
Love, Acceptance, and Imperfections

Chapter 1


Ireona Ireona Ireona

Ireona Ireona Ireona-


“Holy Jongin, shut up!”


I shot up from my slumber, scrambling to find my phone which kept blasting my personal alarm on repeat. After tossing all my sheets onto the floor, and throwing my pillow across the room, the phone finally presented itself on the far corner of my bed.


Turning the loudness off, I sighed and fell back onto my bed. Running through the day ahead of me, I groaned. Schedule after schedule after schedule. Ever since the beginning of June, it had just been running errands here and there without end. On any regular day, I wouldn't even be here as half my stuff was there. With the minor exception that I had to pay my bill and pick up a book I had left for class, I would never have come back.


Glancing at the clock, I sighed and got up. If I didn't get ready then, I would be late for work.


After getting ready and grabbing everything I needed, I left knowing that I wouldn't be back for at least another week or two, after all, this place was too empty without...


By noon, I was on set of a photo shoot session, watching as the members of EXO posed for photos that would accompany their interview for a magazine they were doing after. In between members, I went up and helped them fix their hair an makeup in preparation for the next few snaps.


It was busy and often hard work meeting the demands of not only the photo shoot concept, the boys themselves, and of course, in the end, the fans; I enjoyed it regardless. Especially if it meant that I could spend extra hours just watching the boys smile and interact. After all, I've been assigned to them almost from the beginning and just like that, we're a family now.




I grinned as a happy Chen and Sehun came skipping up to me at the end of the interview and linked arms with me on either side. “Let's go now~ We're all hungry.”


“Oh? Should I cook for you then?” I asked, watching in amusement as Sehun cringed.


“N-No thank you.”


“Why not? I thought you really liked my cooking last time.” I replied with a wink. He detached himself from me and pretended to puke. I couldn't help but laugh as he shuttered in memory of my non-existent cooking. Non-existent because kitchens and I just don't seem to get along very well.


“Yoonae, what is this I hear about cooking? I better not find you near my kitchen again.” Kyungsoo-oppa said as he caught up to us from behind.


“Hyung don't pick on her.” I suddenly felt myself being enveloped in a back hug by familiar arms. My heart skipped a beat without even having to turn around and confirm who it was. Only one person could make me feel this way.


“Hi love.” Jongin whispered as lowered his head so his lips were right by my ear. I blushed, rushing to escape from the tight hold.


“Jongin, I told you not to do that in public.”


He shrugged nonchalantly. “No one is around but us and manager hyung anyways. It's fine.”


I sighed and let him be. Luckily he was right though. No one was around. “Just be careful.”


He grinned and leaned down to give me a quick kiss on the top of my head. “It'll be fine. I promise.”


I smiled back at him as we followed the rest of the group out to have lunch.


We quickly ate at the nearest restaurant and got ready for the next schedule. The boys were set to film for the drama version of their music video. When we arrived on set, I couldn't help but notice a girl around my age speaking with the production crew in a school uniform.


A pang of jealous hit me as we made eye contact. She was pretty. And it wasn't necessarily that I was self-conscious about my looks, but slowly, I came to the realization that for the day, I would be sharing the boys with her. More specifically though...


I looked over to find Jongin and Luhan as they began to get acquainted with her. I sighed, thinking about the scenes they had described that would take place tonight. Luckily, there wasn't going to be much skin ship involved, but Jongin and Luhan would be fighting over the girl...again.


“You don't look so good.” I turned to find Baekhyun standing beside me, already changed into his required uniform.


“I'm fine...I'm just thinking about later on.”


“Worried about the fight?” I shrugged. “Don't worry Yoonae, they'll be fine. Luhan-hyung and Jongin are friends now. There might be a little bit of tension but it's been almost a year already. They've worked it out.”


“Yeah I guess. Let's just hope everything goes well today.”


“It'll be fine don't worry so much.” Baekhyun said, giving me a painful nudge on the head. I glared at him.




“Ouch. I thought I was your beloved oppa.”


“Nah, she loves me more, hyung.” I grinned turning to find Jongin standing beside me. “Can I steal you for a moment?”


Baekhyun rolled his eyes before murmuring an exaggerated “love birds” and walking away.


“You're not upset are you?” He asked worriedly.


“Upset? Why would I be?”


He shrugged. “You know, Luhan and the girl are going to be pretty close today.”


I stared at him for a few moments before I realized he was serious. I couldn't help but laugh. “Oh my goodness Jongin.”




“Are you kidding me? I'm not worried about Luhan.” I laughed, taking in the cluelessness of his question. “Luhan and I aren't like that, it was over a long time ago.”


I stepped up, taking his hand briefly. “It's just you and me now. Besides, I'm more worried about the fact that you're going to get injured in the fight scenes.”


“Are you sure?” He asked.


I nodded, smiling at him in reassurance. “Positive. But I need to go to work soon so I'll see you in a bit. Go get ready for your shoot Jongin.”


“Kay,” He said, “I'll be thinking about you.”


I rolled my eyes, letting go and stepping back. “I'll be thinking about you too, you little cheeseball. It's not like I'm going anywhere, I'll still be on set.”


He blushed, and I couldn't help but giggle.


“I'll talk to you after the shoot Jongin. Work hard!” He grinned and turned to head towards the others. “Oh and Jongin” he turned around. I looked down a bit, embarrassed about what I was about to say next.


“Don't get too close to the girl. I'll...I'll be jealous.”


He smiled, jogged over, and peaked around before giving me a kiss on the forehead. “I love you.”


“I love you too.”


With that, he left to go work, and I was left in the background again, having to deal with the reality that this was life. I just had to trust that no matter what, no matter how many girls I have to share him with, in the end, he was mine.


