “I could use some help guys”, even after that no one bothered instead they were focused either on Niel juggling or the two lovebirds. That was the millionth time Chunji felt like punching each of them in the face.

Ricky had finally decided to help Chunji out by taking him to the bathroom in order to wash out whatever was in his eye. It really did help. Meanwhile C.A.P was showing him bedroom off to everyone else. “You see this, I won this certificate by being the most lazy person in the whole term”, that certificate was so fake because you could see where the printer ink smudged a little; it had made a blob right in the middle of the paper. “By the way, this over here is my beanbag. It’s not Ricky’s, it’s mine.” The very comfortable beanbag was sitting in a corner next to a bookshelf.

It was funny how the beanbag managed to somehow have the name ‘Ricky’ sewn on it.




Very suspicious.


Boredom caught Changjo’s brain during ‘La tour De C.A.P’; he spaced out about ten times when the oldest was talking about this thing. He didn’t even notice L.joe tense up when he leaned to whisper something utterly stupid into the short boy’s ear. In other words, it was a serious case of boredom. Changjo was so bored that he played with L.joe’s hand; yet again he never noticed the other blush.

‘La tour De C.A.P’ seemed to go on forever and ever. In reality it was only for like 15 minutes. Sure C.A.P loved to boast about his wonderful house and his amazing bedroom, but this time it was more like payback for all the times he got bored because of them.

“Tour’s done guys” C.A.P finally announced, everyone let out a relieved sigh. It was over.

“About time, I felt like I was going to die” Niel said looking like something took away his happy soul. The only question that was in Ricky’s head was: When were they going to eat.

“Oh, uh... L.joe, you have a little something over there” Changjo said pointing on L.joe’s cheek. Being a complete idiot, L.joe smacked his cheek as if it would’ve helped. “It’s not gone” The short boy tried and was unsuccessful again. Changjo wasn’t planning to just watch him like that; instead he brought up his hand and wiped it right off.

L.joe was flustered.

Changjo was smirking in his head.


*     *     *     *     *     *     *     *     *


On a barbecue.

To the six, nothing was better than chicken. The taste was amazing. The look and smell of chicken was awesome. Basically, chicken is perfection. “Just look at the beauty” C.A.P said turning a piece of chicken over. Everyone else was crowding around watching in amazement as all the pieces cooked over the blazing barbecue. They made sounds like ‘Ooh’ and ‘Aaahh’, clearly they were fascinated.

When all the food was cooked and ready, they all went inside and got everything ready by the TV. C.A.P said that it would be stupid to eat with nothing entertaining, so they ended up eating by the TV. “Let’s watch Frozen!” Ricky exclaimed. Chunji groaned, he had seen that movie about 20 times and now he feels sick of it.

“How about ‘The Fault in Our Stars!’” L.joe yelled excitedly. He had only read the book but ever since the last page he was dying to watch the movie. C.A.P gave him a weird look whereas Chunji totally agreed to watch it. Ricky was trying to pry Niel’s hand off his head therefore he wasn’t paying attention.

“My vote!” Chunji shouted.

“I want to see it too!” Niel yelled just as loud, that did gain a shut up from C.A.P.

“Well I don’t want to watch it” The oldest of them all deadpanned. When Chunji and L.joe awed, C.A.P raised his hands to surrender. “Fine fine, we’ll go with what Changjo votes for”. Changjo stared and then pointed at L.joe.

“Whatever he wants”


“AWWWWW THANK YOU SO MUCH!” L.joe screamed and jumped on Changjo. He really wanted to see that movie. So much that he just had to jump on his crush. “Thank you! Eeep” The short boy squealed. L.joe ended up squashing his on Changjo’s lap, crushing the younger’s legs.

“Uh, you’re welcome”

They sat like that until 30 minutes into the movie when L.joe decided the position was truly uncomfortable. Changjo felt a bit cold for some reason, L.joe seemed to warm him up but now that the warmth had disappeared. What am I thinking?! Changjo then whacked that thought out and replaced it. I shall embrace my feelings. Or whatever that stuff is.

“You were warmmmm” L.joe whined before leaning on Changjo. Unluckily, Changjo felt his feet tingling with the sensation of pain. Oh crap. Pins and needles. Changjo endured most of the pain until he heard snoring.

It wasn’t that cute little snore time to time. Oh no. It was a loud whale kind of snore. L.joe was the only person who fell asleep, even C.A.P stayed up. “L.joe, wake up” All of them said poking the sleeping boy. When he stirred they all stopped and sat in a circle.

“I’m awake. What.”

The diva is back.

“We’re going to play truth or dare!” Chunji exclaimed, it was 9 O’clock and the boy was still hyper.

A bottle was placed in the middle and straight away was spun by C.A.P. It landed on Niel making the boy pull a face. “I pick truth”

“Do you cry in the bathroom at the clubroom when you get a detention, I always hear weeping” Ricky asked. On days Ricky would go to the bathroom in the clubroom and all he would hear is someone crying. He couldn’t tell who it was and whenever he waited it seemed like the person knew so they never came out. That only made Ricky even more curious.

“Yes...” Neil said looking away from everyone. Changjo heard Ricky mutter “I knew it”

“Anyways” C.A.P said spinning it again. This time it landed on Changjo, the chosen boy groaned. “Truth or dare”


“ARE YOU STRAIGHT, BI OR GAY?!” Chunji shouted out, he was saying it for L.joe. It seemed like L.joe didn’t understand as the boy sat confused.

“Um...” Changjo started, he saw everyone else’s eager eyes and decided to actually tell the truth. “I’m gay...”

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Motaka #1
Re-read the fic again and still love it :))
eternalpain #2
Chapter 16: I can't wait for ur next update! I'll be waiting. I really like the story. I love Changjoe together
Chapter 16: I did read this before but forgot where i stopped so i read the last chapter any ways and had to burst into laughter at the ( Changjo smiled at him. “You know, at first I thought you only blushed like a girl but I guess now you tend to scream like one too” )
Motaka #4
update please~ ^w^ love this story
kpopmichelle #5
Chapter 16: Awwww poor niel!! XD bet they bet the crap out of him!
kpopmichelle #6
Chapter 15: yay u finally updated!!!! cant wait to see chunji's reaction!! smirk
kpopmichelle #7
Omg im so excited for the next chapter!!!!!
Chapter 14: OMFG ASSJLLKHFDADHK IM SO EXCITED FOR THEIR DATE SOBS this chap made me so happy ;;;
Chapter 14: This was so adorable!!