Last Day

Love, Acceptance, and Imperfections

Three days. I had three days left with the boys, after which I would probably not see them for a while. One thing was for sure; I would have to readjust to a lifestyle without them again. Without family, and without work. Just school, Ji Eun, and if I was lucky, maybe a bit of Jongin.


Friday night, we left the studio for music bank and to the members’ surprise, I actually followed them back to the dorm in my car that day. I was slightly behind the members so when I got into the building, I found Jongin standing in front of the apartment door.


“Hyung, can you drive me to the SM building? I want to run over the choreography a bit.”


“Jongin, shouldn’t you rest up? You’ve been out the whole day working, and really, I don’t think you need any extra practice. Just rest your body and go in the morning or something.”


"But Hyung~"


The manager shook his head. “You’re not going and that’s final. I’m not doubting you Jongin, I know you want to improve yourself but I know you, and I know that you are a perfectionist in everything you do. If I let you go now, you probably won’t come back until the sun is about to rise. No means no.”


With that, the manager walked away and out of the apartment, probably to run errands or something.


It was then that I showed myself to a frustrated looking Jongin. “Jongin.”


He looked up and smiled, coming up to wrap an arm around my shoulder, holding me to his side. “Hi love.” He kissed me lightly on the cheek.


I looked up and took his hand in mine. “Are the others inside? Let’s go in and rest.”


He shook his head. “I want to go practice a bit more. Can you drop me off at SM?”


“But your manager just said-”


He groaned. “Not you too. Honestly I’m feeling fine. It’s not even midnight yet. I’ll be done around 1 am and schedules don’t even start until the evening tomorrow anyways. Please love?”


I bit my lip and hesitated. As much as I understood his constant drive to improve, I hated that he would always return extremely early in the morning, because like his manager said, he was a perfectionist. Not only that but I just didn’t want him to go…


“Jongin you should rest.”


He threw his hands up in defeat before storming into the dorm. Concerned, I followed after him as he went straight past a few of the members who greeted me, and right into our shared room. A soon as he got inside, he took his gym bag and stuffed it with clothes.


“Jongin…” I said as I went up to him, taking a hold of his bag. “Don’t go.”


“Let go Yoonae.”


“You’re being ridiculous Jongin. No one is going to drive you. What are you going to do? Walk there? Not only that, you’re going alone and you’re going to get rampaged by fans. And let’s not forget, you’re going to push yourself too hard and trigger your old injuries again.”


He scoffed. “My injuries have long since healed. You don’t get it do you? I need practice, so let go Yoonae.”


I glared at him. “No.”


He returned the same angry look. “Let go.”


“Jongin can you stop being so STUBBORN and just REST for a day?!”


“Oh I’m the stubborn one.” He replied, yanking his bag out of my grasp. I could feel the burn on my hand from the quick movement. “I’m your boyfriend and you can’t even consider things from my point of view. Instead, you’re underestimating me and taking the manager’s side.”


“Jongin, I’m not taking anyone’s side. I’m just looking out for you-”


“I don’t need you to look out for me Yoonae. I need you to support me.” He sighed, “whatever. I’m leaving now.”


“Jongin.” I tried to call to him but it was too late, he already stormed out of the room. I sighed, and sank to the floor. Why did everything always turn out this way? No doubt about it, I knew we would resolve things, but the last thing I wanted to do was to argue with him.


I wasn’t going to lie, the things he said hurt me. Was I wrong to look out for him? To want what’s best for him? He said I wasn’t on his side, when everything I ever did was for his benefit, and no one else’s. There’s no one else’s side I’d rather be on.


After a while, I sat up, deciding to make what’s left of my time with EXO worth it while I waited for Jongin to get home.


"Yoonae!" Sehun called as soon as I entered the living room. Sehun, Baekhyun, Suho, and Chanyeol were crowded around the dining table, a laptop in front of each of them. I sighed, knowing what was to come.


"Yoonae join us!" Baekhyun cheered. I hesitated staring at all of them who were grinning at me.


"Guys it's late. Shouldn't you be like EXO-M and sleep early for once?"


Sehun frowned, putting on a pout I knew too well. "Please? Just one game."


Immediately I gave in for several reasons. 1) This could mostly likely be one of the last times I would freely be able to hang out with these guys in a while. 2) I was in love with the game myself. 3) I had to wait for Jongin to get home anyways.




With that, I grabbed my laptop and we started off our game of League of Legends.


