
Baby Husband


Baby Husband


One day I was just your ordinary girl, a typical description you often read in teen flicks stories you buy at bookstores. You know, same introduction like... Hello, I'm blah blah blah... I'm insert age here and some blah blah blah about how your life and how people think about your effin physical appearance. I may add some "sad" history about myself and goes with the "love" of my life. Yeah, I'm talking about the hero of my story - woah, I mean the hero of the heroine and I'm the heroine, so my hero is the hero of the story because I'm the heroine of the story, twaa, I need air!

At times, it depends on the crazy mind of the author, like you could also be a , a mean , a very very mean , though I think I am overreacting my English (sue me my grammar of redundancy later hehe).

Right, that's it! I think you know what I mean. You know, that I'm acting as a heroine from a story and I just classified myself as the "typical girl", thoroughly B.O.R.I.N.G. I may add some things you might want to imagine about me. Well, I'm fat and I weighs more than 2 sacks of rice; so much that I pray that I only weigh at least one sack (but who am I kidding?!). Truth, I weigh 80 pounds - overweight if you based it on my age, but I don't look like an awful-seal-in-uniform, in fact I look cute in extra large size clothes and I'm 18 by the way, a college student from a BIG SCHOOL taking up Bachelor of Arts in Communication, second year now.

Gross... I'm too old!

Exactly my sentiments! I'm too old for him. Who's him? As much as I wanted to just keep it to myself I just couldn’t lock it inside me. You know the feeling when something very intriguing, super interesting, sort of weird, hot issues you've eavesdrop from the latest making out with some unpopular dorky guy, that your over so conservative classmate suddenly got pregnant, and that your terror teacher has just highlighted her hair with color red or when you heard that your crush fell in love with your own best friend? YOU CAN'T JUST KEEP IT TO YOURSELF! It will kill you, trust me. It’s like guessing the right equation from a math problem - quite a tough job.

Okay, I'm walking out! I'm not going to marry a guy who is two years younger than me. NEVER! Even if he's too handsome for a 16 year old guy. I'm not hitting on any cute-handsome-charming-popular senior high school guy. End of the story.

Or I can?

Argh! I hate my life!

I need food...


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vaeliselva #1
keep it going *--*