Chapter One

Contagion: White Eyes [STORY DISCONTINUED]

"There was a time, long before this madness started, where everyone lived in harmony. I know of this period, it's way back, even before I was born and you guys for certain know that I've definitely lived for a while. From the time that I've heard about this up to now, I've always been so envious of the people who have lived like that through out their lives. Now, in this situation that we're in, I have become more envious of them living in their peace. I have now always longed for a world in infinite and definite peace." your grandmother tells you as your eyes slowly drift to darkness. This is one of the stories she always tells you by your bedside.

"Will there be a time when peace is restored Gran?" you asked as you shifted around your bed a little.

"Maybe one day there will be a day... But that is for us to decide Jinhee... It's how we control our actions that leads us into our future." she says softly, caressing your dark brown hair.

"Maybe one day I can make this world peaceful then." she smiles softly as you mumble.



You smiled softly as you walked past the damaged buildings, filling up with tangled vines and slippery moss. With the flick of your wrist, you grabbed your knife and start hunting down for hidden ration tiles scattered across the abandoned city. You were out of the safe zone with your brother as it was your turn for the ration searching. You grinned widely as you found one stuck underneath a table. Crouching down, you quickly scrape the tile off with your knife and hastily pocket it. 

'One down, nine to go...' you thought.

You and your brother always had competitions about collecting ration tiles. 30 minutes, first to ten and shout your opponent's name wins. Those were the rules and have always been the rules. Cheating? Allowed. Stealing? Allowed. Just as long as you get ten ration tiles, you're halfway there. You feel the walls and other objects nearby for anything slightly bulging. As you pass by a dark hallway an odd scent began to linger, contrasting against the moist air. 

"Aw hell... Is it this late already?" you coughed as you scraped off another tile. "I've only gotten two for hell's sake."

Soft thuds and slight scraping noises could be heard from afar. You whipped your head across to where the noise led and quietly picked up your gun. Scarce amounts of light shone through the cracks, showing the creature that lurked beneath the darkness. It stumbles towards you. Its skin, paled and hanging on itself for dear life. Or the life it had. Jagged yellow teeth baring from the torn flesh it has dug itself into. A strong, foul stench emitted from the direction it came from, leaving your eyes tearing and your lungs gasping for fresh air. It came slowly, sluggishly. Though you knew their speed always hid the fact their strength would always surprise, even to a heavy weight champion.

You staggered backwards, trying to back away as slowly and as quietly as possible. Too much noise attracts too much attention. Attention is the last thing you would have wanted. Looking straight at it, you grabbed a small stone and threw it to the side, making an attempt to distract it. It landed with multiple clicks. The walker gave a low groan, and followed the noise it made. You stepped back further, scanning the vicinity from side to side. You hid behind a broken office desk, spying at the walker.

"... What?" you whispered.

You noticed the clothes on the walker are still rather fresh and seemingly untouched, only with patches of dirt and spots of blood covering a few spaces. Strange as it usually took days for the dead to turn. It looked as though it just took about hours.

"... That's not possible... Is it?" you muttered, fingers trembling slightly as you backed away further.


You froze in your place. Looking at where you placed your hand, your eyes widened. Bone. The thin, brittle bone crushed under your hands. Beside it, a dead body layed. Its eyes wide open, the colour in its irises turning paler and paler to a shade of white. It was turning.

"Oh crap..."

It groaned loudly, grabbing at you frantically with its uninjured arm. You struggled as it yanked at your arm, clenching your teeth in pain. It was powerful even though it was definitely a recent turn. You grabbed your knife and stabbed it in the head, grimacing as its dark black blood sprayed all over you. It let out a final groan before collapsing into its final death. You yanked your knife out of its head and turned around. They were coming. Numerous groans and thuds echoed across the hallway, making you stand up and run back.

You ran outside, finding hundreds of walkers littered across the street. Each and every one of them heading your way.

"Oh no... They can smell me..." you said as you looked at the blood on your body.

A sudden wash of worry ran down your spine as you realized something... No... Someone wasn't here.

"Kai?! Where are you?!" you shouted loudly.

Shooting down walkers, you made your way across to search for Kai. He was nowhere to be seen. You panted before shouting his name multiple times before running again. The walkers began to close in around you, their teeth baring for fresh meat. You looked back at them while aiming at the closest.

Click. Click.

"$#1%!!!! Out of ammo!! Kai where a--"

Thud, kshhhh

You groaned loudly as you fell to the ground, your knife skidding far from your reach. You scrambled backwards, kicking any walkers down as they came close to you. They closed in, grabbing on your ankles and pulling you towards them. Although their eyes where a pale white, you could see the hunger that lusted in them. Their dull nails scratched against your skin, leaving dark dirtied marks on your flesh. You closed your eyes, you couldn't struggle any further.

'It's too late now.'

--Aiyana's little note

First chapter is now up. 1052 words for goodness sake, damnnnn

I think the cliff hanger may be a bit obvious. I'm not too sure.

I hope you enjoy this and please give feedback on this! Love you <3


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Chapter 1: Wooh! I am always obsessed over zombie fic!
So imma support this fic!
Hello, I'm just hopping around and making comments on stories! Your story seems cool, I'm ready for this zombie/action story! tell me when you update alright ^^.