"Yoonae-yah~ did you and Kkamjong get in a fight again?" Suho asked in the middle of the game.


"Yeah can't help it. He wanted to practice, and it's late so I didn't want him to go."


"So stubborn." Sehun commented.


Baekhyun scoffed, "as if you're one to talk."


"I'm stubborn but if you give me time to rest, I least I know how to treasure those moments."


"Guys I need help in mid lane."


"Maknae, at least Jongin has better work habits than you. Someone has to put in the effort. You try leading the team."


"Oh please, at least I can dance Baekhyun."


Baekhyun gasped. "Excuse me? You unappreciative brat."


"Guys...mid lane..."


We all stopped as a familiar computed voice came over the system. "An ally has been slain. Your inhibitor has been destroyed."


Chanyeol, who had been asking for help this whole time, groaned. "We're going to lose."


I couldn't help but laugh. Everything that happened was just so...EXO.


Each round took approximately 30-45 minutes, and of course, our night didn't end with just one. By the time we were all exhausted, eyes begging for us to sleep, I finally looked at the clock on my laptop which read 3am.


Jongin still wasn't home.


I sighed and slumped back in my chair as I waited for him to come home. The other members bid me good night as they left for their own bedrooms.


Slowly, I began to analyze everything that happened today, smiling with the memories, only to cringe when I thought about our petty argument. Now that it was so late, I felt worse not offering him a ride there and back, maybe even staying with him.


It was hitting the ungodly hours of the morning when no one would be on the street. It scared me to think what kind of sketchy situations he could get himself into just walking back from the company in the dark.


When the clock read 3:25 I decided to get up and look for him, and if he wasn't on the route to the company building, he would still be inside practicing and I would pick him up.


As I was putting on my shoes, the familiar click of the front door opened, and in came an exhausted looking Jongin.


Not a single word was spoken as he walked in. I kept to his side, eventually supporting some of his weight as he wobbled on shaky legs towards the bathroom.


Just as he was about to go in, I broke the silence. "Wait, let me grab your pajamas for you."


I quickly ran to our room and took out a fresh pair of shorts and a t-shirt. When I got back, he was just taking off his shirt. I blushed slightly, admiring his toned figure, but now wasn't the time to get distracted.


I took his sweat drenched t-shirt from him, and gave him the rest of his clothes. "Be quick," I told him, "you need to rest."


He nodded slowly before leaning forward and kissing me shortly on the lips. "Thanks, love."


I shook my head, giving him a light hug knowing his muscles were probably in pain. "Pabo! You don't need to thank me." We separated and I smiled at him. "I'll wait for you, hurry."


I got back to our room and settled down in the bed, hugging my giant teddy bear in my lap. It was then that I realized I would have to pack him away soon. Him along with all my belongings which were about half of the room’s contents. Clothes, books, bags, shoes, toiletries, hair product, makeup products, and all my other personal belongings, they all had to go soon.


I squeezed the bear tighter, not wanting to let it go. For some reason, it always made me feel better, probably because it was Jongin who won it for me, back before we were even together.


It didn’t take long for Jongin to return from his shower. He dragged his feet into the room before dropping down onto the mattress next to me face first. “I’m tired.”


I chuckled, “I bet. How are you feeling otherwise?”




I frowned and got up to kneel beside him. Leaning forward, I began kneading at his shoulder muscles which were extremely tight from a combination of stress and strain. After that, I slowly began to travel down his back, hitting  a few sensitive spots along the way. There was one knot particularly in his lower back at had been bugging him since debut and he let out a painful grunt when I reached there.


I stilled immediately. “Jongin, please don’t tell me you injured it again.”


“Not entirely I think. It’s just a lot more sensitive and really sore now.”


“Do you want me to try and fix it or…”


“Yes please.” Slowly, I began feeling the muscles of the area, and bit by bit, gently soothing them into relaxation again.


“Say Jongin,” I began as I continued the massage.




“I’m sorry about earlier.”


“Mm, don’t worry about it.”


“No,” I said, “I just...I’m sorry. Let’s not spend our time arguing alright? It’s just not worth it.”


He shifted a bit to turn around and look at me, worry evident in his gaze. "What's wrong? Did something happen?"


I looked back at him in confusion. "No...why?"


"Nothing it's seemed so serious just now."


I smacked him lightly on the arm. "Of course I'm serious! Do you want to argue with me?!"


He laughed and shook his head, "no, love. Never. Besides, we both know I always apologize first anyways."