At night, after the shoot, I drove my way back to my second home: the EXO dormitory. As I was getting in the car, I reached backwards to grab my back from the seat, only remember, I had left my book containing my school work in there too.


I sighed in defeat. I was supposed to do the work during the shoot rather than simply watch from the sidelines for hours. But all I did was sit there as the production took place.


Grabbing everything, I stepped out of my car, into the underground parking, and made my way up to the apartment where the boys were staying. By the time I got there, they had already returned, and using my own key, I unlocked the door, and made my way in.


“Yah~ Yoonae come join us! We're just about to play League.” I heard Sehun call from the dining table. I shook my head. Any other day, I would participate in their hours of gaming, but not today.


“Sorry oppa. I have a lot of work to catch up on. Maybe another time.” With that, I headed straight to my room, only to realize that it was very late – or early in the morning depending on how you looked at it. I turned around and smiled at him and the few other members as well. “You guys should go to sleep soon. It's really late and you have a long day tomorrow.”


Sehun rolled his eyes while Suho smiled. “Thanks Yoonae. We won't be up too late. Promise. Good night.”


“Nagging ahjumma,” I heard Sehun mumble.


I glared at him, “I promised your managers that while I'm staying here with you guys, I'd take care of you. Also, I'm the one in charge of covering your ugly dark circles the next day, so take care of yourself.”


“Neh umma.” Sehun replied. I just shook my head and went to my room.


I opened the door to find the room empty. Dumping my bag to the side, I made a beeline for my bed, indulging in the comfort of my warm blanket and pillow. My giant cuddly teddy bear sat on the side of the bed keeping me company as usual. Sure, it took up a bit more space than preferred but I just couldn't bring myself to leave it at home. After all, it contained memories of him and I.


Just as I was going to get up and actually start to crack open my book to do my readings for university, I felt a presence enter the room and the bed sink slightly beside me. No long after, an arm wrapped around my waist pulling me to their chest from behind.


“Asleep already?”


I shook my head. “No, I have to get some homework done.”


“No. Don't go, let's just go to sleep now. You can work after you wake up.”


“But Jongin, there's so much work to do. I'm so behind on my studies.”


He tightened his grip on me, leaning over to give me light kisses on my head, neck and cheek. “It's almost 3am babe. We should go to sleep.”


I sighed, feeling my heavy eyelids fall closer together. “I guess so,” I could picture the triumphant smirk on his face at that moment, “but that means I really need to wake up tomorrow and go to class. I'm so behind it's ridiculous.”


“Hmm, okay.” I heard him murmur sleepily into my ear. I leaned over, grabbing my phone from the nightstand, and promptly set my alarm to 7am. After that, I turned around, wrapping my arm around his body as well and pulling myself close. He already had his eyes closed and I could tell he was moments away from losing consciousness.


“You were amazing today.” I told him, as I admired his features from up close. Of course, I got to see it every day for work, but it was moments like these that allowed me to take my time and appreciate how amazing Kim Jongin really is.


“Thank you.” He said, planting a small kiss on my forehead.


I smiled, leaning into his embrace. “Goodnight Jongin.”


“Goodnight my love.”


I leaned up so that my face was next to his. “I love you.”


He leaned closer ever so slightly, giving me a peck on the nose. “I love you too.” I pouted.




“Yes love?”






“...kiss me...”


He opened his eyes, flashing his boyish grin at me. “I thought you'd never ask.”


Our lips met in a soft, passionate kiss. One that gave me feelings that were impossible to describe. One of comfort, because he never failed to convey his love for me through that one simple action, but also one of insecurities because every time I thought I would get used to it, I don't. Every time, just him being around me makes my heart skip a beat, makes me feel important, and makes me want to love him more. Because in the end, that's just how it is. I love him. More than ever.


And this right here is my constant, my home, and where I was meant to be and want to be for the rest of my life.



N/A: To my dear readers,

WELCOME TO MY STORY! For those who have not read the prequel (linked in the foreward) I suggest you do. It isn't really mandatory to understand the story but it does kind of help with some past references and generally how their relationship was formed along with how all the other characters are involved. 


For those who have been following this story from the beginning, thanks for all the support! And I hope I don't disappoint you with this sequel as it is kind of hard to follow a 50-60 chapter story. But after months and months of debate I realized I didn't want to let the couple go just yet so I'm taking another shot at this now :)


For everyone: Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed the chapter (even though it was more of just an intro chapter). Feel free to leave comments below and critiques are welcomed as well. Thanks for all the support guys!


Last but not least: HAPPY NEW YEAR! 

I was saving the release of the sequel just for today. :) I hope everyone has a great year ahead of them.

Yours Truly:

- Ryeowook, Sungmin, Taemin, Jongin, Luhan, Chen, Sehun, Sungjong, and Kyungsoo's Wifey

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SekarMP #1
Chapter 8: I love it!❤ Update soon plsss :D
Chapter 6: waahh! i love this so much! update soon please!! ♥♥♥♥
Chapter 6: That was cute, everyone randomly showing up. XDDD
Glad to see a nice moment between the couple despite the drama.
-kimmyeons #4
Chapter 6: finally after spending two and a half days reading the first story and the sequel i've comments! gosh, your story was awesome. Like, srsly.
inspirit-beauty #5
Chapter 6: Yea, everything will be worth it~ hwaiting!! ^_^

And hwaitimg to you too authornim! :) thanks for the update.. :D
Great story!
inspirit-beauty #7
Chapter 5: Waaaah i hope jongin will understand.. thank you for updating! :))
Chapter 4: Yay for the sequel!! But woah!!!
There's so much happening! O.O
inspirit-beauty #9
Chapter 4: Aww.. im glad she did not do, what other girls do in some fanfics hahaha. Hwaiting!

Thank you for updating! :D
Chapter 3: oh my god :(