"Good so don't argue with me again!"


"Yes yes. I won't argue with you anymore." He yawned before relaxing again. "But seriously love, stop talking like we'll never see each other again or something. You're scaring me."


I laid down, snuggling into his embrace. "Okay."


He leaned down and pecked me lightly on the forehead. "Goodnight."


I looked up at him, "Jongin."




"Kiss me."


His eyes cracked open, a brief element of confusion and concern showed in his eyes before he simply relaxed and captured my lips with his.


After a warm, emotionally charged kiss, he brought his lips to my forehead again and kissed me, letting his lips linger there as he spoke.


"I love you."


Leaning in closer, I tried to add every detail of this to my memory.


"I love you too."




The next day, the boys had rehearsal in the SM building before their performance at night. I used the excuse of homework to stay behind and start moving things back to my place. I packed my entire closet minus a few outfits for the next two days and night. Necessities stayed with me, but all my books, my accessories, they all went into my car, and eventually, back to my apartment.


One more night. And then after tomorrow’s performance...I would be gone.


After I finished, I went to the company building and sat in my usual corner as I waited for the boys to finish their rehearsal. Their manager came and sat down next to me. Clearing his throat, he spoke at a volume just above the music.


“I heard from Mr. Lee yesterday...about...well…”


“About my resignation?” I tried to not let my emotions show as I spoke. I chuckled bitterly. “Yeah. I guess I should have figured he would have told you.”


“I’m sorry it had to be this way.”


I shook my head. “No, it’s bound to happen sooner or later. I guess it’s just a good reality check now. But I’ll be fine. I’m more worried about them.” I signalled to the sweaty and concentrated members of EXO as they fixed a few minor details of their choreography.


“They’re good kids.” Their manager said, he turned to me with a smile. “And you are too. You’d think I wouldn’t notice as much but…you’ve really grown Yoonae-yah, and thank you for taking care of not only Jongin but the rest of the boys as well. You made my job easier.”


I couldn’t help but return the grin. “It’s my job too.”


“So...when are you leaving?”


“Tomorrow,” I replied. “I’m leaving after I get them ready for their performance tomorrow.”


“You won’t even stay for the performance?”


I shook my head. “I think...I think it’s just easier to say good-bye that way.”


“It’s not a permanent good-bye though. We can arrange for some visits and stuff.” He insisted.


“Yeah of course. It’s just...I want to lay off of it a bit you know? Paparazzi is everywhere. I can’t keep taking chances. It’ll hurt them more than it would hurt me.”


He tsked at me and ruffled my hair, leaving a pout on my face when I looked up. “You’re growing up too fast. Don’t worry about it that much kiddo. Just leave it to me. We’ll work it out.”


I nodded. “Can I ask you for a favour though?”


“What is it?”


“I was wondering...can all of us go out tonight? For dinner. I was thinking since tonight is my last night with them we can go to Korean Barbeque or something.”


His face lit up, and for a second, I forgot that he was in his late 20s and in charge of a 12 member internationally known boyband. “I think that’s a great idea. We’ve all worked hard and its about time that we get a little treat out of all of this.”


Suddenly, the music cut.


“Treat? What is this I hear about treat hyung?” Tao said, gracefully skipping over to us with everyone just mingling around.


“None of your business Taozi. Nothing for you.” The manager teased, earning a defined pout from the chinese maknae in return. I couldn’t help but giggle at the childish behaviour. The manager got up from the floor, dusting his pants off as the others gathered around. “Let’s go now guys. The van is waiting downstairs and we have a performance to get to. Don’t forget your stuff and make sure you clean up.”


With that, he led the way for the rest of us to leave the room. Almost immediately, the chatter dropped and the idol star image was back on. It’s show time.




The routine went by as usual. We would arrive at the venue, get ambushed by hoards of both local and international fans, and then we would head back stage to get ready in the waiting room. Outfits, hair, and makeup was all completed to perfection and efficiently, leaving my job as the main coordi to be an easy one.


The boys performed flawlessly on stage, the best of many performances. Afterwards they piled back into the room to wait for the ending, and that's when things started turning up.


The rankings were revealed ahead of time, and EXO was a contender for first place. As they loaded back into the stage, and for once, stood at the front of the pack, I began biting my nails in nervousness.


"And the winner...for this week's music bank is....EXO! Congratulations!"


For a moment, everything froze in place. My heart beat wildly for them, and I almost burst into tears when I saw the look on all of their faces and Suho started crying. As they were saying their thank-you speeches, I thought deeply about how far they had come since their showcase in which I had barely known any of the boys, and most of them could barely stand on stage without shaking.


Even if I was hesitant at first about quitting my job, I realized it’s about the right time I let them go. The boys had worked hard and matured so much over the years, and though my job position was still important in helping them, it was about time we all moved on to the future.


I watched as the boys filed in one by one, tears stained on their cheeks, and many still falling. They greeted everyone with a deep bow, thanking the staff over and over again for their hard work, and alas, it didn’t take long before hugs were exchanged.


Baekhyun was the first one that came to me, his usual energized and brotherly self seemed to be drained as he clung onto me for dear life. “Congratulations oppa.”


“I’m so happy right now.” He murmured, voice cracking slightly from the tears. All of a sudden, another weight added on to his and I almost stumbled backwards to the ground.


“Hyung~ You’re hogging her again!” The happy virus exclaimed. But regardless, he held on to both of us like the best friends we were. Eventually Baekhyun squirmed out and it was just the giant and I.


“Congratulations Chanyeollie-oppa~ I wish Ji Eun was here for you.”


He let out a whining sound. “I wish she was here too.”


“Why don’t you call her? I think she’s probably celebrating in her own little world right now.”


He pulled away immediately and beamed. “Yeah, that’s a good idea.”


Eventually I circled around to the most of the other members. Jongin was with Taemin at that moment so I didn’t bother approaching them, and just let the two best friends celebrate first by themselves. With that being said, I continued searching and searching for one particular clingy maknae.


Looking to the corner, I found a figure struggling to detach the microphone wires from his body. I sighed as I looked into the mirror and saw it reflecting his tears that he was hiding from everybody else.


“Sehun-ah.” I called to him as I approached him.


He turned to me, startled a bit before replying with a smile. “Yoonae.”


“Here, let me help you with that.” He dropped the wires of the mic and allowed me to untangle everything instead.


“Congratulations Sehun-oppa.” I didn’t mention how I saw him dabbing his tears from the corner of his eyes now that his hands were free.




After the mic was gone, I turned him to face me and wrapped my arms around him. “You deserved it. So many years of training and practicing. It must have been hard on you.”


He returned the hug as well, and I could feel him shaking as he cried without a word. After a long moment of silence he spoke up. “It’s not that.”


“Hm?” I tried to look up at him but he kept me close to his body.


“I heard you and manager-hyung talking earlier.” My heart stopped for a moment. “I don’t know why, or what’s really happening. But I just...I’m going to miss you.”


“I’m going to miss you too.” I said, but I forced a smile on my face because like always, I didn’t want him to worry and this was his day. “Let’s not think about this alright? We’re going to go out tonight and celebrate, and not think about anything else but your victory today.”


He nodded. “Okay.”


With that, I left him to get changed on his own as I went to find my cry baby boyfriend. As I was searching, I felt a pair of familiar arms wrap around me from behind. “You and maknae were getting cozy again.”


I chuckled at his jealousy. “Well you were busy with Taemin-oppa.”


“Taemin was being mean.” I could almost hear the pout in his voice. “He kept filming me crying.”


“That’s what best friends are for.” I replied, turning around in his arms. “Be happy he’s here to celebrate with you today.”


“Yeah I guess so.”


I reached up to wrap my arms around his neck, blind to everyone around us now. Who even cared? As of tomorrow, nothing would be a threat anymore. “Congratulations today Jongin-ah.”


“See the practice was worth it.”


I rolled my eyes. “I’m pretty sure it’s about the album sales and not about you slaving off until 3 in the morning but whatever makes you happy.”


He smiled at me. “Can I get my reward now?”


I quirked an eyebrow at him only to realize and let out a small chuckle when he started leaning in. Our lips met fully but briefly as we relaxed into each other’s arms. Without wanting the moment to end, I laid my head on his broad shoulder as everyone around us hussled around.


It took a while for the moment to end. The manager standing was beside us and clearing his throat before we separated, and although I was fully prepared for a scolding, I found him smiling at us instead.


“Time to go out and celebrate?”




After dinner, we all filed back into the EXO dorm, and were barely a few steps in before Sehun announced in a loud and clear voice: “MOVIE NIGHT!”


He seemed to have Tao on his side immediately so before the older members could even protest, the aegyo won them all over and we found ourselves pulling out mattresses and blankets to the living room and cramming all 13 of us in front of the TV.


As we all settled down, I found Sehun worming his way in between Baekhyun and I, earning a frustrated “yah! Maknae!” which was eventually quieted down with the start of the movie.


Halfway through the film, I looked around to find most of the members asleep, and the rest already drifting off. It was heartwarming to see all the members just sleeping next to each other after a long eventful day. Even Sehun was passed out and I could only coo at the sight of the usually clingy maknae who liked to act tough, fast asleep beside me, shivering slightly from the lack of blankets.


At the end of the movie, I didn’t have the heart to wake any of them up, instead, I went to grab more pillows and blankets and helped each one of the settle in before returning to my spot between Jongin and Sehun.


Jongin shuffled a little bit and slowly opened his eyes as I made myself comfortable in the space. Immediately, he wrapped his arm around me, letting my head rest on his chest. He leaned down and kissed me on the head.


“I love you.”


I froze for a moment, not expecting those words to come out all of a sudden. Yes, it wasn’t unusual for us to say it to one another, but for some reason, it just sounded different. I looked up at him only for a second before he started spreading kisses all over my face.


“I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you.”


“I love you too.” I replied at the end of all that when he seemed to calm down a bit.


“I don’t know what’s wrong.” He told me. “But I just feel like...something is going to happen...soon.”


My heart broke a little in guilt, knowing that tomorrow, after their performance, I would seemingly be out of his life again.


“Do you trust me?” I asked him.


“Of course.”


“Nothing is going to change between us.”


“You promise?”


“I promise.” I leaned up and kissed him fully on the lips. “I love you Kim Jongin. No matter what happens. Just trust me alright?”


He nodded and let out a tired yawn.


“You should sleep now.” I told him. “You have another performance tomorrow.”


“Okay.” He said, finally giving in, and closing his eyes.


“Congratulations today baby.”


A smile spread on his face as I leaned in to press another kiss to his lips. “I’m so proud of you, and I love you.”


“I love you too.”


After that, silence filled the dorms. From the small light around the corner in the kitchen, I was able to look around at each of the EXO members for a second. Cherishing these last few moments I had with them for a long while.


From there, I could only hope that everything would be solved, and after trading in a bit of distance, maybe I would be able to spend more time with them permanently in the future.


I sighed as I looked at my boyfriend in front of me. I pulled myself closer to his body, feeling his arm automatically wrap tighter around me in response. Starting tomorrow evening, I would have to learn to live without him around me 24/7 all over again.


“You’ll be okay.” I whispered.

We’ll be okay.



A/N: Hi everyone! I hope you enjoyed chapter 5. Don't worry, it's not the end of EXO, or the end of the story, there's still a few more chapters to go. Luckily I had a lot more time to write for the past few days because I'm in the middle of exam break (in which I have practically a whole month off now because I just finished my music performance exam yesterday, and between now and my theory exam on the 27th, I only have Korean in a week. AKA A LOT OF TIME TO JUST CHILL.) 

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. (It's pretty sad because I'm listening to Miracles of December as I'm writing this author's note and it makes me sad because this chapter was a good-bye chapter.)


Anyways, please comment, subscribe, upvote, whatever you want :)

I'll try to update as soon as possible.


On a Side note: HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRAT-HUN! (It's still his birthday in my timezone).

Until next time:

-SEHUN, Ryeowook, Sungmin, Taemin, Jongin, Luhan, Chen, and Sungjong's Wifey

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SekarMP #1
Chapter 8: I love it!❤ Update soon plsss :D
Chapter 6: waahh! i love this so much! update soon please!! ♥♥♥♥
Chapter 6: That was cute, everyone randomly showing up. XDDD
Glad to see a nice moment between the couple despite the drama.
-kimmyeons #4
Chapter 6: finally after spending two and a half days reading the first story and the sequel i've comments! gosh, your story was awesome. Like, srsly.
inspirit-beauty #5
Chapter 6: Yea, everything will be worth it~ hwaiting!! ^_^

And hwaitimg to you too authornim! :) thanks for the update.. :D
Great story!
inspirit-beauty #7
Chapter 5: Waaaah i hope jongin will understand.. thank you for updating! :))
Chapter 4: Yay for the sequel!! But woah!!!
There's so much happening! O.O
inspirit-beauty #9
Chapter 4: Aww.. im glad she did not do, what other girls do in some fanfics hahaha. Hwaiting!

Thank you for updating! :D
Chapter 3: oh my god :(